我正在尝试使用 tcolor box 在 LaTex 中制作分类广告纸。我是新手,所以请耐心等待。这是我尝试模拟的屏幕截图。
这是我的 LaTeX .tex 代码:
\graphicspath{ {../images/} }
An early version of an example document that eventually will render classified ads using \LaTeX , tcolorbox and multirow. Possibly ltablex too.
The page below is an example image of the look we are aiming for. The third page is going to attempt to render using LaTeX and specific extensions.
\section{First try example}
\begin{tcbraster}[raster equal height=rows,raster every box/.style={colframe=black!50!black,colback=white}]\begin{tcolorbox}[blankest]\begin{tcbraster}[raster columns=1]\begin{tcolorbox}[natural height,
space to upper,
title={X-should be blank and the same dimensions as the orginal },
halign lower=flush right,
\$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos.
Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow!
Call Doug Anytime 7-Days,
\$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos.
Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$
paid. Will pick up Free.
Airway Auto Parts
Cars from \$500! For listings:
800-619-3790 ext.2938
由于最初的提案是用 完成的tcolorbox
。正如 OP 已经提出的,这些解决方案基于tcbraster
。第一个在多列环境中使用单列 tcbraster,第二个使用三列 tcbraster。
\tcbset{classified/.style={enhanced, blanker, borderline south={2pt}{0pt}{black}, top=1mm, bottom=1mm}}
\begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=1, raster row skip = 0pt, classified]
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521
\tcbitem \$500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas/Chevys/Jeeps! Cars from \$500! For listings: 800-619-3790 ext.2938
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521
\tcbitem \$500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas/Chevys/Jeeps! Cars from \$500! For listings: 800-619-3790 ext.2938
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521
\tcbitem \$500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas/Chevys/Jeeps! Cars from \$500! For listings: 800-619-3790 ext.2938
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521
\tcbitem \$500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas/Chevys/Jeeps! Cars from \$500! For listings: 800-619-3790 ext.2938
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521
\tcbitem \$500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas/Chevys/Jeeps! Cars from \$500! For listings: 800-619-3790 ext.2938
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521
\begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=3, raster row skip = 0pt, raster equal height=rows, classified]
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521
\tcbitem \$500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas/Chevys/Jeeps! Cars from \$500! For listings: 800-619-3790 ext.2938
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521
\tcbitem \$500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas/Chevys/Jeeps! Cars from \$500! For listings: 800-619-3790 ext.2938
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521
\tcbitem \$500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas/Chevys/Jeeps! Cars from \$500! For listings: 800-619-3790 ext.2938
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521
\tcbitem \$500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas/Chevys/Jeeps! Cars from \$500! For listings: 800-619-3790 ext.2938
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521
\tcbitem \$500! POLICE IMPOUNDS! Hondas/Chevys/Jeeps! Cars from \$500! For listings: 800-619-3790 ext.2938
\tcbitem \$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos. Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow! Call Doug Anytime 7-Days, (269)501-5763.
\tcbitem \$ \$ \$ WE BUY USED \& Unwanted Autos. Any condition, Top \$ \$ \$ paid. Will pick up Free. Airway Auto Parts (269)962-9521
\graphicspath{ {../images/} }
\$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos.
Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow!
Call Doug Anytime 7-Days,
\$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos.
Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow!
Call Doug Anytime 7-Days,
\$ CASH \$ For Broken Autos.
Paying \$50 to \$500. I Tow!
Call Doug Anytime 7-Days,
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This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test. This is a test This is a test. This is a test. This is a test This is a test. This is a test. This is a test This is a test. This is a test. This is a test