



最好突出显示 B,但不必像图中所示那样用对角线进行阴影处理。0 也很不错,但似乎很难很好地对齐,必要时可以忽略。底部的“粘合向量”框似乎确实弄乱了矩阵其余部分的对齐。


编辑:下面是我环境中的一个最小工作示例。我认为最好的解决方案是使用nicematrix,所以我把它包括进去了。我认为这个例子的问题在于与不兼容tikz。我在序言中包括了一些解决方法代码,这些代码来自nicematrix文档的第 21 页2。我确实需要 tikz,并且在此文档中包含了我需要编译的两个基本图表。

这里给出的具体错误nicematrixThe option "code-after" is unknown or meaningless in the context.,我在 macOS 上使用 TexShop 4.44 并正在编译Tex -> DVI。在我的系统上(忽略错误),下面的代码显示为

\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsthm, amsfonts, stmaryrd}
\tikzstyle{every node}=[font=\Large]
\tikzstyle{every path}=[line width=4pt]

\tikzset{highlight/.style={rectangle, fill=red!15, blend mode = multiply, rounded corners = 0.5 mm, inner sep=1pt, fit = #1}}

\tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl {pgfsys-dvips.def}
\tl_if_eq:NNT \l_tmpa_tl \pgfsysdriver

% Definition of some variables and colors


%%%               Background                     %%%


%%%                Poster                        %%%


%%%                pcolumn                       %%%


%%%                pbox                          %%%

\newrgbcolor{lcolor}{0. 0. 0.80}
\newrgbcolor{gcolor1}{1. 1. 1.}
\newrgbcolor{gcolor2}{.80 .80 1.}

    \begin{minipage}[t][#2][t]{#1} #4

%%% Begin of Document

\background{0.85 0.85 0.85}{0.85 0.85 0.85}{0.5}
\newrgbcolor{white}{1. 1. 1.}
\definecolor{GTgold}{RGB}{224, 170, 15}
\definecolor{GTblue}{RGB}{0, 48, 73}


%%% Header


%%% Left Logo
%%% Title
    {\sc \Huge Minimal Working Example}
%%% Right-Logo

%%% Content
%%%% Begin of Multicols-Enviroment

%%% Column One
        \large {\bf Header}

%       \begin{equation*}
[margin, code-after = { \tikz \node [highlight = (1-1)] {} ; } ]
    \Block{3-3}<\Large>{A} & & & 0 \\
    & \hspace*{1cm} & & \Vdots \\
    & & & 0 \\
    0 & \Cdots& 0 & 0
%   \end{equation*}

        1 & \cdots & \cdots & 1 \\
        0 & \ddots & & \vdots \\
        \vdots & \ddots & \ddots & \vdots \\
        0 & \cdots & 0 & 1

%%% Column Two
\hspace{1 cm}
        \large {\bf Header}

    % (coordinates of the bottom-left corner) "grid" (coordinates of the top right-corner)
    \draw[step=2.99cm] (-3, -3) grid (6, 0);
    \draw[step=2.99cm] (-12, -9) grid (15, -5.9);

    \draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=20pt}] (-12, -5.8) -- (-3,-5.78); %node[midway,yshift=1em]{$m$};
    \draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=20pt}] (-3,-5.8) -- (6,-5.8); %node[midway,yshift=1em]{$m$};
    \draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=20pt}] (6,-5.8) -- (15,-5.8); %node[midway,yshift=1em]{$m$};

    \draw[>=latex, <->] (-7.5, -4.9) -- (-3.1, -1.5);
    \draw[>=latex, <->] (1.5, -4.9) -- (1.5, -3.1);
    \draw[>=latex, <->] (6.1, -1.5) -- (10.5, -4.9);

    \node at (-1.4, -1.45) {$x^4$};
    \node at (1.55, -1.45) {$x^3$};
    \node at (4.5, -1.69) {$x$};

    \node at (-10.5, -7.5) {1};
    \node at (-7.5, -7.5) {0};
    \node at (-4.5, -7.5) {1};
    \node at (-1.5, -7.5) {1};
    \node at (1.5, -7.5) {0};
    \node at (4.5, -7.5) {0};
    \node at (7.5, -7.5) {0};
    \node at (10.5, -7.5) {1};
    \node at (13.5, -7.5) {1};

%%% Column Three
\hspace{1.75 cm}
        \large {\bf Header}

    % (coordinates of the bottom-left corner) "grid" (coordinates of the top right-corner)
    \draw[step=2.99cm] (-9, -6) grid (9, 6);
    \draw[dashed, GTgold] (-3.2, 6.2) -- (0.2, 6.2) -- (0.2, -6.2) -- (-3.2, -6.2) -- cycle;
    \draw[dashed, violet] (-9.2, 3.2) -- (9.2, 3.2) -- (9.2, -0.2) -- (-9.2, -0.2) -- cycle;
    \node at (-10.8, 1.5) {\color{violet} Inner};
    \node at (-1.5, 7.5) {\color{GTgold} Outer};


