使用 description/item 时,较长的物品名称会增加额外的空格。我想知道是否有办法删除名为“此物品名称比某个值长...............................”的物品后面出现的额外空行。
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\textit{Some date}
\item[[This item name is short)]\index{item1} \hfill \\There is no space after item name and it is what Is expect. There is no space after item name and it is what Is expect. There is no space after item name and it is what Is expect. There is no space after item name and it is what Is expect. There is no space after item name and it is what Is expect. There is no space after item name and it is what Is expect. There is no space after item name and it is what Is expect. There is no space after item name and it is what Is expect. There is no space after item name and it is what Is expect. There is no space after item name and it is what Is expect.
\item[This item name is longer than some value...........................................]\index{item2}\hfill \\Why do I get a space before this paragraph? Why do I get a space before this paragraph? Why do I get a space before this paragraph? Why do I get a space before this paragraph? Why do I get a space before this paragraph? Why do I get a space before this paragraph? Why do I get a space before this paragraph? Why do I get a space before this paragraph? Why do I get a space before this paragraph? Why do I get a space before this paragraph? Why do I get a space before this paragraph? Why do I get a space before this paragraph?
\item[[This item name is short)]\index{item1} \hfill \\There is no space after item name and it is what Is expect. There is no space after item name and it is what Is expect. There is no space after item name and it is what Is expect. There is no space after item name and it is what Is expect. There is no space after item name and it is what Is expect. There is no space after item name and it is what Is expect. There is no space after item name and it is what Is expect. There is no space after item name and it is what Is expect. There is no space after item name and it is what Is expect. There is no space after item name and it is what Is expect.
\item[This item name is longer than some value...........................................]\index{item2}\hfill \\Why do I get a space before this paragraph? Why do I get a space before this paragraph? Why do I get a space before this paragraph? Why do I get a space before this paragraph? Why do I get a space before this paragraph? Why do I get a space before this paragraph? Why do I get a space before this paragraph? Why do I get a space before this paragraph? Why do I get a space before this paragraph? Why do I get a space before this paragraph? Why do I get a space before this paragraph? Why do I get a space before this paragraph?
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\textsc{\Huge Big title}\\[1cm]
\textsc{\LARGE Subtitle}\\[1.5cm]
\textsc{\Large Subsutitle}\\[1.5cm]
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\begin{center} \large
\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} l r @{}}
\ & \\
\ & \\
\ & \\
\ & Some label : some value\\
\ & Some label : some value