使用从互联网下载的模板时如何生成 .bbl 文件

使用从互联网下载的模板时如何生成 .bbl 文件


\title{\bf Paper Title}
\author{{\bf Author1$^1$} , {\bf Author2 $^2$} , {\bf Author3 $^3$}\\
$^1$CSE Department,University, email \\ $^2$CSE Department,Faculty, university, email \\
$^3$CSE Department,Faculty,University  G, email }

some randomg paragraph \cite{resource1} some random text.
some thing random some thing random.something random.

现在我去 BIBeusflat2019.bib 文件中手动添加另一个项目,并使用在线 doi 到 bib 转换器 https://www.doi2bib.org/bib/http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jis.2015.62015 并在我的 .bib 文件中添加条目。

  doi = {10.4236/jis.2015.62015},
  url = {https://doi.org/10.4236/jis.2015.62015},
  year = {2015},
  publisher = {Scientific Research Publishing,  Inc, },
  volume = {06},
  number = {02},
  pages = {142--154},
  author = {Arif Sari},
  title = {A Review of Anomaly Detection Systems in Cloud Networks and Survey of Cloud Security Measures in Cloud Storage Applications},
  journal = {Journal of Information Security}

现在我引用这篇文章,我的新 .tex 文件如下所示

\title{\bf Paper Title}
\author{{\bf Author1$^1$} , {\bf Author2 $^2$} , {\bf Author3 $^3$}\\
$^1$CSE Department,University, email \\ $^2$CSE Department,Faculty, university, email \\
$^3$CSE Department,Faculty,Uniersity G, email }

some randomg paragraph \cite{resource1} some random text.
some thing random some thing random.something\cite{Sari2015} random.


现在,当我尝试编译 pdf 进行预览时,在 Tex Studio 中我看到一个错误

Misplaced alignment tab character &. \newblock {\em Computers &


Wun-Hwa Chen, Sheng-Hsun Hsu, and Hwang-Pin Shen.
\newblock Application of svm and ann for intrusion detection.
\newblock {\em Computers & Operations Research}, 32(10):2617 -- 2634, 2005.
\newblock Applications of Neural Networks.

在文件 EUSFLAT2019_template.bbl 中(此文件是自动生成的,我没有做任何事情来生成它)。上述条目是在 EUSFLAT2019_template.bbl 中自动生成的。我手动去编辑错误位置从&\&,错误就消失了。所以新条目现在看起来像

Wun-Hwa Chen, Sheng-Hsun Hsu, and Hwang-Pin Shen.
\newblock Application of svm and ann for intrusion detection.
\newblock {\em Computers \& Operations Research}, 32(10):2617 -- 2634, 2005.
\newblock Applications of Neural Networks.

现在我继续工作,后来我添加了一些引用或做了一些其他编辑,然后发生了这种情况发生这种情况的条目在 BIBeusflat2019.bib 文件中如下

    title = "Application of SVM and ANN for intrusion detection",
    journal = "Computers & Operations Research",
    volume = "32",
    number = "10",
    pages = "2617 - 2634",
    year = "2005",
    note = "Applications of Neural Networks",
    issn = "0305-0548",
    doi = "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cor.2004.03.019",
    url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305054804000711",
    author = "Wun-Hwa Chen and Sheng-Hsun Hsu and Hwang-Pin Shen",
    keywords = "Intrusion detection, Artificial neural networks, Support vector machine",
    abstract = "The popularization of shared networks and Internet usage demands increases attention on information system security, particularly on intrusion detection. Two data mining methodologies—Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) and two encoding methods—simple frequency-based scheme and tf×idf scheme are used to detect potential system intrusions in this study. Our results show that SVM with tf×idf scheme achieved the best performance, while ANN with simple frequency-based scheme achieved the worst. The data used in experiments are BSM audit data from the DARPA 1998 Intrusion Detection Evaluation Program at MIT's Lincoln Labs."


然后我再次编译该程序以生成 pdf。现在我在文件 EUSFLAT2019_template.bbl 中仍然收到相同的错误 \newblock {\em Computers & Operations Research}, 32(10):2617 -- 2634, 2005.

对齐制表符位置错误&. \newblock {\em Computers &

&我会去改成\&。我想知道这种行为是编辑常见内容时发生的,还是我需要检查其他内容。因为添加引文条目或编辑文本有时会产生这种情况。我之前曾手动对引文进行排序以用于此模板,我在这里回答过 书目文本中的序列号 序列号如何决定 这个问题可能与此有关吗?我基本上想知道当使用模板时,.bbl 文件的生成是否是自动的,那么它是如何发生的。我想阅读更多相关信息。
