“在 Beamer 中使用 unicode-math 时缺少项目符号”的替代方案

“在 Beamer 中使用 unicode-math 时缺少项目符号”的替代方案

我知道,已经有了在 beamer 中使用 unicode-math 时缺少项目符号但唯一且被接受的答案不要使用 unicode-math不是我所需要的,因为我也想改变我的数学字体,而且根据我的理解,这需要unicode-math


  1. 如何告诉 Beamer 使用不同的机制来列出要点而不关心unicode-math
  2. 如何在不使用的情况下指定数学字体unicode-math

这是我的设置(我使用 XeLaTeX)

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
%%%%%% FONTS
\setmathfont{Cambria Math}
%%%%%% /FONTS
  Let's start with some math
  and some definitions
  \item adj., constantly changing
  \item noun, the branch of Mechanics concerned with the
    motion of bodies under the action of forces


以及使用 luaLaTeX 编译的相同文件 在此处输入图片描述

这是 gzip 压缩日志文件的 uuencoded 版本(我无法发布文件本身,因为它超出了 SE 帖子中 30,000 个字符的限制)。

编辑注:删除了 uuencoded gzip 日志,并用相关片段替换。完整日志可在编辑历史中找到。缺失的字符U+25B6是一个‘黑色右指三角形’。

This is LuaTeX, Version 1.10.0 (TeX Live 2019/Debian)  (format=lualatex 2020.3.5)  5 MAR 2020 18:49
 restricted system commands enabled.
LaTeX2e <2020-02-02> patch level 5
Lua module: luaotfload-main 2020-02-02 3.12 luaotfload entry point
Lua module: luaotfload-init 2020-02-02 3.12 luaotfload submodule / initialization
Lua module: lualibs 2020-02-02 2.70 ConTeXt Lua standard libraries.
Lua module: lualibs-extended 2020-02-02 2.70 ConTeXt Lua libraries -- extended collection.
Lua module: luaotfload-log 2020-02-02 3.12 luaotfload submodule / logging
Lua module: luaotfload-parsers 2020-02-02 3.12 luaotfload submodule / filelist
Lua module: luaotfload-configuration 2020-02-02 3.12 luaotfload submodule / config file reader
luaotfload | conf : Root cache directory is /home/boffi/.texlive2019/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic-dev/names.
luaotfload | init : Loading fontloader "fontloader-2020-01-26.lua" from kpse-resolved path "/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/luatex/luaotfload/fontloader-2020-01-26.lua".
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luaotfload | init : Context OpenType loader version "3.11"
Inserting `luaotfload.node_processor\' at position 1 in `pre_linebreak_filter\'.
Inserting `luaotfload.node_processor\' at position 1 in `hpack_filter\'.
Lua module: luaotfload-loaders 2020-02-02 3.12 luaotfload submodule / callback handling
Inserting `luaotfload.define_font\' at position 1 in `define_font\'.
Lua module: luaotfload-database 2020-02-02 3.12 luaotfload submodule / database
Lua module: luaotfload-unicode 2020-02-02 3.12 luaotfload submodule / Unicode helpers
Lua module: luaotfload-colors 2020-02-02 3.12 luaotfload submodule / color
Lua-only attribute luaotfload_color_attribute = 5
Lua module: luaotfload-resolvers 2020-02-02 3.12 luaotfload submodule / resolvers
luaotfload | conf : Root cache directory is /home/boffi/.texlive2019/texmf-var/luatex-cache/generic-dev/names.
Lua module: luaotfload-features 2020-02-02 3.12 luaotfload submodule / features
Lua module: luaotfload-letterspace 2020-02-02 3.12 luaotfload submodule / color
Lua module: luaotfload-embolden 2020-02-02 3.12 luaotfload submodule / color
Lua module: luaotfload-notdef 2020-02-02 3.12 luaotfload submodule / color
Lua module: luaotfload-auxiliary 2020-02-02 3.12 luaotfload submodule / auxiliary functions
Inserting `luaotfload.aux.set_sscale_dimens\' at position 1 in `luaotfload.patch_font\'.
Inserting `luaotfload.aux.set_font_index\' at position 2 in `luaotfload.patch_font\'.
Inserting `luaotfload.aux.patch_cambria_domh\' at position 3 in `luaotfload.patch_font\'.
Inserting `luaotfload.aux.fixup_fontdata\' at position 1 in `luaotfload.patch_font_unsafe\'.
Inserting `luaotfload.aux.set_capheight\' at position 4 in `luaotfload.patch_font\'.
Inserting `luaotfload.aux.set_xheight\' at position 5 in `luaotfload.patch_font\'.
Lua module: luaotfload-fallback 2020-02-02 3.12 luaotfload submodule / fallback
Lua module: luaotfload-multiscript 2020-02-02 3.12 luaotfload submodule / multiscript
Lua module: luaotfload-script 2020-02-02 3.12 luaotfload submodule / Script helpers
Lua module: luaotfload-tounicode 2020-02-02 3.12 luaotfload submodule / tounicode
Inserting `luaotfload.rewrite_fontname\' at position 6 in `luaotfload.patch_font\'
. L3 programming layer <2020-02-25>
Document Class: beamer 2019/09/29 v3.57 A class for typesetting presentations

[...many lines skipped here...]

Package fontspec Info: Font family \'Cambria(0)\' created for font \'Cambria\'
(fontspec)             with options
(fontspec)             [Ligatures=TeX,Mapping=tex-text,Numbers=Lining].
(fontspec)              This font family consists of the following NFSS
(fontspec)             series/shapes:
(fontspec)             - \'normal\' (m/n) with NFSS spec.:
(fontspec)             <->"Cambria:mode=node;script=latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+lnum;"
(fontspec)             - \'small caps\'  (m/sc) with NFSS spec.:
(fontspec)             <->"Cambria:mode=node;script=latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+lnum;+smcp;"
(fontspec)             - \'bold\' (b/n) with NFSS spec.:
(fontspec)             <->"Cambria/B:mode=node;script=latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+lnum;"
(fontspec)             - \'bold small caps\'  (b/sc) with NFSS spec.:
(fontspec)             <->"Cambria/B:mode=node;script=latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+lnum;+smcp;"
(fontspec)             - \'italic\' (m/it) with NFSS spec.:
(fontspec)             <->"Cambria/I:mode=node;script=latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+lnum;"
(fontspec)             - \'italic small caps\'  (m/scit) with NFSS spec.:
(fontspec)             <->"Cambria/I:mode=node;script=latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+lnum;+smcp;"
(fontspec)             - \'bold italic\' (b/it) with NFSS spec.:
(fontspec)             <->"Cambria/BI:mode=node;script=latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+lnum;"
(fontspec)             - \'bold italic small caps\'  (b/scit) with NFSS spec.:
(fontspec)             <->"Cambria/BI:mode=node;script=latn;language=dflt;+tlig;+lnum;+smcp;"

Package fontspec Warning: Input mapping not supported in LuaTeX.
(fontspec)                 Use "Ligatures=TeX" instead of "Mapping=tex-text".

[...many lines skipped here...]

Missing character: There is no \xe2\x96\xb6 (U+25B6) in font CambriaMath:mode=base;script=math;language=dflt;!
Missing character: There is no \xe2\x96\xb6 (U+25B6) in font CambriaMath:mode=base;script=math;language=dflt;!

[...a few more  lines skipped here...]




在我看来,问题在于旧版本的 Cambria Math,其中不包含黑色右指向三角形的提示。


\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
%%%%%% FONTS
\setmathfont{Cambria Math}
%%%%%% /FONTS
  Let's start with some math
  and some definitions
  \item adj., constantly changing
  \item noun, the branch of Mechanics concerned with the
    motion of bodies under the action of forces


