Latex \ref{xxx} 给出(??)(使用 jupyterlab、miktex、pdflatex)

Latex \ref{xxx} 给出(??)(使用 jupyterlab、miktex、pdflatex)

我尝试在 jupyterlab 中编译 pdf。当涉及到图形引用时,pdf 仅显示(??)。

   \caption{Caption of image xxx.png.}




""" JupyterLab LaTex : live LaTeX editing for JupyterLab """

from traitlets import Unicode, CaselessStrEnum, Integer, Bool
from traitlets.config import Configurable

class LatexConfig(Configurable):
    A Configurable that declares the configuration options
    for the LatexHandler.
    latex_command = Unicode('xelatex', config=True,
        help='The LaTeX command to use when compiling ".tex" files.')
    bib_command = Unicode('bibtex', config=True,
        help='The BibTeX command to use when compiling ".tex" files.')
    synctex_command = Unicode('synctex', config=True,
        help='The synctex command to use when syncronizing between .tex and .pdf files.')
    shell_escape = CaselessStrEnum(['restricted', 'allow', 'disallow'],
        default_value='restricted', config=True,
        help='Whether to allow shell escapes '+\
        '(and by extension, arbitrary code execution). '+\
        'Can be "restricted", for restricted shell escapes, '+\
        '"allow", to allow all shell escapes, or "disallow", '+\
        'to disallow all shell escapes')
    run_times = Integer(default_value=1, config=True,
        help='How many times to compile the ".tex" files.')
    cleanup = Bool(default_value=True, config=True,
        help='Whether to clean up ".out/.aux" files or not.')

设置run_times = Integer(default_value=1run_times = Integer(default_value=2运行 LaTeX 两次。保存文件并重新启动 Jupyter Lab 以使更改生效。然后参考资料将正确显示在 pdf 中。

请注意,您不应该.bib在同一文件夹中拥有任何文件,否则 JupyterLab LaTeX 将尝试运行 Bibtex 并失败,而不是运行 LaTeX 两次(当然,除非您想包含参考书目)。
