和 下 效果很好\sidenote{}
。也就是说,只有当我给出 时,文本格式才会起作用\sidenote[][0cm]{}
MWE 附于下方
Furthermore, they were emboldened to play a game of hide and seek with the imperialists whom they harassed incessantly by plundering their convoys and by interrupting their lines of communication. Status quo came from or how it should be changed. \sidenote[1][0pt]{This is a sidenote, which is set with offset of 0pt. And the formatting is correct.}
Furthermore, they were emboldened to play a game of hide and seek with the imperialists whom they harassed incessantly by plundering their convoys and by interrupting their lines of communication. Status quo came from or how it should be changed.
Furthermore, they were emboldened to play a game of hide and seek with the imperialists whom they harassed incessantly by plundering their convoys and by interrupting their lines of communication. Status quo came from or how it should be changed. \sidenote{This is a sidenote with no offset, and the formatting doesn't work here, neither does the numbering.}
Furthermore, they were emboldened to play a game of hide and seek with the imperialists whom they harassed incessantly by plundering their convoys and by interrupting their lines of communication. Status quo came from or how it should be changed.Furthermore, they were emboldened to play a game of hide and seek with the imperialists whom they harassed incessantly by plundering their convoys and by interrupting their lines of communication. Status quo came from or how it should be changed.
Furthermore, they were emboldened to play a game of hide and seek with the imperialists whom they harassed incessantly by plundering their convoys and by interrupting their lines of communication. Status quo came from or how it should be changed.\marginnote{This is a margin note with correct formatting.}
Furthermore, they were emboldened to play a game of hide and seek with the imperialists whom they harassed incessantly by plundering their convoys and by interrupting their lines of communication. Status quo came from or how it should be changed.\sidenote{This is a sidenote with no offset, and the formatting doesn't work here, and this has its own numbering.}
Furthermore, they were emboldened to play a game of hide and seek with the imperialists whom they harassed incessantly by plundering their convoys and by interrupting their lines of communication. Status quo came from or how it should be changed.
Furthermore, they were emboldened to play a game of hide and seek with the imperialists whom they harassed incessantly by plundering their convoys and by interrupting their lines of communication. Status quo came from or how it should be changed.\sidenote[][1cm]{This is a side note with offset again and formatting works.}
软件包 v1.00 的一个错误。
- 如果的第二个可选参数
,它由 latex2e 格式定义。 - 否则,
。 \marginfont
被 使用\marginnote
,但不是。因此或 的\marginpar
字体不受 的影响。\sidenote{...}
\RenewDocumentCommand \@sidenotes@placemarginal { m m }
% substitue \marginnote from marginnote pkg for \marginpar
% from latex2e format
{\oldmarginpar{\mymparsetup #2}}
{\oldmarginpar[\mymparsetup #1]{\mymparsetup #2}}}