如何在 LaTeX 中绘制斜线来创建书法用的横线模板?

如何在 LaTeX 中绘制斜线来创建书法用的横线模板?

我正在尝试创建一个书法模板。我希望它看起来像下面这张图片,但没有边距和标题(A4 纸)。我想要三种类型的线条:

  1. 水平线每隔 1 厘米交替一次,深黑色。
  2. 水平线每 0.5 厘米交替出现,颜色为浅灰色。它们基本上位于 1 厘米黑色线条之间。
  3. 每 1 厘米交替呈 55 度角的线条,红色。如果该角度是一个变量,那么我以后可以根据需要进行更改,这样就更好了。


这是我目前能做到的,但由于我是基于直角坐标系绘制线条,所以我不知道如何将斜线的角度调整为 55 度。我基本上只需要修复这一点;除此之外,我对结果很满意。

\documentclass[letterpaper]{article} %为了呈现图片,不包括“草稿”



\foreach \i 在 {1,2,3,...,30}{
    \draw[black] ($(当前页面.西北)+(0,-\i)$) -- ($(当前页面.东北)+(0,-\i)$);}

\foreach \i 在 {0.5,1.5,2.5,...,60}{
    \draw[lightgray] ($(当前页面.西北)+(0,-\i)$) -- ($(当前页面.东北)+(0,-\i)$);}

\foreach \i 在 {1,2,3,...,60}{
    \draw[red] ($(当前页面.西南)+(0,-\i)$) -- ($(当前页面.东北)+(0,-\i)$);}

\foreach \i 在 {0,1,2,3,...,60}{
    \draw[red] ($(当前页面.西南)+(0,+\i)$) -- ($(当前页面.东北)+(0,+\i)$);}









\newcommand*{\myDist}{1cm} % distance between consecutive oblique lines
\newcommand*{\myAngle}{55} % angle of said lines wrt horizontal, in degrees
% Distance between consecutive oblique lines, projected on the horizontal axis

% Length of the longest oblique lines we'll need. I add 10pt to be 100% safe
% with respect to rounding errors (the lines will be clipped anyway).
\pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\maxLength}{10pt + \paperheight/sin(\myAngle)}

% Number of oblique lines to draw
  round((\paperheight/tan(\myAngle) + \paperwidth)/\horizIntervWidth)}


\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
% Just to be sure we don't paint outside the page. :-)
\clip (current page.south west) rectangle (current page.north east);

\foreach \i in {1,2,...,30} {
  \draw[black] ($(current page.north west)+(0,-\i)$) --
               ($(current page.north east)+(0,-\i)$);

\foreach \i in {0.5,1.5,...,60} {
  \draw[lightgray] ($(current page.north west)+(0,-\i)$) --
                   ($(current page.north east)+(0,-\i)$);

\foreach \i in {1,2,...,\maxIndex} {
  \draw[red] ([xshift=-\i*\horizIntervWidth]current page.south east) --




这确实不是回答您的具体问题,但可以适应您的使用,并内置了许多其他选项。我试图根据您的要求设置默认值(留在垂直线中,但您可以通过将其放在和draw=none的末尾来禁用它。Vertical Line StyleVertical Line Style Alternate



  • 有三种不同类型的线:水平线、垂直线和水平倾斜线。
  • 倾斜角度可以通过 设置\SlantAngle
  • 每种线条样式都有\tikzset一种替代样式应用于每第 n 条线,并且每种线条样式都有两种与之关联的线条样式:主样式和替代线条样式。
  • 边框是可选的,可以通过设置、\MarginTop\MarginBottom来禁用。\MarginLeft\MarginRight0.0cm


%% Calligraphy Guide Lines
%% Peter Grill
%% ---------------------- Note: May need to run this twice ---------------------
%% --------------------------------------------------- Select Lines 
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------- Horizontal Lines
\def\VerticalSkip{1.0cm}%               0.10cm through 2cm

%% ---------------------------------------------------------------- Vertical Slant Lines
\def\SlantAngle{55}%                    Degrees >30, < 60

%% ---------------------------------------------------------------- Vertical Lines

%% ---------------------------------------------------------------- Select Margins
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------- Select Paper 
\def\Paper{a4paper}%        letter | a4paper | a5paper, ....
\def\Orientation{portrait}%% portrait | landscape
%% -----------------------
\documentclass[\Paper, \Orientation]{article}% Version 1.1



%% Select the line style. I prefer using the second one here and using the output underneath
%% the actual paper as guide lines. The first is better if you want to actually write on 
%% top of the guide lines
%% Few other options that can be applied here (last applied options override earlier ones).
%%     solid
%%     dotted,          densely dotted,     loosely dotted,
%%     dashed,          densely dashed,     loosely dashed,
%%     dash dot dot,    densely dash dot dot,   loosely dash dot dot,
%%     loosely dashed,
%% Custom line styles can be defined also be specifying the on/off patter:
%%     dash pattern=on 2pt off 3pt on 4pt off 4pt
%% To disable ANY lines use the draw=none as the last style.

%\tikzset{Line Style/.style={line width=1pt, densely dotted, gray, draw opacity=0.1}}
\tikzset{Line Style/.style={
    line width=0.2pt, 
    draw opacity=0.5

\tikzset{Horizontal Line Style/.style={
    Line Style, 
\tikzset{Horizontal Line Style Alternate/.style={
    Line Style, 
    line width=0.2pt, 
    draw opacity=1.0, 

\tikzset{Slant Line Style/.style={
    Line Style
\tikzset{Slant Line Style Alternate/.style={
    Line Style, 
    line width=0.2pt, 
    draw opacity=1.0, 

\tikzset{Vertical Line Style/.style={Line Style, line width=0.1pt}}
\tikzset{Vertical Line Style Alternate/.style={Line Style, line width=0.1pt}}

\tikzset{Border Line Style/.style={Line Style, thin}}





    %% #1 = style name to set
    %% #2 = default line style
    %% #3 = line number
    %% #4 = which lines get the alternate line style
       \tikzset{#1/.style={#2 Alternate}}%

    remember picture, 
    shift=(current page.south west),% So that (0,0) is south west of paper
   %% Clip to create the border
   \clip (\MarginLeft,\MarginBottom) rectangle 

   \foreach \y in {1,...,\MaxHorizontalLines} {% Horizontal guide lines
           {This Horizontal Line Style}{Horizontal Line Style}

           \draw[This Horizontal Line Style] 
               (0pt,\paperheight-\y*\VerticalSkip) -- (\paperwidth,\paperheight-\y*\VerticalSkip) 

   \foreach \x in {1,...,\MaxVerticalLines} {% Vertical guide lines
           {This Vertical Line Style}{Vertical Line Style}

           \draw[This Vertical Line Style] 
               (\x*\HorizontalSkip,0pt) -- (\x*\HorizontalSkip,\paperheight) 

   \foreach \x in {0,...,\MaxSlantLinesX} {% Slant Lines starting along bottom of page
           {This Slant Line Style}{Slant Line Style}

       \draw[This Slant Line Style] 
           (\x*\HorizontalSlantSkip,0pt) -- ++(\paperwidth,\TempLength)

   \foreach \y in {1,...,\MaxSlantLinesY} {% Slant Lines starting along left of page
           {This Slant Line Style}{Slant Line Style}

       \draw[This Slant Line Style] 
           (0pt,\y*\DeltaY) -- ++(\paperwidth,\TempLength)

   %% Draw border
   \draw [Border Line Style]
         (\MarginLeft,\MarginBottom) rectangle 


另一种无需 的解决方案calc

\documentclass[a4paper]{article} %do not include "draft" in order to render pictures


\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]

\foreach \i in {1,2,3,...,30}{
    \draw[black] ([yshift=-\i cm]current page.north west) -- ++(0:\paperwidth);}

\foreach \i in {0.5,1.5,2.5,...,60}{
    \draw[lightgray] ([yshift=-\i cm]current page.north west) -- ++(0:\paperwidth);}

\foreach \i in {1,2,3,...,60}{
    \draw[red] ([xshift=\i cm]current page.north west) -- ++(235:2*\paperheight);}





以下是元帖子包裹在 中luamplib。你可以用 来编译它lualatex

    numeric r, u, v;
    r = 55; % angle of lines (to horizontal)
    u = 1cm; % horizontal spacing
    v = 5mm; % vertical spacing

    color base, mid, slant;
    base = 1/4 white;
    mid = 3/4 white;
    slant = 3/4[red, white];

    drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled 1/4);
    for x = -60 upto 60:  
        draw (left--right) scaled 80cm rotated r shifted (x * u, 0) withcolor slant;
    for y = -30 upto 30:
        draw (left--right) scaled 20cm shifted (0, y * 5mm) withcolor if odd y: mid else: base fi;
    clip currentpicture to unitsquare shifted -(1/2, 1/2) xscaled 200mm yscaled 280mm;


