我正在使用没有指定字体大小的书籍文档类,所以它应该是默认的 10pt。
在 \begin{document} 之后,我有行 \fontsize{9}{10.8} 将所有字体更改为 9pt。
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. This font looks to be 9pt.
This is the test. This seems to come out smaller.
标题“测试”和正文小于 \fontsize 中指定的 9pt。
这是多小的字体大小?我可以用 \fontsize 让整个文档以这种较小的字体大小输出吗?还是 \fontsize 导致这两种字体大小?
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. This font looks to be 9pt.
This is the test. This seems to come out smaller.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. This font looks to be 9pt.
This is the test. This seems to come out smaller.