这个问题源于其他解决方案(例如这个) 解决了在给定总宽度的情况下自动调整环境中两个并排图像(大小和纵横比不同,每个图像可能有一个标题或一个标题)的大小的问题figure
以下是起始代码的 MWE(相同高度的图像):
% 2 side by side images with a single caption
% arguments: image 1, image 2, caption, width (as ratio of textwidth)
\newcommand{\figureonepp}[4]{%based on Figure 103 at pag. 100 of floatrow manual
\ffigbox[#4\textwidth]{}{\CommonHeightRow{\begin{subfloatrow}[2]% this comment needed, otherwise an unprotected space shifts slightly the figure to the right
% define allowable width used by floatrow package
% usage example (put at beginning of figure, before any floatrow command): \ThisWidth{0.8\textwidth}
% two side by side images each one with a caption
% arguments: image 1, image 2, caption 1, caption 2, width (as ratio of textwidth)
\figureonepp{example-image-10x16}{example-image-16x10}{This is the figure caption.}{0.8}
% uncomment the following line to show the two captions case
%\figuretwopp{example-image-10x16}{example-image-16x10}{Left caption.}{Right caption.}{0.8}
这将计算缩放因子。浮点数之间的距离由 给出\columnsep
{\begin{subfloatrow}\CenterFloatBoxes% this comment needed, otherwise an unprotected space shifts slightly the figure to the right
Call the widths and heights of the original graphics $w_i$ and $h_i$,
respectively with $i\in\{0,1\}$. We would like to scale them with scaling
factors $x$ and $y$, respectively, such that the areas are equal,
\[ (x\,w_0)\,(x\,h_0)=(y\,w_1)\,(y\,h_1)\;.\]
This means that
\[ y=x\,\sqrt{\frac{w_0\,h_0}{w_1\,h_1}}\;.\]
We demand that, up to the \verb|\columnsep| $d$, the sum of rescaled widths equals
some target width $\ell$, i.e.\
\[ x=\frac{\ell-d}{w_1\,\left(1+\sqrt{\frac{h_0\,w_1}{h_1\,w_0}}\right)}\;.
\figuretwoareaeq{example-image-10x16}{example-image-16x10}{This is the figure caption.}{0.8}