但这种行为却随着 而消失floatrow
下面的 MWE。
%%% comment the next two lines out and the caption width wortks
\usepackage{floatrow} % this package removes tpt caption width
\begin{table}[htb] %% add [htb] here for better
\caption{Some caption to demonstrate my issue}
Letter & Number & Number\\
Alpha & 123 & 10\\
Beta & 246 & 100\\
Delta & 369 & 1000\\
\item[] Some notes, these seem to be working
只需使用 floatrow 语法。我借此机会使用 中的规则稍微改进了表格booktabs
%%% comment the next two lines out and the caption width wortks
\usepackage{floatrow} % this package removes tpt caption width
\begin{table}[htb] %% add [htb] here for better
\ttabbox{\caption{Some caption to demonstrate my issue}}{\begin{threeparttable}
Letter & Number & Number\\
Alpha & 123 & 10\\
Beta & 246 & 100\\
Delta & 369 & 1000\\
\item[]\hskip-0.25em Some notes, these seem to be working