MiKTeX 2.9 - 更新的软件包改变了所需的结果

MiKTeX 2.9 - 更新的软件包改变了所需的结果

在 Windows 10 Pro(最新版)环境中,我卸载并删除了旧版 MiKTeX 2.9 安装的所有痕迹,然后安装了最新的 MiKTeX 2.9.7342-x64。然而

pdflatex <filename>.tex

现在会产生不同的(不正确的)结果(即使 .tex 文件相同)。这是我现在在 PDF 文件中得到的片段:


使用装有旧版本 MiKTeX(安装了 2.9.7342-x64;控制台显示 2.9.7076)的笔记本电脑,我看到了正确的 PDF - 以下是片段:


脚本大小字体更宽一些,更清晰 - 尤其是度数符号。这怎么可能改变呢?源文件是相同的。我只允许 MiKTeX 安装必要的软件包。这是一个干净的安装。难道这样的东西不是标准化的吗?所以你知道你总是会从相同的(LaTeX)输入中获得相同的输出?



在 ADMIN 模式下,有 122 个包需要更新。我也更新了所有这些。下面是“酸性测试”- 我重新运行pdflatex命令。现在需要安装以下软件包:


... 现在我在笔记本电脑上得到的错误结果与在 PC 上得到的一样。因此更新 MiKTeX 产生了负面影响。

  • 有没有已知的“修复方法”可以解决我的字体不正确问题?
  • 或者有没有办法恢复到旧的软件包?
  • 如果软件包不断变化,如何维护可用的 TeX 代码?(尤其是在 GitHub 上发布时)

编辑:这里是生成正确/所需 PDF 的 TEX 文件的缩短版本,并且现在生成如上所述的代码片段(请原谅格式 - 它来自相当旧的代码):

\documentclass[10pt, twoside, a4paper]{report}
    \usepackage[ top=21mm, bottom=21mm, left=16mm, right=10mm]{geometry}



    \textsc{\Large Generated by PyAlmanac}\\[1.5cm]

    \textsc{\huge The Nautical Almanac for the Sun}\\[0.7cm]

        \HRule \\[0.6cm]
        { \Huge \bfseries from 3.5.2020}\\[0.4cm]
        \HRule \\[1.5cm]

        \begin{center} \large
        Enno \textsc{Rodegerdts}\\


    {\large \today}
    \HRule \\[0.6cm]


    \item[Disclaimer:] These are computer generated tables. Use on your own risk. 
    The accuracy has been checked as good as possible but can not be guaranteed. 
    This means, if you get lost on the oceans because of errors in this publication I can not be held liable. 
    For security relevant applications you should buy an official version of the nautical almanac.

    \textbf{2020 May 03 to May. 17}

        \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\rule{0pt}{2.6ex}\textbf{03}} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{GHA}} &\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Dec}}\\ 
0 & 180°46.5 & \textbf{N}15°44.8\\ 
1 & 195°46.6 & 45.6\\ 
2 & 210°46.6 & 46.3\\ 
3 & 225°46.7 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}47.0\\ 
4 & 240°46.7 & 47.8\\ 
5 & 255°46.8 & 48.5\\[2Pt] 
6 & 270°46.9 & \textbf{N}15°49.2\\ 
7 & 285°46.9 & 50.0\\ 
8 & 300°47.0 & 50.7\\ 
9 & 315°47.1 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}51.4\\ 
10 & 330°47.1 & 52.1\\ 
11 & 345°47.2 & 52.9\\[2Pt] 
12 & 0°47.2 & \textbf{N}15°53.6\\ 
13 & 15°47.3 & 54.3\\ 
14 & 30°47.4 & 55.1\\ 
15 & 45°47.4 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}55.8\\ 
16 & 60°47.5 & 56.5\\ 
17 & 75°47.5 & 57.2\\[2Pt] 
18 & 90°47.6 & \textbf{N}15°58.0\\ 
19 & 105°47.7 & 58.7\\ 
20 & 120°47.7 & 15°59.4\\ 
21 & 135°47.8 & 16°00.1\\ 
22 & 150°47.8 & 00.8\\ 
23 & 165°47.9 & 01.6\\ 
        \rule{0pt}{2.4ex} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{SD.=15.9} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{d=0.7} \\
        \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\rule{0pt}{2.6ex}\textbf{04}} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{GHA}} &\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Dec}}\\ 
0 & 180°47.9 & \textbf{N}16°02.3\\ 
1 & 195°48.0 & 03.0\\ 
2 & 210°48.1 & 03.7\\ 
3 & 225°48.1 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}04.4\\ 
4 & 240°48.2 & 05.2\\ 
5 & 255°48.2 & 05.9\\[2Pt] 
6 & 270°48.3 & \textbf{N}16°06.6\\ 
7 & 285°48.3 & 07.3\\ 
8 & 300°48.4 & 08.0\\ 
9 & 315°48.5 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}08.8\\ 
10 & 330°48.5 & 09.5\\ 
11 & 345°48.6 & 10.2\\[2Pt] 
12 & 0°48.6 & \textbf{N}16°10.9\\ 
13 & 15°48.7 & 11.6\\ 
14 & 30°48.7 & 12.3\\ 
15 & 45°48.8 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}13.1\\ 
16 & 60°48.8 & 13.8\\ 
17 & 75°48.9 & 14.5\\[2Pt] 
18 & 90°49.0 & \textbf{N}16°15.2\\ 
19 & 105°49.0 & 15.9\\ 
20 & 120°49.1 & 16.6\\ 
21 & 135°49.1 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}17.3\\ 
22 & 150°49.2 & 18.0\\ 
23 & 165°49.2 & 18.8\\ 
        \rule{0pt}{2.4ex} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{SD.=15.9} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{d=0.7} \\
        \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\rule{0pt}{2.6ex}\textbf{05}} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{GHA}} &\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Dec}}\\ 
0 & 180°49.3 & \textbf{N}16°19.5\\ 
1 & 195°49.3 & 20.2\\ 
2 & 210°49.4 & 20.9\\ 
3 & 225°49.4 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}21.6\\ 
4 & 240°49.5 & 22.3\\ 
5 & 255°49.5 & 23.0\\[2Pt] 
6 & 270°49.6 & \textbf{N}16°23.7\\ 
7 & 285°49.6 & 24.4\\ 
8 & 300°49.7 & 25.1\\ 
9 & 315°49.7 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}25.8\\ 
10 & 330°49.8 & 26.5\\ 
11 & 345°49.8 & 27.2\\[2Pt] 
12 & 0°49.9 & \textbf{N}16°27.9\\ 
13 & 15°49.9 & 28.6\\ 
14 & 30°50.0 & 29.4\\ 
15 & 45°50.0 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}30.1\\ 
16 & 60°50.1 & 30.8\\ 
17 & 75°50.1 & 31.5\\[2Pt] 
18 & 90°50.2 & \textbf{N}16°32.2\\ 
19 & 105°50.2 & 32.9\\ 
20 & 120°50.3 & 33.6\\ 
21 & 135°50.3 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}34.3\\ 
22 & 150°50.4 & 35.0\\ 
23 & 165°50.4 & 35.7\\ 
        \rule{0pt}{2.4ex} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{SD.=15.9} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{d=0.7} \\
        \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\rule{0pt}{2.6ex}\textbf{06}} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{GHA}} &\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Dec}}\\ 
0 & 180°50.5 & \textbf{N}16°36.4\\ 
1 & 195°50.5 & 37.1\\ 
2 & 210°50.5 & 37.8\\ 
3 & 225°50.6 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}38.5\\ 
4 & 240°50.6 & 39.2\\ 
5 & 255°50.7 & 39.8\\[2Pt] 
6 & 270°50.7 & \textbf{N}16°40.5\\ 
7 & 285°50.8 & 41.2\\ 
8 & 300°50.8 & 41.9\\ 
9 & 315°50.9 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}42.6\\ 
10 & 330°50.9 & 43.3\\ 
11 & 345°50.9 & 44.0\\[2Pt] 
12 & 0°51.0 & \textbf{N}16°44.7\\ 
13 & 15°51.0 & 45.4\\ 
14 & 30°51.1 & 46.1\\ 
15 & 45°51.1 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}46.8\\ 
16 & 60°51.2 & 47.5\\ 
17 & 75°51.2 & 48.2\\[2Pt] 
18 & 90°51.2 & \textbf{N}16°48.9\\ 
19 & 105°51.3 & 49.5\\ 
20 & 120°51.3 & 50.2\\ 
21 & 135°51.4 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}50.9\\ 
22 & 150°51.4 & 51.6\\ 
23 & 165°51.5 & 52.3\\ 
        \rule{0pt}{2.4ex} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{SD.=15.9} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{d=0.7} \\
        \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\rule{0pt}{2.6ex}\textbf{07}} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{GHA}} &\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Dec}}\\ 
0 & 180°51.5 & \textbf{N}16°53.0\\ 
1 & 195°51.5 & 53.7\\ 
2 & 210°51.6 & 54.4\\ 
3 & 225°51.6 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}55.0\\ 
4 & 240°51.7 & 55.7\\ 
5 & 255°51.7 & 56.4\\[2Pt] 
6 & 270°51.7 & \textbf{N}16°57.1\\ 
7 & 285°51.8 & 57.8\\ 
8 & 300°51.8 & 58.5\\ 
9 & 315°51.9 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}59.1\\ 
10 & 330°51.9 & 16°59.8\\ 
11 & 345°51.9 & 17°00.5\\[2Pt] 
12 & 0°52.0 & \textbf{N}17°01.2\\ 
13 & 15°52.0 & 01.9\\ 
14 & 30°52.0 & 02.6\\ 
15 & 45°52.1 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}03.2\\ 
16 & 60°52.1 & 03.9\\ 
17 & 75°52.2 & 04.6\\[2Pt] 
18 & 90°52.2 & \textbf{N}17°05.3\\ 
19 & 105°52.2 & 05.9\\ 
20 & 120°52.3 & 06.6\\ 
21 & 135°52.3 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}07.3\\ 
22 & 150°52.3 & 08.0\\ 
23 & 165°52.4 & 08.7\\ 
        \rule{0pt}{2.4ex} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{SD.=15.9} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{d=0.7} \\
        \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\rule{0pt}{2.6ex}\textbf{08}} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{GHA}} &\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Dec}}\\ 
0 & 180°52.4 & \textbf{N}17°09.3\\ 
1 & 195°52.4 & 10.0\\ 
2 & 210°52.5 & 10.7\\ 
3 & 225°52.5 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}11.3\\ 
4 & 240°52.5 & 12.0\\ 
5 & 255°52.6 & 12.7\\[2Pt] 
6 & 270°52.6 & \textbf{N}17°13.4\\ 
7 & 285°52.6 & 14.0\\ 
8 & 300°52.7 & 14.7\\ 
9 & 315°52.7 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}15.4\\ 
10 & 330°52.7 & 16.1\\ 
11 & 345°52.8 & 16.7\\[2Pt] 
12 & 0°52.8 & \textbf{N}17°17.4\\ 
13 & 15°52.8 & 18.1\\ 
14 & 30°52.9 & 18.7\\ 
15 & 45°52.9 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}19.4\\ 
16 & 60°52.9 & 20.1\\ 
17 & 75°53.0 & 20.7\\[2Pt] 
18 & 90°53.0 & \textbf{N}17°21.4\\ 
19 & 105°53.0 & 22.1\\ 
20 & 120°53.0 & 22.7\\ 
21 & 135°53.1 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}23.4\\ 
22 & 150°53.1 & 24.1\\ 
23 & 165°53.1 & 24.7\\ 
        \rule{0pt}{2.4ex} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{SD.=15.8} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{d=0.7} \\
        \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\rule{0pt}{2.6ex}\textbf{09}} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{GHA}} &\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Dec}}\\ 
0 & 180°53.2 & \textbf{N}17°25.4\\ 
1 & 195°53.2 & 26.0\\ 
2 & 210°53.2 & 26.7\\ 
3 & 225°53.2 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}27.4\\ 
4 & 240°53.3 & 28.0\\ 
5 & 255°53.3 & 28.7\\[2Pt] 
6 & 270°53.3 & \textbf{N}17°29.3\\ 
7 & 285°53.4 & 30.0\\ 
8 & 300°53.4 & 30.7\\ 
9 & 315°53.4 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}31.3\\ 
10 & 330°53.4 & 32.0\\ 
11 & 345°53.5 & 32.6\\[2Pt] 
12 & 0°53.5 & \textbf{N}17°33.3\\ 
13 & 15°53.5 & 34.0\\ 
14 & 30°53.5 & 34.6\\ 
15 & 45°53.6 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}35.3\\ 
16 & 60°53.6 & 35.9\\ 
17 & 75°53.6 & 36.6\\[2Pt] 
18 & 90°53.6 & \textbf{N}17°37.2\\ 
19 & 105°53.7 & 37.9\\ 
20 & 120°53.7 & 38.5\\ 
21 & 135°53.7 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}39.2\\ 
22 & 150°53.7 & 39.8\\ 
23 & 165°53.8 & 40.5\\ 
        \rule{0pt}{2.4ex} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{SD.=15.8} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{d=0.7} \\
        \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\rule{0pt}{2.6ex}\textbf{10}} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{GHA}} &\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Dec}}\\ 
0 & 180°53.8 & \textbf{N}17°41.1\\ 
1 & 195°53.8 & 41.8\\ 
2 & 210°53.8 & 42.4\\ 
3 & 225°53.8 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}43.1\\ 
4 & 240°53.9 & 43.7\\ 
5 & 255°53.9 & 44.4\\[2Pt] 
6 & 270°53.9 & \textbf{N}17°45.0\\ 
7 & 285°53.9 & 45.7\\ 
8 & 300°53.9 & 46.3\\ 
9 & 315°54.0 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}47.0\\ 
10 & 330°54.0 & 47.6\\ 
11 & 345°54.0 & 48.3\\[2Pt] 
12 & 0°54.0 & \textbf{N}17°48.9\\ 
13 & 15°54.0 & 49.6\\ 
14 & 30°54.1 & 50.2\\ 
15 & 45°54.1 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}50.8\\ 
16 & 60°54.1 & 51.5\\ 
17 & 75°54.1 & 52.1\\[2Pt] 
18 & 90°54.1 & \textbf{N}17°52.8\\ 
19 & 105°54.2 & 53.4\\ 
20 & 120°54.2 & 54.1\\ 
21 & 135°54.2 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}54.7\\ 
22 & 150°54.2 & 55.3\\ 
23 & 165°54.2 & 56.0\\ 
        \rule{0pt}{2.4ex} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{SD.=15.8} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{d=0.7} \\
        \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\rule{0pt}{2.6ex}\textbf{11}} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{GHA}} &\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Dec}}\\ 
0 & 180°54.2 & \textbf{N}17°56.6\\ 
1 & 195°54.3 & 57.3\\ 
2 & 210°54.3 & 57.9\\ 
3 & 225°54.3 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}58.5\\ 
4 & 240°54.3 & 59.2\\ 
5 & 255°54.3 & 17°59.8\\[2Pt] 
6 & 270°54.3 & \textbf{N}18°00.4\\ 
7 & 285°54.4 & 01.1\\ 
8 & 300°54.4 & 01.7\\ 
9 & 315°54.4 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}02.3\\ 
10 & 330°54.4 & 03.0\\ 
11 & 345°54.4 & 03.6\\[2Pt] 
12 & 0°54.4 & \textbf{N}18°04.2\\ 
13 & 15°54.4 & 04.9\\ 
14 & 30°54.5 & 05.5\\ 
15 & 45°54.5 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}06.1\\ 
16 & 60°54.5 & 06.8\\ 
17 & 75°54.5 & 07.4\\[2Pt] 
18 & 90°54.5 & \textbf{N}18°08.0\\ 
19 & 105°54.5 & 08.6\\ 
20 & 120°54.5 & 09.3\\ 
21 & 135°54.5 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}09.9\\ 
22 & 150°54.5 & 10.5\\ 
23 & 165°54.6 & 11.2\\ 
        \rule{0pt}{2.4ex} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{SD.=15.8} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{d=0.6} \\
        \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\rule{0pt}{2.6ex}\textbf{12}} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{GHA}} &\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Dec}}\\ 
0 & 180°54.6 & \textbf{N}18°11.8\\ 
1 & 195°54.6 & 12.4\\ 
2 & 210°54.6 & 13.0\\ 
3 & 225°54.6 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}13.7\\ 
4 & 240°54.6 & 14.3\\ 
5 & 255°54.6 & 14.9\\[2Pt] 
6 & 270°54.6 & \textbf{N}18°15.5\\ 
7 & 285°54.6 & 16.2\\ 
8 & 300°54.6 & 16.8\\ 
9 & 315°54.7 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}17.4\\ 
10 & 330°54.7 & 18.0\\ 
11 & 345°54.7 & 18.6\\[2Pt] 
12 & 0°54.7 & \textbf{N}18°19.3\\ 
13 & 15°54.7 & 19.9\\ 
14 & 30°54.7 & 20.5\\ 
15 & 45°54.7 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}21.1\\ 
16 & 60°54.7 & 21.7\\ 
17 & 75°54.7 & 22.3\\[2Pt] 
18 & 90°54.7 & \textbf{N}18°23.0\\ 
19 & 105°54.7 & 23.6\\ 
20 & 120°54.7 & 24.2\\ 
21 & 135°54.7 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}24.8\\ 
22 & 150°54.7 & 25.4\\ 
23 & 165°54.7 & 26.0\\ 
        \rule{0pt}{2.4ex} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{SD.=15.8} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{d=0.6} \\
        \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\rule{0pt}{2.6ex}\textbf{13}} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{GHA}} &\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Dec}}\\ 
0 & 180°54.7 & \textbf{N}18°26.6\\ 
1 & 195°54.7 & 27.3\\ 
2 & 210°54.8 & 27.9\\ 
3 & 225°54.8 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}28.5\\ 
4 & 240°54.8 & 29.1\\ 
5 & 255°54.8 & 29.7\\[2Pt] 
6 & 270°54.8 & \textbf{N}18°30.3\\ 
7 & 285°54.8 & 30.9\\ 
8 & 300°54.8 & 31.5\\ 
9 & 315°54.8 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}32.1\\ 
10 & 330°54.8 & 32.8\\ 
11 & 345°54.8 & 33.4\\[2Pt] 
12 & 0°54.8 & \textbf{N}18°34.0\\ 
13 & 15°54.8 & 34.6\\ 
14 & 30°54.8 & 35.2\\ 
15 & 45°54.8 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}35.8\\ 
16 & 60°54.8 & 36.4\\ 
17 & 75°54.8 & 37.0\\[2Pt] 
18 & 90°54.8 & \textbf{N}18°37.6\\ 
19 & 105°54.8 & 38.2\\ 
20 & 120°54.8 & 38.8\\ 
21 & 135°54.8 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}39.4\\ 
22 & 150°54.8 & 40.0\\ 
23 & 165°54.8 & 40.6\\ 
        \rule{0pt}{2.4ex} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{SD.=15.8} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{d=0.6} \\
        \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\rule{0pt}{2.6ex}\textbf{14}} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{GHA}} &\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Dec}}\\ 
0 & 180°54.8 & \textbf{N}18°41.2\\ 
1 & 195°54.8 & 41.8\\ 
2 & 210°54.8 & 42.4\\ 
3 & 225°54.8 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}43.0\\ 
4 & 240°54.8 & 43.6\\ 
5 & 255°54.8 & 44.2\\[2Pt] 
6 & 270°54.8 & \textbf{N}18°44.8\\ 
7 & 285°54.8 & 45.4\\ 
8 & 300°54.8 & 46.0\\ 
9 & 315°54.7 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}46.6\\ 
10 & 330°54.7 & 47.2\\ 
11 & 345°54.7 & 47.8\\[2Pt] 
12 & 0°54.7 & \textbf{N}18°48.4\\ 
13 & 15°54.7 & 49.0\\ 
14 & 30°54.7 & 49.5\\ 
15 & 45°54.7 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}50.1\\ 
16 & 60°54.7 & 50.7\\ 
17 & 75°54.7 & 51.3\\[2Pt] 
18 & 90°54.7 & \textbf{N}18°51.9\\ 
19 & 105°54.7 & 52.5\\ 
20 & 120°54.7 & 53.1\\ 
21 & 135°54.7 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}53.7\\ 
22 & 150°54.7 & 54.3\\ 
23 & 165°54.7 & 54.9\\ 
        \rule{0pt}{2.4ex} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{SD.=15.8} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{d=0.6} \\
        \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\rule{0pt}{2.6ex}\textbf{15}} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{GHA}} &\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Dec}}\\ 
0 & 180°54.7 & \textbf{N}18°55.4\\ 
1 & 195°54.6 & 56.0\\ 
2 & 210°54.6 & 56.6\\ 
3 & 225°54.6 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}57.2\\ 
4 & 240°54.6 & 57.8\\ 
5 & 255°54.6 & 58.4\\[2Pt] 
6 & 270°54.6 & \textbf{N}18°59.0\\ 
7 & 285°54.6 & 18°59.5\\ 
8 & 300°54.6 & 19°00.1\\ 
9 & 315°54.6 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}00.7\\ 
10 & 330°54.6 & 01.3\\ 
11 & 345°54.6 & 01.9\\[2Pt] 
12 & 0°54.5 & \textbf{N}19°02.4\\ 
13 & 15°54.5 & 03.0\\ 
14 & 30°54.5 & 03.6\\ 
15 & 45°54.5 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}04.2\\ 
16 & 60°54.5 & 04.8\\ 
17 & 75°54.5 & 05.3\\[2Pt] 
18 & 90°54.5 & \textbf{N}19°05.9\\ 
19 & 105°54.5 & 06.5\\ 
20 & 120°54.4 & 07.1\\ 
21 & 135°54.4 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}07.6\\ 
22 & 150°54.4 & 08.2\\ 
23 & 165°54.4 & 08.8\\ 
        \rule{0pt}{2.4ex} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{SD.=15.8} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{d=0.6} \\
        \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\rule{0pt}{2.6ex}\textbf{16}} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{GHA}} &\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Dec}}\\ 
0 & 180°54.4 & \textbf{N}19°09.4\\ 
1 & 195°54.4 & 09.9\\ 
2 & 210°54.4 & 10.5\\ 
3 & 225°54.3 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}11.1\\ 
4 & 240°54.3 & 11.7\\ 
5 & 255°54.3 & 12.2\\[2Pt] 
6 & 270°54.3 & \textbf{N}19°12.8\\ 
7 & 285°54.3 & 13.4\\ 
8 & 300°54.3 & 13.9\\ 
9 & 315°54.3 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}14.5\\ 
10 & 330°54.2 & 15.1\\ 
11 & 345°54.2 & 15.6\\[2Pt] 
12 & 0°54.2 & \textbf{N}19°16.2\\ 
13 & 15°54.2 & 16.8\\ 
14 & 30°54.2 & 17.3\\ 
15 & 45°54.2 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}17.9\\ 
16 & 60°54.1 & 18.5\\ 
17 & 75°54.1 & 19.0\\[2Pt] 
18 & 90°54.1 & \textbf{N}19°19.6\\ 
19 & 105°54.1 & 20.2\\ 
20 & 120°54.1 & 20.7\\ 
21 & 135°54.0 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}21.3\\ 
22 & 150°54.0 & 21.8\\ 
23 & 165°54.0 & 22.4\\ 
        \rule{0pt}{2.4ex} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{SD.=15.8} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{d=0.6} \\
        \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\rule{0pt}{2.6ex}\textbf{17}} &\multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{GHA}} &\multicolumn{1}{c|}{\textbf{Dec}}\\ 
0 & 180°54.0 & \textbf{N}19°23.0\\ 
1 & 195°54.0 & 23.5\\ 
2 & 210°53.9 & 24.1\\ 
3 & 225°53.9 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}24.6\\ 
4 & 240°53.9 & 25.2\\ 
5 & 255°53.9 & 25.8\\[2Pt] 
6 & 270°53.9 & \textbf{N}19°26.3\\ 
7 & 285°53.8 & 26.9\\ 
8 & 300°53.8 & 27.4\\ 
9 & 315°53.8 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}28.0\\ 
10 & 330°53.8 & 28.5\\ 
11 & 345°53.7 & 29.1\\[2Pt] 
12 & 0°53.7 & \textbf{N}19°29.6\\ 
13 & 15°53.7 & 30.2\\ 
14 & 30°53.7 & 30.7\\ 
15 & 45°53.7 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}31.3\\ 
16 & 60°53.6 & 31.9\\ 
17 & 75°53.6 & 32.4\\[2Pt] 
18 & 90°53.6 & \textbf{N}19°33.0\\ 
19 & 105°53.6 & 33.5\\ 
20 & 120°53.5 & 34.0\\ 
21 & 135°53.5 & \raisebox{0.24ex}{\boldmath$\cdot$~\boldmath$\cdot$~~}34.6\\ 
22 & 150°53.5 & 35.1\\ 
23 & 165°53.5 & 35.7\\ 
        \rule{0pt}{2.4ex} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{SD.=15.8} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{d=0.6} \\










以前,要获取此软件包\textdegree,您必须明确加载它textcomp,但从 2020-02-02 版本开始,它是预加载的。(最初没有预加载的唯一原因是 1990 年代 640K PC 的内存要求……)






