如何获得一个二维方程矩阵,其中列的子方程自动添加后缀 a)、b) 等,并且每行的数字自动递增?

如何获得一个二维方程矩阵,其中列的子方程自动添加后缀 a)、b) 等,并且每行的数字自动递增?

我想排版5 rows x 2 cols方程式。我希望行中的方程式编号自动递增。对于列,我希望自动将a)和附加b)到行的方程式编号。这可能吗?

我试图在下面的 ascii 文本中可视化我想要的输出

Reference case   Modified Case
--------------   -------------
a = k b   (1a)   a' = 3 b.  (1b)
x = y^k   (2a)   y' = y^0.5 (2b)
z = e^(k) (3a)   z' = e^1.1 (3b)

此外,每列内的所有=符号都需要垂直对齐。作为奖励,如果代码能够灵活地处理 2-4 列并自动添加列后缀b)c)d)正确应用,那就太好了。目前,我对 $5 \times n$ 方程式网格感到满意,但理想情况下,这种编号方案应该可以跨分页符工作,以便于扩展到多个页面。

如何实现这一点?如果需要的话,我很乐意接受 LuaTeX 解决方案。



\begin{equationgrid}[Reference case,   Modified Case]{one}%
  a &= kb,  a' &= 3b\\
  x &= y^k, y' &= y^{0.5} \\
  z &= e^k, z' &= e^{1.1}




  1. 一个选修的标题行是用逗号分隔的列标题列表。
  2. 方程式需要 A —— 因为我坚信你不应该给方程式贴标签,label除非你打算以后引用它。在上面的例子中,可以使用 、 和 来引用\ref{one-1a}\ref{one-1b}方程式。\ref{one-2a}\ref{one-2b}


  a &= kb,  a' &= 3 b,     a &= k b, a' &= 3 b\\
  x &= y^k, y' &= y^{0.5}, x &= y^k, y' &= y^{0.5} \\
  z &= e^k, z' &= e^{1.1}, z &= e^k, z' &= e^{1.1}






% two counters for the keeping track of grid rows and columns
\int_new:N \l_grid_row_int   % grid row number
\seq_new:N \l_grid_col_seq   % the column entries in one row
\seq_new:N \l_grid_head_seq  % the optional column headers
\seq_new:N \l_grid_row_seq   % the rows of the equation
\tl_new:N  \l_grid_hline_tl  % a hack to adjust the columns
\tl_new:N  \l_grid_label_tl  % for construction equation labels
% \begin{equationgrid}[column headers as csv]{label}...\end{equationgrid}
\NewDocumentEnvironment{equationgrid}{ o m b }{
    % split the environment body into rows using the \\
    \tl_clear:N \l_grid_hline_tl
    \int_zero:N \l_grid_row_int
    \tl_set:Nn \l_grid_label_tl {#2-}
    \seq_set_split:Nnn \l_grid_row_seq { \\ } { #3 }
    \IfNoValueTF{#1}{ \seq_clear:N \l_grid_head_seq }
      \seq_set_split:Nnn \l_grid_head_seq {,} {#1}
      \tl_put_right:Nx \l_grid_hline_tl {
          \noexpand\cline{1-\int_eval:n{2+4*\seq_count:N \l_grid_head_seq} }
      \seq_if_empty:NF \l_grid_head_seq {
         \seq_map_function:NN \l_grid_head_seq \__grid_head:n
         \\\tl_use:N \l_grid_hline_tl
      \seq_map_inline:Nn \l_grid_row_seq { \__grid_row:n {##1} }
% typeset an entry of the header row
\cs_new:Npn \__grid_head:n #1 { \multispan{2}{\textbf{#1}} &&& }
% typeset an equation row, adding equation numbers and references
\cs_new:Npn \__grid_row:n #1 {
  % split #1 into column entries using the ,
  \seq_set_split:Nnn \l_grid_col_seq { , } {#1}
  \seq_map_inline:Nn \l_grid_col_seq {
      \tl_set:No \l_tmpa_tl {\tl_use:N \l_grid_label_tl \theGridEqnRow}
      % align* disables equation numbers so need \ltx@label instead of \label
      \use:c{ltx@label}{ \tl_use:N \l_tmpa_tl }
      ##1 & \theGridEqnCol &&

  \begin{equationgrid}[Reference case,   Modified Case]{one}%
    a &= kb,  a' &= 3b\\
    x &= y^k, y' &= y^{0.5} \\
    z &= e^k, z' &= e^{1.1}

    a &= kb,  a' &= 3 b,     a &= k b, a' &= 3 b\\
    x &= y^k, y' &= y^{0.5}, x &= y^k, y' &= y^{0.5} \\
    z &= e^k, z' &= e^{1.1}, z &= e^k, z' &= e^{1.1}

  As you see, equations \ref{one-1a} and \ref{two-1a} are similar.


最后一点需要注意:由于行\\和列之间用逗号分隔,,因此您不能在方程式中使用逗号。如果您想插入逗号,最简单的方法是使用\newcommand\comma{,}。我遵循了 OP 的语法,但我可能会在每个方程式的末尾放一个逗号。



  a &= kb,  a' &= 3 b,     a &= k b, a' &= 3 b\\
  x &= y^k, y' &= y^{0.5}, x &= y^k, y' &= y^{0.5} \\
  z &= e^k, z' &= e^{1.1}\notag, z &= e^k, z' &= e^{1.1}

抑制第 1 列和第 3 列以及第 3 行第 2 列的方程编号以产生:



% two counters for the keeping track of grid rows and columns
\bool_new:N \g_print_eq_bool  % suppress equation numbers in this column
\int_new:N \l_grid_row_int    % grid row number
\seq_new:N \l_grid_col_seq    % the column entries in one row
\seq_new:N \l_grid_head_seq   % the optional column headers
\seq_new:N \l_grid_row_seq    % the rows of the equation
\seq_new:N \l_suppress_eq_seq % suppress equation numbers in these columns
\tl_new:N  \l_grid_hline_tl   % a hack to adjust the columns
\tl_new:N  \l_grid_label_tl   % for construction equation labels
\renewcommand\theGridEqnRow{ \tl_use:N \l_grid_label_tl-\arabic{GridEqnRow}\alph{GridEqnCol} }
% \begin{equationgrid}<suppress column equation numbers>[column headers as csv]{label}...\end{equationgrid}
\NewDocumentEnvironment{equationgrid}{ D<>{} o m b }{
    % split the environment body into rows using the \\
    \tl_clear:N \l_grid_hline_tl
    \int_zero:N \l_grid_row_int
    \let\notag\relax % for completeness but not strictly necessary
    \seq_set_split:Nnn \l_suppress_eq_seq { , } { #1 }
    \tl_set:Nn \l_grid_label_tl {#3}
    \seq_set_split:Nnn \l_grid_row_seq { \\ } { #4 }
    \IfNoValueTF{#2}{ \seq_clear:N \l_grid_head_seq }
      \seq_set_split:Nnn \l_grid_head_seq {,} {#2}
      \tl_put_right:Nx \l_grid_hline_tl {
          \noexpand\cline{1-\int_eval:n{2+4*\seq_count:N \l_grid_head_seq} }
      \seq_if_empty:NF \l_grid_head_seq {
         \seq_map_function:NN \l_grid_head_seq \__grid_head:n
         \\\tl_use:N \l_grid_hline_tl
      \seq_map_inline:Nn \l_grid_row_seq { \__grid_row:n {##1} }
% typeset an entry of the header row
\cs_new:Npn \__grid_head:n #1 { \multispan{2}{\textbf{#1}} &&& }
% typeset an equation row, adding equation numbers and references
\cs_new:Npn \__grid_row:n #1 {
  % split #1 into column entries using the ,
  \seq_set_split:Nnn \l_grid_col_seq { , } {#1}
  \seq_map_inline:Nn \l_grid_col_seq {
      \bool_gset_true:N \g_print_eq_bool
      \seq_if_in:NxT \l_suppress_eq_seq {\arabic{GridEqnCol}} { \bool_gset_false:N \g_print_eq_bool }
      \str_if_in:nnT { ##1 } { \notag } { \bool_gset_false:N \g_print_eq_bool }
      \bool_if:NT \g_print_eq_bool
        % align* disables equation numbers so need \ltx@label instead of \label
        \use:c{ltx@label}{ \theGridEqnRow }
      ##1 & \bool_if:NT \g_print_eq_bool {\theGridEqnCol} &&
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \seq_if_in:NnF {NxF}

  \begin{equationgrid}[Reference case,   Modified Case]{one}%
    a &= kb,  a' &= 3b\\
    x &= y^k, y' &= y^{0.5} \\
    z &= e^k, z' &= e^{1.1}

    a &= kb,  a' &= 3 b,     a &= k b, a' &= 3 b\\
    x &= y^k, y' &= y^{0.5}, x &= y^k, y' &= y^{0.5} \\
    z &= e^k, z' &= e^{1.1}, z &= e^k, z' &= e^{1.1}

  As you see, equations \ref{one-1a} and \ref{two-1a} are similar.

    a &= kb,  a' &= 3 b,     a &= k b, a' &= 3 b\\
    x &= y^k, y' &= y^{0.5}, x &= y^k, y' &= y^{0.5} \\
    z &= e^k, z' &= e^{1.1}\notag, z &= e^k, z' &= e^{1.1}








    \pgfplotstableread[col sep=&,row sep=\\]{
        alhs    &       arhs    &       blhs    &       brhs        \\
        a_1     &   =   A^{11}  &       b_1     &   =   B^{11}      \\
        a_2     &   =   A^{22}  &       b_2     &   =   B^{22}      \\
        a_3     &   =   A^{33}  &       b_3     &   =   B^{33}      \\
        create on use/placeholder4label/.style={
            create col/set={labels fail}, % you will see `labels fail`
                % if one day the mechanism of assigning labels breaks
        \caption{Everyone can excel.}
            % booktabs-related
            every head row/.style={before row=\toprule,after row=\midrule},
            every last row/.style={after row=\bottomrule},
            % arrange the columns into a table % notice the repetition
            % put cell content into math $ $
            assign cell content/.style={@cell content/.initial={$#1$}},
            % compute and format label
            columns/placeholder4label/.style={assign cell content/.code={
                \edef\equationlabel{(\rowint\char\colascii)}%\char97 = a
                \pgfkeyslet{/pgfplots/table/@cell content}\equationlabel
            % set spaces properly
                column type={ r@\noteqnarrayskip }
                column type={ @{}l }
                column type={ r@\noteqnarrayskip }
                column type={ @{}l }
            % set multicol % uncommon to hide implementation details
%           every head row/.style=output empty row,
%           every row no 0/.style={
%               before row={
%               \toprule
%               \multicolumn 3c{big col A} & \multicolumn 3c{fat col B}\\
%               \midrule}
%           },


