我的 MWE 是这样的
% color definition
% ToC depth
% page style for ToC
% New name for title of ToC
% apply necessary setup before \tableofcontents
% begin of ToC setup
%% distance between toctitle and the first item of list
\par\nobreak \mbox{}\hfill{\normalfont Page}\par\nobreak}
%% setup for part
% \renewcommand*{\partnumberline}[1]{\colorbox{ocre!20}{\strut\parbox[c][.7cm]{1.5cm}{\color{ocre!70}\Large\sffamily \bfseries\centering#1}}}
%% setup for chapter
%% setup for section
% \renewcommand*{\cftsectionleader}{%
% \cftsectionfont\cftdotfill{\cftsectiondotsep}}
% \renewcommand*{\cftsectiondotsep}{\cftdotsep}
%% setup for subsection
% \renewcommand*{\cftsubsectionleader}{%
% \cftchapterfont\cftdotfill{\cftchapterdotsep}}
% \renewcommand*{\cftsubsectiondotsep}{\cftdotsep}
\part{Part One}
\chapter{Text Chapter}
\section{Paragraphs of Text}
\subsection{Numbered List}
\subsection{Bullet Points}
\subsection{Descriptions and Definitions}
\part{Part Two}
\part{Part Three}
我对您的 MWE 做了一些补充以满足您的要求。
% orangetocprob.tex SE 536302 ToC styled like Legrand Orange book
% color definition
% ToC depth
% page style for ToC
% New name for title of ToC
% apply necessary setup before \tableofcontents
% begin of ToC setup
%% distance between toctitle and the first item of list
\par\nobreak \mbox{}\hfill{\normalfont Page}\par\nobreak}
%% setup for part
% \renewcommand*{\partnumberline}[1]{\colorbox{ocre!20}{\strut\parbox[c][.7cm]{1.5cm}{\color{ocre!70}\Large\sffamily \bfseries\centering#1}}}
\cftpagenumbersoff{part} % PW added
\renewcommand{\cftpartaftersnumb}{\hfil} % PW added
%% setup for chapter
%% setup for section
% \renewcommand*{\cftsectionleader}{%
% \cftsectionfont\cftdotfill{\cftsectiondotsep}}
% \renewcommand*{\cftsectiondotsep}{\cftdotsep}
\renewcommand{\cftsectiondotsep}{\cftnodots} % PW added
%% setup for subsection
% \renewcommand*{\cftsubsectionleader}{%
% \cftchapterfont\cftdotfill{\cftchapterdotsep}}
% \renewcommand*{\cftsubsectiondotsep}{\cftdotsep}
\part{Part One}
\chapter{Text Chapter}
\section{Paragraphs of Text}
\subsection{Numbered List}
\subsection{Bullet Points}
\subsection{Descriptions and Definitions}
\part{Part Two}
\part{Part Three}
我已用 标记了我的添加% PW added
您的 Legrand Orange 书籍示例未包含Page
上述页码,但您已将其添加到 MWE 中。我完全不确定您想如何准确地遵循您给出的示例。
\newcommand{\TOCind}{40pt}% indent lmarg-nr
% PART %
{55\p@ \@plus 50\p@ \@minus 20\p@}% vertical sep before part boxes
\setlength{\psep}{5pt}% horizontal sep between part-boxes
\cftpagenumbersoff{part}% no pagenr part
\cftsetindents{part}{0pt}{0pt}% indent, numwidth
\renewcommand{\cftpartfont}{\LARGE\sffamily\bfseries\centering}% font chapter
\newcommand{\@mypartnumtocformat}[2]{% #1 number, #2 part title
{\cftpartfont\textcolor{orange}{#1}}}% I, II (part nr)
\hspace*{\psep}% horizontal sep between part-boxes
{\cftpartfont\textcolor{white}% Part I - Title
{\protect\partnumberline{\thepart}\f@rtoc}}% code to replace
{\partname~\thepart---#2}}}{}{}% new code with new part toc format