apa6/7 中的图形编译错误

apa6/7 中的图形编译错误

当我运行 pdftexify/pdflatex 时,程序卡住了。它显示未定义的控制序列





\title{Sample APA-Style Document Using the \textsf{apa7} Package}
\author{Daniel A. Weiss}
\affiliation{A University Somewhere}
\abstract{This demonstration paper uses the \textsf{apa7} \LaTeX\
class to format the document in compliance with the 7th Edition of
the American Psychological Assocation’s \textit{Publication Manual.}
The references are managed using \textsf{biblatex}.}
\keywords{APA style, demonstration}

 %   \small
 %   \sisetup{table-format=6.2e-1,per-mode=symbol}
 %   \setlength\tabcolsep{3pt}
\caption{The QPSO update equations for different potential energy types}\label{3wavfun}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X >{$\displaystyle}l<{$} @{}}%{\textwidth}{@{} L l *{3}{>{$}l<{$}S} @{}}
 {\bf Delta potential}  & ${\bf QPSO update equation}$\\
 Delta potential well & x_i(t+1)=p(t)\pm\frac{\ln(1/u)}{2q\ln\sqrt{2}}\norm{x_i(t)-p(t)}\\
 Harmonic oscillator & x_i(t+1)=p(t)\pm\frac{\sqrt{\ln1/u}}{0.47694q}\norm{ x_i(t)-p(t)}\\
 Square well & x_i(t+1)=p(t)+\frac{0.6574}{\xi q}\cos^{-1}(\pm\sqrt u)\norm{x_i(t)-p(t)}\\
The following The simulated annealing, Tabu search, Ants colonies, and Evolutionary algorithms uses stochastic strategies, and they are also known as basic metaheuristics.
\begin{axis}[unbounded coords=discard, xlabel={Your IV Here},
ylabel={Your DV Here}, xmin=0, ymin=0, axis lines = left]
\addplot[thick, color=black] (\x,2.8 + 0.8*\x);
\addplot[dashed, color=black] (\x,5.3 - 0.5*\x);
\caption{An Interaction}

    \caption{Stochastic methods of searching global optimum}
We begin with \textcite{Scha85}. We can also cite this work in
parenthesis, like this: \parencite{Lam1}.
A three-author paper \parencite[e.g.,][]{rao} lists all
three authors for the first citation\ref{s}, then only the first author
on all subsequent citations \parencite{rao}.
Note the use of five heading levels throughout this demonstration
Method section.

We had a lot of people in this study.
Several materials were used for this project. Some of them were
already created for prior research.
\subsubsection{Paper-and-Pencil Instrument}
We used an instrument that we found to be highly successful.
The reliability of this instrument is extraordinary.
We now discuss the validity of our instrument.
\subparagraph{Face validity} The face validity is exceptionally
strong. Everyone should be impressed.
\subparagraph{Construct validity} Also very strong.
This section describes the study’s design.
The procedure was fairly straightforward, yet required
attention to detail.
Table \ref{tab:ComplexTable} contains some sample data. Our
statistical prowess in analyzing these data is unmatched.
\caption{A Complex Table}
\begin{tabular}{@{}lrrr@{}} \toprule
Distribution type & \multicolumn{2}{l}{Percentage of} & Total number \\
& \multicolumn{2}{l}{targets with} & of trials per \\
& \multicolumn{2}{l}{segment in} & participant \\ \cmidrule(r){2-3}
& Onset & Coda & \\ \midrule
Categorical -- onset\tabfnm{a} & 100 & 0 & 196 \\
Probabilistic & 80 & 20\tabfnm{*} & 200 \\
Categorical -- coda\tabfnm{b} & 0 & 100\tabfnm{*} & 196 \\ \midrule
\textit{Note.} All data are approximate.
\tabfnt{a}Categorical may be onset.
\tabfnt{b}Categorical may also be coda.
\tabfnt{*}\textit{p} < .05.
\tabfnt{**}\textit{p} < .01.
This is a lengthy and erudite discussion. It demonstrates amazing
skill in interpreting the results for the masses.
