


\documentclass[fontsize=9pt, twocolumn]{article}
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\newcommand\T{\rule{0pt}{2.9ex}}       % Top strut
\newcommand\B{\rule[-1.2ex]{0pt}{0pt}} % Bottom strut
\centering \caption{SDS-PAGE buffers composition. SDS stands for Sodium dodecyl sulfate.} \label{SIsdsPAGE1}
\multicolumn{3}{l}{Stacking Buffer}\\\cmidrule(lr){1-3}
Tris/HCl pH\,8.8 & 1.5 & M\\
SDS & 0.4 & \%\,(w/v) \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{\T Separation Buffer}\\\cmidrule(lr){1-3}
Tris/HCl pH\,6.8 & 0.5 & M \\
 SDS & 0.4 & \%\,(w/v) \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{\T Sample Buffer}\\\cmidrule(lr){1-3}
Stacking Buffer & 25 & \%\,(v/v) \\
SDS & 5 & \%\,(w/v)\\
Glycerol & 20 & \%\,(w/v)\\
Bromophenol blue & 0.02 & \%\,(w/v)\\
\textbeta -mercaptoethanol & 9.5 & \%\,(v/v)\\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{\T Running Buffer}\\\cmidrule(lr){1-3}
Tris/HCl pH\,8.8 & 25 & mM \\
SDS & 0.1 & \%\,(w/v)\\
Glycine & 192 & mM\\\bottomrule
\centering \caption{SDS-PAGE gel composition\,(10\%\,Acrylamide for the resolving gel, 4\,\%\, for the stacking gel).\newline
\textsuperscript{1}With 0.8\,\% Methylenbisacrylamide.}\label{SIsdsPAGE2}
Reagent & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Stacking Gel} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Resolving Gel}\\\cmidrule(lr){1-3}
Stacking buffer &\SI{0.75}{\milli\liter} & \\
Resolving buffer &  & \SI{1.88}{\milli\liter} \\
Acrylamide\textsuperscript{1}(30\,\%) & \SI{0.40}{\milli\liter} & \SI{2.51}{\milli\liter} \\
APS\,(10\,\%) & \SI{30}{\micro\liter} & \SI{75}{\micro\liter}\\
\ce{ddH2O} & \SI{1.83}{\milli\liter} & \SI{3.09}{\milli\liter} \\
TEMED\,($\geq 99\,\%$, p.a.) & \SI{6}{\micro\liter} & \SI{8}{\micro\liter} \\\bottomrule
\caption{Western blot buffers composition.}\label{SIWBlot}
\multicolumn{3}{l}{Transfer Buffer}\\\cmidrule(lr){1-3}
Tris/HCl pH\,7.5 & 25 & mM\\
Glycerine & 192 & mM \\
SDS & 0.1 & \%\,(w/v) \\
\ce{MeOH} & 20 & \%\,(v/v) \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{\T TBS Tween/Triton Buffer}\\\cmidrule(lr){1-3}
Tris/HCl pH\,7.5 & 20 & mM \\
NaCl & 0.15 & mM \\
Tween 20 & 0.05 & \%\,(v/v) \\
Triton X-100 & 0.1 & \%\,(v/v) \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{\T Blocking Buffer}\\\cmidrule(lr){1-3}
Skim milk powder & 5 & \%\,(w/v) \\
TBS Tween/Triton & 95 & \%\,(v/v) \\
\multicolumn{3}{l}{\T Staining Buffer A}\\\cmidrule(lr){1-3}
Tris/HCl pH\,9.5 & 100 & mM \\
NaCl & 100 & mM \\
\ce{MgCl2} & 5 & mM \\\bottomrule

