\usepackage{array,booktabs} % for \newcolumntype macro
\newcolumntype{L}{>{$}l<{$}} % math-mode version of "l" column type
\newcolumntype{C}{>{$}c<{$}} % math-mode version of "l" column type
\newcolumntype{R}{>{$}r<{$}} % math-mode version of "l" column type
\hline \hline
& S & L & J^{P} & \text{Symmetry} & \text{Notation} & \text{Isospin} \, T \\
& 1 & 0 & 1^+ & \text{symmetric} & ^3 \text{S}_1 & \\
& 1 & 2 & 1^+,2^+,3^+ & \text{in} & ^3 \text{D}_{1,2,3} & \\
\text{NP only}&&&&&& 0\\
& 0 & 1 & 1^- & \text{spin} + \text{position} & ^1 \text{P}_1 & \\
& 0 & 3 & 3^- & & ^1 \text{F}_3 & \\ \hline
\text{NN} & 1 & 1 & 0^-, 1^-, 2^- & \text{antisymmetric} & ^3 \text{P}_{0,1,2} & \\
\text{PP} & 1 & 3 & 2^-, 3^-, 4^- & & ^3 \text{F}_{2,3,4} & \\
&&&&\text{in}&& 1 \\
\text{and} & 0 & 0 & 0^+ & & ^1\text{S}_0 & \\
\text{NP} & 0 & 2 & 2^+ & \text{spin} + \text{position} & ^1 \text{D}_2 & \\
\hline \hline
\usepackage{array,booktabs} % for \newcolumntype macro
\newcolumntype{C}{>{$}c<{$}} % math-mode version of "l" column type
\hline \hline
& S & L & J^{P} & \text{Symmetry} & \text{Notation} & \text{Isospin} \, T \\
\ldelim\{{5}{1.5cm}[NP only] & 1 & 0 & 1^+ & \multirow{5}{*}{\makecell{symmetric\\ in\\ spin + position}} & ^3 \text{S}_1 & \rdelim\}{5}{0.5cm}[0]\\
& 1 & 2 & 1^+,2^+,3^+ & & ^3 \text{D}_{1,2,3} & \\
&&&&&& \\
& 0 & 1 & 1^- & & ^1 \text{P}_1 & \\
& 0 & 3 & 3^- & & ^1 \text{F}_3 & \\ \hline
\ldelim\}{5}{1.5cm}[\makecell{NN\\ PP \\ \\ and \\ NP}] \rdelim\{{5}{5pt} & 1 & 1 & 0^-, 1^-, 2^- & \multirow{5}{*}{\makecell{antisymmetric\\ in\\ spin + position}} & ^3 \text{P}_{0,1,2} & \rdelim\}{5}{0.5cm}[1]\\
& 1 & 3 & 2^-, 3^-, 4^- & & ^3 \text{F}_{2,3,4} & \\
&&&&&& \\
& 0 & 0 & 0^+ & & ^1\text{S}_0 & \\
& 0 & 2 & 2^+ & & ^1 \text{D}_2 & \\
\hline \hline
& S & L & J^{P} & \text{Symmetry} & \text{Notation} & Isospin T \\
\ldelim\{{4}{1.5cm}[NP only] & 1 & 0 & 1^+ & \multirow{4}{*}{\makecell{symmetric\\ in\\ spin + position}} & ^3 \text{S}_1 & \rdelim\}{4}{0.5cm}[0]\\
& 1 & 2 & 1^+,2^+,3^+ & & ^3 \text{D}_{1,2,3} & \\
& 0 & 1 & 1^- & & ^1 \text{P}_1 & \\
& 0 & 3 & 3^- & & ^1 \text{F}_3 & \\ \midrule
\ldelim\}{4}{1.5cm}[\makecell{NN\\ PP \\ and \\ NP}] \rdelim\{{4}{5pt} & 1 & 1 & 0^-, 1^-, 2^- & \multirow{4}{*}{\makecell{antisymmetric\\ in\\ spin + position}} & ^3 \text{P}_{0,1,2} & \rdelim\}{4}{0.5cm}[1]\\
& 1 & 3 & 2^-, 3^-, 4^- & & ^3 \text{F}_{2,3,4} & \\
& 0 & 0 & 0^+ & & ^1\text{S}_0 & \\
& 0 & 2 & 2^+ & & ^1 \text{D}_2 & \\
另一个版本, 使用booktabs
\usepackage{array,booktabs} % for \newcolumntype macro
\newcolumntype{L}{>{$}l<{$}} % math-mode version of "l" column type
\newcolumntype{C}{>{$}c<{$}} % math-mode version of "c" column type
\newcolumntype{R}{>{$}r<{$}} % math-mode version of "r" column type
\usepackage{multirow, bigdelim, delarray}
\toprule \midrule
& S & L & J^{P} & \text{Symmetry} & \text{Notation} & & \text{Isospin} \, T \\
\ldelim\{{5}{*}[NP only\ ] & 1 & 0 & 1^+ & \text{symmetric} & ^3 \text{S}_1 & \rdelim\}{5}{*}\\
& 1 & 2 & 1^+,2^+,3^+ & \text{in} & ^3 \text{D}_{1,2,3} & \\
&&&&&& & 0\\
& 0 & 1 & 1^- & \text{spin} + \text{position} & ^1 \text{P}_1 & \\
& 0 & 3 & 3^- & & ^1 \text{F}_3 & \\
\ldelim\{{5}{*}[\begin{tabular}.{@{}l}\}NN \\PP\\ \\and\\NP \end{tabular}\enspace] & 1 & 1 & 0^-, 1^-, 2^- & \text{antisymmetric} & ^3 \text{P}_{0,1,2} & \rdelim\}{5}{*}\\
& 1 & 3 & 2^-, 3^-, 4^- & & ^3 \text{F}_{2,3,4} & \\
&&&&\text{in}&& & 1 \\
& 0 & 0 & 0^+ & & ^1\text{S}_0 & \\
& 0 & 2 & 2^+ & \text{spin} + \text{position} & ^1 \text{D}_2 & \\
\midrule[0.4pt] \bottomrule