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%Mathematical tools for fractions
% Basic Packages for Encoding (Input AND Output) and Langauge Support
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% Change Layout with a User-Friendly Interface
% Include Pictures with a User-Friendly Interface
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% Extended Math Support from the Famous 'American Mathematical Society'
% Physics package, mostly for the \abs command.
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linkcolor=Indigo, %choose some color if you want links to stand out
\textbf{Problem 2:}
x&=4\sin t &y&=-3\cos t&(x,y)\\
For efficiency, we will find the values between 0 to \(\frac{\pi}{2}\), then use the symmetries of \(\sin\) and \(\cos\) for the rest of the points, graphing in increasing orders of t and showing the direction.
\caption*{Plotting of \(x=4 \sin t\), \(y=-3 \cos t\) with restriction \(0 \leq t < 2\pi \)}
\caption*{Plotting of \(x=4 \sin t\), \(y=-3 \cos t\) with restriction \(0 \leq t < \pi \)}
t && x&=4 \sin t &y&=-3 \cos t&(x,y)\\
0& &0& &-&3 &(0,-3)\\
\frac{\pi}{6}& &2& &-&\frac{3\sqrt{3}}{2} &(2,-\frac{3\sqrt{3}}{2})\\
\frac{\pi}{4}& &2&\sqrt{2} &-&\frac{3\sqrt{2}}{2} &(2\sqrt{2},\frac{-3\sqrt{2}}{2})\\
\frac{\pi}{3}& &2&\sqrt{3} &-&\frac{3}{2} &(2\sqrt{3},-\frac{3}{2})\\
\frac{\pi}{2}& &4& &0& &(4,0)\\