titletop 错误 我无法在 thesis.pdf 上写字

titletop 错误 我无法在 thesis.pdf 上写字



% The iitkgp.cls class is for producing theses and dissertations
% in the CSE Department of universityG.  You can supply
% the following optional arguments in the square brackets to
% specify the thesis type:
%   senior  : Produces the senior thesis preliminary pages (default)
%   phd     : Produces the PhD dissertation preliminary pages
% FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS, open universityg.cls file, go to the "Certificate Page" section
% of the main code and make appropriate changes.
% FOR DEPARTMENTS other than CSE open the university.cls file, go to the "Title Page" section
% of the main code and make appropriate changes.
% The default format is appropriate for printing, with blank pages
% inserted after the preliminary pages in twoside mode so you can
% send it directly to a two-sided printer. Howev  er, for ETD
% submission the blank pages need to be removed from the final output.
% The following option does this for you:
%   etd     : Produces a copy with no blank pages in the preliminary section.
%             Remove this option to produce a version with blank pages inserted
%             for easy double sided printing.
% The rest of the class options are the same as the regular book class.
% A few to remember:
%   oneside : Produces single sided print layout (recommended for theses less than 50 pages)
%   twoside : Produces single sided print layout (the default if you remove oneside)
% The BYUPhys class provides the following macros:
%   \makepreliminarypages : Makes the preliminary pages
%   \clearemptydoublepage : same as \cleardoublepage but doesn't put page numbers
%                           on blank intervening pages
%   \singlespace          : switch to single spaced lines
%   \doublespace          : switch to double spaced lines
% --------------------------- Load Packages ---------------------------------

% The graphicx package allows the inclusion of figures.  Plain LaTeX and
% pdfLaTeX handle graphics differently. The following code checks which one
% you are compiling with, and switches the graphicx package options accordingly.

%\textwidth 6.5in
%\textheight 10in

\newcommand {\g}[1]{\textcolor[gray]{0.6} {#1}}
\newcommand{\todo}[1]{\textcolor{red}{TODO: #1}\\}
\newcommand{\done}[1]{\textcolor{blue}{Tried to address. #1}\\}

% these are for the algorithms style file, for writing algorithms
%\renewcommand{\algorithmiccomment}[1]{\begin{small}/* #1 */\end{small}}
\renewcommand{\algorithmiccomment}[1]{/* #1 */}

% The fancyhdr package allows you to easily customize the page header.
% The settings below produce a nice, well separated header.
  \fancyhead[LO]{\slshape \rightmark}
  \fancyhead[RE]{\slshape \leftmark}
  \renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\chaptername \ \thechapter \ \ #1}{}}
  \renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection \ \ #1}}

% The caption package allows us to change the formatting of figure captions.
% The commands here change to the suggested caption format: single spaced and a bold tag
% Change the \DeclareCaptionFormat line below to make the captions fully bold
%\DeclareCaptionFormat{suggested}{\singlespace#1#2 #3\par\doublespace}
\DeclareCaptionFormat{suggested}{\singlespace \textbf{#1}\textbf{#2}#3 \doublespace}

%To instruct Latex to try to fit each paragraph into 1 less line


% The cite package cleans up the way citations are handled.  For example, it
% changes the citation [1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10,11] into [1-3,6-11].  If your advisor
% wants superscript citations, use the overcite package instead of the cite package.

% The makeidx package makes your index for you.  To make an index entry,
% go to the place in the book that should be referenced and type
%  \index{key}
% An index entry labeled "key" (or whatever you type) will then
% be included and point to the correct page.


% If you have a lot of equations, you might be interested in the amstex package.
% It defines a number of environments and macros that are helpful for mathematics.
% We don't do much math in this example, so we haven't used amstex here.
% To include a link in your pdf use \href{URL}{Text to be displayed}.  If your
% display text is the URL, you probably should use the \url{} command discussed
% above.
% To add a bookmark in the pdf you can use \pdfbookmark.  You can look up its usage
% in the hyperref package documentation

% ---------------- Fill in these fields for the preliminary pages -------------------
% For Senior and honors this is the year and month that you submit the thesis
% For Masters and PhD, this is your graduation date


\degree{Master of Technology}
% If you have a long title, split it between two lines. The \TitleBottom field defines the second line
% A two line title should be an "inverted pyramid" with the top line longer than the bottom.
\TitleTop{{\bigsize \bf Anomaly Detection in Cloud Computing}}
%\TitleBottom{{\bigsize \bf  MEMORY SYSTEMS }}
%\TitleBottomagain{{\bigsize \bf MEMORY SYSTEMS}}
% Your research advisors
\AdvisorA{{Dr AAAA AAAA}}

上述代码在 thesis.tex 文件中,我在 miktex 中编译了它,并在 thesis.out 文件中出现了以下错误

\BOOKMARK [0][-]{bm:Title.0}{Title Page}{}% 1  


I can't write on file `thesis.pdf'. \BOOKMARK [0][-]{bm:Title.0}{Title Page}{}



fixltx2e is not required with releases after 2015(fixltx2e) All fixes are now in the LaTeX kernel.

