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\item Find the unique cubic polynomial P that satisfies
P(-2) = 1, P(-1) = 4 P(0) = 2, P(2) = 4.
Write P in both the Lagrange and Newton forms
\item Lagrange: $construct l_j for j \in [1,4]$ \par
l_1(x) = \frac{1}{-8}(x+1)x(x-2) \\
l_2(x) = \frac{1}{3}(x+2)x(x-2) \\
l_3(x) = \frac{1}{-4}(x+2)(x+1)(x-2) \\
l_4(x) = \frac{1}{24}(x+2)(x+1)x \\
P(x) = l_1(x)+4l_2(x)+2l_3(x)+4l_4(x)
\item Newton
环境中的 5 个方程式对齐到它们各自的=
\graphicspath{ {./images/} }
\item Find the unique cubic polynomial $P$ that satisfies
P(-2)=1,\quad P(-1)=4,\quad P(0)=2,\quad P(2)=4\,.
\item Write $P$ in both the Lagrange and Newton forms.
\item Lagrange: Construct $l_j$ for $j \in \{1,2,3,4\}$
l_1(x) &= -\frac{1}{8}(x+1)x(x-2) \\
l_2(x) &= \frac{1}{3}(x+2)x(x-2) \\
l_3(x) &= -\frac{1}{4}(x+2)(x+1)(x-2) \\
l_4(x) &= \frac{1}{24}(x+2)(x+1)x \\
P(x) &= l_1(x) +4l_2(x) +2l_3(x) +4l_4(x)
\item Newton: \dots