\usepackage[showframe,paperwidth=170mm, paperheight=100mm, left=42pt, top=40pt, textwidth=280pt, marginparsep=20pt, marginparwidth=100pt, textheight=240pt, footskip=40pt]{geometry}
\caption{A larger rectangle in the main area of the text. A larger rectangle in the main area of the text. A larger rectangle in the main area of the text.}%
\caption{A larger rectangle in the main area of the text. A larger rectangle in the main area of the text. A larger rectangle in the main area of the text.}%
但是,生成的 PDF 无法正确扩展和/或对齐图形标题。添加width=400
包在某些时候使用相同的 LaTeX 代码时效果很好。将我的 TeXLive 更新到最新版本(即冻结)后,TeXLive 2019 很可能会导致更改。我遗漏了什么(选项)?
根据要求,提供 minipage 解决方案。我也附上了\hsize
顺便说一句,需要两次运行才能完成的原因是 adjustpage 使用 AUX 文件来确定当前(偶数/奇数)页面布局。
\usepackage[showframe,paperwidth=170mm, paperheight=100mm, left=42pt, top=40pt, textwidth=280pt, marginparsep=20pt, marginparwidth=100pt, textheight=240pt, footskip=40pt]{geometry}
\caption{A larger rectangle in the main area of the text. A larger rectangle in the main area of the text. A larger rectangle in the main area of the text.}%
\caption{A larger rectangle in the main area of the text. A larger rectangle in the main area of the text. A larger rectangle in the main area of the text.}%