我受到这张图片中 HAL 的展示的启发,并想在乳胶中制作一些差不多相同的东西。
\definecolor{white}{rgb}{1, 1, 1}
\tikzset{block/.style={rectangle, draw, fill=gray!50,
text width=10em, text centered, rounded corners=0pt, minimum height=0em}}
\date{February 2020}
\node[block, minimum height=2cm, xshift=2cm] (task) {Tasks};
\node[block, minimum height=2cm, fill=darkgray!150, below=of task, yshift=1cm] (executive) {Executive};
\node[block, minimum height=3cm, yshift=1cm, below=of executive] (driver) {Drivers};
\node[block, minimum height=1cm, below of=driver, xshift=0.53cm, text width=7em] (hal) {Hardware abstraction layer};
\node[block, minimum height=2cm, below=of driver, yshift=1cm](hardware) {Hardware};
\caption{\label{fig:Fig1_ecosystem}HALs place in the hierarchy of the executionpath}
\rowcolor{gray!20}\multicolumn{2}{c}{bla bla bla} \\
\rowcolor{gray}\multicolumn{2}{c}{bla bla bla} \\
\rowcolor{gray!20}\multicolumn{2}{c}{bla bla bla} \\
\rowcolor{gray!20} & \cellcolor{gray!40} bla bla bla bla bla bla \\
\rowcolor{black}\multicolumn{2}{c}{\color{white} bla bla bla} \\