

我想知道如何在 LateX 的双列模板中添加图像。我尝试使用 \begin{figure}、\includegraphics{figure} 和 \begin{wrapfigure},但不幸的是文档中没有包含任何图像(图像格式:jpg)。您能告诉我如何在这个模板中添加图像(两列中间,或左右列)吗?非常感谢。

% test.tex
\title{Article Title\cite{LinkReference1}}

\author{Some Author\cite{Author1}}

Abstract goes here.

% Configuration %

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, twocolumn]{article}

% References %

% If changing the name of the bib file, change \bibliography{test} at the bottom

  title        = "Link Title",
  author       = "Link Creator(s)",
  howpublished = "\url{https://example.com/}",

  author       = "LastName, FirstName",
  howpublished = "\url{mailto:[email protected]}",

  author  = "Lastname1, Firstname1 and Lastname2, Firstname2",
  title   = "Article title",
  year    = "Year",
  journal = "Journal name",
  note    = "\url{https://dx.doi.org/...}",


% Any configuration that should be done before the end of the preamble:
\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, urlcolor=blue, linkcolor=blue, citecolor=blue}


% Abstract %


% Article %


This is the first sentence\cite{ArticleReference1}.



% References %







% test.tex
\title{Article Title\cite{LinkReference1}}

\author{Some Author\cite{Author1}}

Abstract goes here.

% Configuration %

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, twocolumn]{article}

% References %

% If changing the name of the bib file, change \bibliography{test} at the bottom

  title        = "Link Title",
  author       = "Link Creator(s)",
  howpublished = "\url{https://example.com/}",

  author       = "LastName, FirstName",
  howpublished = "\url{mailto:[email protected]}",

  author  = "Lastname1, Firstname1 and Lastname2, Firstname2",
  title   = "Article title",
  year    = "Year",
  journal = "Journal name",
  note    = "\url{https://dx.doi.org/...}",


% Any configuration that should be done before the end of the preamble:
\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, urlcolor=blue, linkcolor=blue, citecolor=blue}


% Abstract %


% Article %


This is the first sentence\cite{ArticleReference1}.


\begin{figure}% >>=
      A figure.%
\end{figure}% =<<


% References %


