

我的书目有问题。它只适用于手册,不适用于文章。我使用 TexMaker 和 BibLatex。当我编译时,我执行 pdflatex+biblatex+pdflatex(x2),并且我的 biblatex 命令设置为 biber%。在我的 .tex 文件中,我使用


% Interline setting

    %  Smiths Metal Centre,
    %  \emph{BS S82 Technical Datasheet,
     % 2nd Edition,
     % 1994.

这是我的 .bib 文件

author = {Smiths Metal Centres},
title = {BS S82 Technical Datasheet},
year = {2019},
url = {https://www.smithmetal.com/pdf/special/bar/s82.pdf},

author = {Sahasrabudhe, H and Harrison, R and Carpenter, C and Bandyopadhyay, A},
title = {Stainless steel to titanium bimetallic structure using LENS},
journaltitle = {Additive Manufacturing},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
pages = {1-8},
month = {January},

author = {Reichardt, A and Dillon, R. P and Borgonia, JP and Shapiro, A A. and  McEnerney, B W. and Momose, T and Hosemann, P},
title = {Development and characterization of Ti-6Al-4V to 304L stainless steel gradient components fabricated with laser deposition additive manufacturing},
journaltitle = {Materials & Design},
year = {2016},
volume = {104},
pages = {404-413},
month = {August},

author = {Pometon S.p.A},
title = {GRANINOX\textsuperscript{\textcopyright} Granules for blasting},

url = {https://www.pometon.com/media/product/family-attachment/graninox3_ZxO9sB8.pdf},

author = {Maurizi Enrici, T and Mertens, A and Sinnaeve, M and Tchuindjang, JT},
title = {Elucidation of the solidification sequence of a complex graphitic HSS alloy under a combined approach of DTA and EBSD analyses},
journaltitle = {Journal of Thermal analysis and Calorimetry},
year = {in press},

author = {Costa, L and Vilar, R and Réti, T},
title = {Simulating the effects of substrate pre-heating on the final structure of steel parts built by laser powder deposition},
journaltitle = {Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium},
year = {2004},




  1. 像“企业作者”这样的人Smiths Metal Centres应该做好准备
  2. Materials & Design应该Materials \& Design
  3. 缺少一个条目的密钥,我补充道costa
  4. year={in press}是无效的
  5. 首字母格式不一致
  6. 不应使用小写字母的部分应加括号


author = {{Smiths Metal Centres}},
title = {{BS} {S82} {Technical} Datasheet},
year = {2019},
url = {https://www.smithmetal.com/pdf/special/bar/s82.pdf},

author = {Sahasrabudhe, H. and Harrison, R. and Carpenter, C. and Bandyopadhyay, A.},
title = {Stainless steel to titanium bimetallic structure using {LENS}},
journaltitle = {Additive Manufacturing},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
pages = {1-8},
month = {1},

author = {Reichardt, A. and Dillon, R. P. and Borgonia, J. P. and 
          Shapiro, A. A. and  McEnerney, B. W. and Momose, T. and Hosemann, P.},
title = {Development and characterization of {Ti-6Al-4V} to {304L} stainless steel
         gradient components fabricated with laser deposition additive manufacturing},
journaltitle = {Materials \& Design},
year = {2016},
volume = {104},
pages = {404-413},
month = {8},

author = {{Pometon S.p.A}},
title = {{GRANINOX}\textsuperscript{\normalfont\textcopyright} Granules for blasting},
url = {https://www.pometon.com/media/product/family-attachment/graninox3_ZxO9sB8.pdf},

author = {Maurizi Enrici, T. and Mertens, A. and Sinnaeve, M. and Tchuindjang, J. T.},
title = {Elucidation of the solidification sequence of a complex graphitic {HSS}
         alloy under a combined approach of {DTA} and {EBSD} analyses},
journaltitle = {Journal of Thermal analysis and Calorimetry},
year = 2020,
note = {In press},

author = {Costa, L. and Vilar, R. and Réti, T.},
title = {Simulating the effects of substrate pre-heating on the final
         structure of steel parts built by laser powder deposition},
journaltitle = {Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium},
year = {2004},








以通常的方式运行 LaTeX 和 Biber 会产生

