

我有一张表格,这是作为 MWE 附加的示例。我可以一次显示一行。我想知道在展示完上面的行之后,是否可以淡出上面的行。我找不到任何帖子表明这是可能的,但如果可以的话,我将不胜感激。注意:我的文档还包含图形(不在表格中)。这就是为什么加载了其他与此 MWE 无关的包的原因。谢谢

\mode<presentation> {
\usepackage[font=Times,timeinterval=10, timeduration=2.0, timedeath=0, fillcolorwarningsecond=white!60!yellow, timewarningfirst=50,timewarningsecond=80,resetatpages=2]{tdclock}
\setbeamertemplate{enumerate mini template}{\insertenumlabel}
  again covered={\opaqueness<1->{15}}}

\usepackage{graphicx} % Allows including images
\usepackage{booktabs} % Allows the use of \toprule, \midrule and \bottomrule in tables


\newcommand\circlenodetext[3]{\node [draw, shape=circle, text width=0cm, inner sep=2mm] at (#1,#2) {\shapepar{\circleshape} #3\par};}
\newcommand\squarenodetext[3]{\node [draw, regular polygon, regular polygon sides=4, text width=0cm, inner sep=0mm] at (#1,#2) {\shapepar{\squareshape} #3\par};}
\newcommand\diamondnodetext[3]{\node [draw, shape=diamond, text width=0cm, inner sep=2mm] at (#1,#2) {\shapepar{\diamondshape} #3\par};}

\newcommand\rectanglenodetext[3]{\node [draw,  regular polygon, regular polygon sides=4, text width=0cm, inner sep=2mm] at (#1,#2) {\shapepar{\rectangleshape} #3\par};}

\title[short title]{full title}
\institute[]{where am from.\\
\textit{my meail}

\titlepage % to print the title page as the first slide

\begin{tabular}[H]{|p{2.2cm} |p{2.6cm} |p{3.0cm} |p{2.2cm}|}
\textbf{header1} & \textbf{header2} & \textbf{header3} & \textbf{header4}\\ \hline
\pbox{10cm}{first of first\\ second of first} & \pbox{10cm}{first of second\\ second of second} & \pbox{10cm}{first of third\\ second of third} & \color{black}\pbox{10cm}{first of fourth\\ second of fourth}\\ \hline\onslide<2->
\pbox{10cm}{first of second\\ second of second} & \pbox{10cm}{third of second\\ second of second} & \pbox{10cm}{first of third\\ second of third} & \color{black}\pbox{10cm}{first of fourth\\ second of fourth}\\ \hline

