

您好,目前我正在使用单独的.bib文件进行引用,但我发现一些奇怪的事情,由于某种原因,我的第一个引用是 LaTeX 中的第二个引用。


  title={Mechanics of Cutting and Boring: Part {I} Kinematics of Transverse Rotation Machines},
  author={Mellor, Malcolm},
  volume={Special Report 226},
  institution={Corps of Engineers US Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Hanover New Hampshire}
  title={Mechanics of Cutting and Boring: Part {II} Kinematics of Axial Rotation Machines},
  author={Mellor, Malcolm},
  institution={Corps of Engineers US Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory Hanover New Hampshire}



\newcommand{\citeq}[1]{(\citeauthor{#1}, \citeyear{#1})}






apacite按名称、年份和标题排序。两个条目第一次不同是在 的第二部分title,即

Part {I} Kinematics ...

Part {II} Kinematics ...





  title       = {Mechanics of Cutting and Boring:
                 Part {\APACSortNoop{01}}{I}
                 Kinematics of Transverse Rotation Machines},
  author      = {Mellor, Malcolm},
  year        = {1975},
  volume      = {Special Report 226},
  institution = {Corps of Engineers, US Army,
                 Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory,
                 Hanover, New Hampshire},
  title       = {Mechanics of Cutting and Boring:
                 Part {\APACSortNoop{02}}{II}
                 Kinematics of Axial Rotation Machines},
  author      = {Mellor, Malcolm},
  volume      = {76-16},
  year        = {1975},
  institution = {Corps of Engineers, US Army,
                 Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory,
                 Hanover, New Hampshire},


Mellor, M. (1975a)。切割和钻孔力学:第一部分横向旋转机器的运动学 (Vol. Special Report 226; Tech. Rep.)。美国陆军工程兵团,寒冷地区研究与工程实验室,新罕布什尔州汉诺威。//Mellor, M. (1975b)。切割和钻孔力学:第二部分轴向旋转机器的运动学 (Vol. 76-16; Tech. Rep.)。美国陆军工程兵团,寒冷地区研究与工程实验室,新罕布什尔州汉诺威。





  title       = {Mechanics of Cutting and Boring:
                 Part {\APACSortNoop{01}}{I}
                 Kinematics of Transverse Rotation Machines},
  author      = {Mellor, Malcolm},
  year        = {1975},
  type        = {Special Report},
  number      = {226},
  institution = {Corps of Engineers, US Army,
                 Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory},
  address     = {Hanover, New Hampshire},
  url         = {http://hdl.handle.net/11681/11794},
  title       = {Mechanics of Cutting and Boring:
                 Part {\APACSortNoop{02}}{II}
                 Kinematics of Axial Rotation Machines},
  author      = {Mellor, Malcolm},
  type        = {CRREL Report},
  number      = {76-16},
  year        = {1975},
  institution = {Corps of Engineers, US Army,
                 Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory},
  address     = {Hanover, New Hampshire},
  url         = {http://hdl.handle.net/11681/9538},


Mellor, M. (1975a)。切割和钻孔力学:第一部分横向旋转机器的运动学(特别报告第 226 号)。新罕布什尔州汉诺威:美国陆军工程兵团,寒冷地区研究与工程实验室。取自 http://hdl.handle.net/11681/11794//Mellor, M. (1975b)。切割和钻孔力学:第二部分轴向旋转机器的运动学(CRREL 报告第 76-16 号)。新罕布什尔州汉诺威:美国陆军工程兵团,寒冷地区研究与工程实验室。取自 http://hdl.handle.net/11681/9538

我应该提到,在撰写本文时,apacite根据 APA 手册第 6 版生成引文和参考书目。该手册的第 7 版于 2019 年出版,因此apacite不再采用当前的 APA 样式。据我所知,第 7 版 APA 样式引文和参考书目的唯一 LaTeX 实现是biblatex-apa(2019-11-23 或更高版本的 9.0 版)


\usepackage[backend=biber, style=apa]{biblatex}

  title       = {Mechanics of Cutting and Boring:
                 Part {I} Kinematics of Transverse Rotation Machines},
  author      = {Mellor, Malcolm},
  year        = {1975},
  type        = {Special Report},
  number      = {226},
  institution = {Corps of Engineers, US Army,
                 Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory},
  location    = {Hanover, New Hampshire},
  url         = {http://hdl.handle.net/11681/11794},
  title       = {Mechanics of Cutting and Boring:
                 Part {II} Kinematics of Axial Rotation Machines},
  author      = {Mellor, Malcolm},
  type        = {CRREL Report},
  number      = {76-16},
  year        = {1975},
  institution = {Corps of Engineers, US Army,
                 Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory},
  location    = {Hanover, New Hampshire},
  url         = {http://hdl.handle.net/11681/9538},



  title       = {Mechanics of Cutting and Boring:
                 Part {I} Kinematics of Transverse Rotation Machines},
  sorttitle   = {Mechanics of Cutting and Boring: Part 01},
  author      = {Mellor, Malcolm},
  year        = {1975},
  type        = {Special Report},
  number      = {226},
  institution = {Corps of Engineers, US Army,
                 Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory},
  location    = {Hanover, New Hampshire},
  url         = {http://hdl.handle.net/11681/11794},
  title       = {Mechanics of Cutting and Boring:
                 Part {II} Kinematics of Axial Rotation Machines},
  sorttitle   = {Mechanics of Cutting and Boring: Part 02},
  author      = {Mellor, Malcolm},
  type        = {CRREL Report},
  number      = {76-16},
  year        = {1975},
  institution = {Corps of Engineers, US Army,
                 Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory},
  location    = {Hanover, New Hampshire},
  url         = {http://hdl.handle.net/11681/9538},
