\item[option]... 在列边缘(枚举环境)

\item[option]... 在列边缘(枚举环境)

\item[option]我对int环境有一个问题enumerate:里面的单词[option](这里是规则 1)超出了列边缘,无论是在单列模式还是双列模式下。


\usepackage{lmodern} %Latin Modern fonts are a better alternative, but they unfortunately don't contain bold small caps.
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\fancyhead[R]{{\sffamily{\bfseries WiSe 2019/2020}}}
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\fancyfoot[R]{{\sffamily{\bfseries Henri Lila}}}

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    \item[{\bfseries Rule 1}] 
    Rotations of the Fischer projection by 180$^\circ$ in either direction doe not change the absolute configuration at the chiral center (see fig. \ref{rule} a).\\
    After a 90$^\circ$ or 270$^\circ$ rotation, bonds located above the paper plane before the rotation are beneath the paper plane after the rotation and vice versa, thus resulting in an inverted stereochemical configuration which is only realizable through a bond dissociation and a following rebound.
    \item[{\bfseries Rule 2}] Rotation of three substitutes on the chiral center in either direction, keeping the remaining substitutes in place, does not change the absolute configuration at the chiral center (see fig. \ref{rule} b).




\begin{enumerate}[align=left, font=\bfseries]
    \item[{\bfseries Rule 1}] 
    Rotations of the Fischer projection by 180$^\circ$ in either direction doe not change the absolute configuration at the chiral center (see fig. \ref{rule} a).\\
    After a 90$^\circ$ or 270$^\circ$ rotation, bonds located above the paper plane before the rotation are beneath the paper plane after the rotation and vice versa, thus resulting in an inverted stereochemical configuration which is only realizable through a bond dissociation and a following rebound.
    \item[{\bfseries Rule 2}] Rotation of three substitutes on the chiral center in either direction, keeping the remaining substitutes in place, does not change the absolute configuration at the chiral center (see fig. \ref{rule} b).

它看起来是这样的: 在此处输入图片描述 (好一些,但还是不够好)。谢谢您的帮助,谢谢


这是解决方案enumitem。你只需要输入\item不带任何可选参数即可。顺便说一句,不要加载两个都enumitem 和 enumerate。


\usepackage{lmodern} %Latin Modern fonts are a better alternative, but they unfortunately don't contain bold small caps.
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\fancyhead[R]{{\sffamily{\bfseries WiSe 2019/2020}}}
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\fancyfoot[R]{{\sffamily{\bfseries Henri Lila}}}

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% Caption
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\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{bf-parens}{\textcolor{darkcerulean}{\textbf{Fig. #2: }}} %https://ctan.kako-dev.de/macros/latex/contrib/caption/caption-eng.pdf






\begin{enumerate}[label=Rule \arabic*\space, font = \bfseries, wide=0pt, widest, itemindent=-3pt, leftmargin=*]
     Rotations of the Fischer projection by 180$^\circ$ in either direction doe not change the absolute configuration at the chiral center (see fig. \ref{rule} a).\\
    After a 90$^\circ$ or 270$^\circ$ rotation, bonds located above the paper plane before the rotation are beneath the paper plane after the rotation and vice versa, thus resulting in an inverted stereochemical configuration which is only realizable through a bond dissociation and a following rebound.
    Rotation of three substitutes on the chiral center in either direction, keeping the remaining substitutes in place, does not change the absolute configuration at the chiral center (see fig. \ref{rule} b).


