在 .bbl 中根本找不到 Biblatex 引文,无法生成参考书目标签

在 .bbl 中根本找不到 Biblatex 引文,无法生成参考书目标签

我是一名学生,我正在完成我的长篇文章,我想制作一个单独的网络书目,但它不起作用。两周后我必须发送它^^你是我最后的希望发生了什么事?非常感谢!(我在 Overleaf )


    \usepackage[style=numeric-comp, bibencoding=ascii, defernumbers=true, maxnames=10]{biblatex}



    {0pt}{3.25ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}

      {3.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus.2ex}%
      {3.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus .2ex}%


    %\newcounter {subsubsubsection}[subsubsubsection]


    %\renewcommand{\nomname}{Liste des acronymes et symboles mathématiques}
      \section*{\nomname}% Look for `\section*... etc.
    }{% Replace it by 'nothing'
      \ifstrequal{#1}{M}{Variables et paramètres (équations)}{%
      \ifstrequal{#1}{C}{Other Symbols}{}}}%

    \addto\captionsfrench{\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{Liste des figures}}

    %% You can pass in your own texcount params, e.g. -chinese to turn on Chinese mode, or -char to do a character count instead (which does NOT include spaces!)
    %%% http://app.uio.no/ifi/texcount/documentation.html

    %% To include references.

    %% To include tabulars in main text count.
    %TC:group table 0 1
    %TC:group tabular 1 1

      \immediate\write18{texcount -merge -sum -q #1.tex output.bbl > #1.wcdetail }%

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      \input{#1-words.sum} words%

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    %              -sum=#[,#] with up to 7 numbers to indicate how each of the
    %              counts (text words, header words, caption words, #headers,
    %              #floats, #inlined formulae, #displayed formulae) are summed.
    %              The default sum (if only -sum is used) is the same as
    %              -sum=1,1,1,0,0,1,1.

      \immediate\write18{texcount -1 -sum -merge -char -q #1.tex output.bbl > #1-chars.sum }%
      \input{#1-chars.sum} characters (not including spaces)%

> Then we have the text with many \footnote{} or \cite



    \newrefcontext[labelprefix= A]
    \printbibliography[heading=subbibintoc, keyword={A},title={Sources internet}]
    \newrefcontext[labelprefix= B]
    \printbibliography[heading=subbibintoc, keyword={B},title={Les articles}]

    %TC : endignore

    \section*{Word Counts}

    This section is \textit{not} included in the word count.






> Really thanks a lot for your help !
> My ref is for exemple :

        title = {{DIRECTIVE} 2009/128/{CE} {DU} {PARLEMENT} {EUROPÉEN} {ET} {DU} {CONSEIL} du 21 octobre 2009 instaurant un cadre d’action communautaire pour parvenir à une utilisation des pesticides compatible avec le développement durable},
        author = {{Journal officiel de l'Union Européenne et du Conseil}},
        month = nov,
        year = {2009},
        keywords  = {B}




\usepackage[style=numeric-comp, bibencoding=ascii, defernumbers=true, maxnames=10]{biblatex}

在以下 MWE 中


\usepackage[style=numeric-comp, bibencoding=ascii, defernumbers=true, maxnames=10]{biblatex}

    title = {{DIRECTIVE} 2009/128/{CE} {DU} {PARLEMENT} {EUROPÉEN} {ET} {DU} {CONSEIL} du 21 octobre 2009 instaurant un cadre d’action communautaire pour parvenir à une utilisation des pesticides compatible avec le développement durable},
    author = {{Journal officiel de l'Union Européenne et du Conseil}},
    month = nov,
    year = {2009},
    keywords  = {B}



Biber 抱怨

ascii "\xC3" does not map to Unicode at C:\Users\Moritz\AppData\Local\Temp\par-4d6f7269747a\cache-fdb7483801244becd81fb01b3ab99423d7614d1b\inc\lib/File/Slurper.pm line 59.
INFO - This is Biber 2.14
INFO - Logfile is 'Namenlos-21.blg'
INFO - Reading 'Namenlos-21.bcf'
INFO - Found 1 citekeys in bib section 0
INFO - Processing section 0
INFO - Globbing data source 'Namenlos-21.bib'
INFO - Globbed data source 'Namenlos-21.bib' to Namenlos-21.bib
INFO - Looking for bibtex format file 'Namenlos-21.bib' for section 0

bibencoding=ascii,您明确告诉 Biber 以 US-ASCII 格式读取.bib文件时,问题在于文件.bib包含非 ASCII 字符 ( É, à)。现在 Biber 不知道如何处理它们并抛出错误。



您还加载了一些包两次(,,,graphicx... ),这是另一个可能的错误来源:如果您使用不同的选项加载同一个包两次,LaTeX 将会抛出一个错误。eurosymlongtable






但根据 Overleaf 允许的外部命令,这对您来说可能不是一个错误。

完成此更改后,你可能必须删除所有临时文件(在 Overleaf 中:清除缓存使用 Biblatex 后 Overleaf 无法编译) 才能再次进行编译。
