![ssconvert 转换为表格,比例计算错误:缺失数字,视为零](https://linux22.com/image/411239/ssconvert%20%E8%BD%AC%E6%8D%A2%E4%B8%BA%E8%A1%A8%E6%A0%BC%EF%BC%8C%E6%AF%94%E4%BE%8B%E8%AE%A1%E7%AE%97%E9%94%99%E8%AF%AF%EF%BC%9A%E7%BC%BA%E5%A4%B1%E6%95%B0%E5%AD%97%EF%BC%8C%E8%A7%86%E4%B8%BA%E9%9B%B6.png)
ssconvert 转换为表格,但比例计算错误。
%% %%
%% This is the header of a LaTeX2e file exported from Gnumeric. %%
%% %%
%% This file can be compiled as it stands or included in another %%
%% LaTeX document. The table is based on the longtable package so %%
%% the longtable options (headers, footers...) can be set in the %%
%% preamble section below (see PRAMBLE). %%
%% %%
%% To include the file in another, the following two lines must be %%
%% in the including file: %%
%% \def\inputGnumericTable{} %%
%% at the beginning of the file and: %%
%% \input{name-of-this-file.tex} %%
%% where the table is to be placed. Note also that the including %%
%% file must use the following packages for the table to be %%
%% rendered correctly: %%
%% \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} %%
%% \usepackage{color} %%
%% \usepackage{array} %%
%% \usepackage{longtable} %%
%% \usepackage{calc} %%
%% \usepackage{multirow} %%
%% \usepackage{hhline} %%
%% \usepackage{ifthen} %%
%% optionally (for landscape tables embedded in another document): %%
%% \usepackage{lscape} %%
%% %%
%% This section checks if we are begin input into another file or %%
%% the file will be compiled alone. First use a macro taken from %%
%% the TeXbook ex 7.7 (suggestion of Han-Wen Nienhuys). %%
%% Check for the \def token for inputed files. If it is not %%
%% defined, the file will be processed as a standalone and the %%
%% preamble will be used. %%
%% We must be able to close or not the document at the end. %%
%% %%
%% This is the PREAMBLE. Change these values to get the right %%
%% paper size and other niceties. %%
%% %%
%% End of the preamble for the standalone. The next section is for %%
%% documents which are included into other LaTeX2e files. %%
%% We are not a stand alone document. For a regular table, we will %%
%% have no preamble and only define the closing to mean nothing. %%
%% If we want landscape mode in an embedded document, comment out %%
%% the line above and uncomment the two below. The table will %%
%% begin on a new page and run in landscape mode. %%
% \def\gnumericTableEnd{\end{landscape}}
% \begin{landscape}
%% End of the else clause for this file being \input. %%
%% %%
%% The rest is the gnumeric table, except for the closing %%
%% statement. Changes below will alter the table's appearance. %%
%% %%
%% Uncomment the next line if you would like your numbers to be in %%
%% italics if they are italizised in the gnumeric table. %%
%% The following setting protects this code from babel shorthands. %%
%% The default table format retains the relative column widths of %%
%% gnumeric. They can easily be changed to c, r or l. In that case %%
%% you may want to comment out the next line and uncomment the one %%
%% thereafter %%
%% to adjust positions in multirow situations %%
%% The \setlongtables command keeps column widths the same across %%
%% pages. Simply comment out next line for varying column widths. %%
\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\gnumericTableWidthComplete > \linewidth}}%
%% %%
%% The following are the widths of the various columns. We are %%
%% defining them here because then they are easier to change. %%
%% Depending on the cell formats we may use them more than once. %%
%% %%
%% The longtable options. (Caption, headers... see Goosens, p.124) %%
% \caption{The Table Caption.} \\ %
% \hline % Across the top of the table.
%% The rest of these options are table rows which are placed on %%
%% the first, last or every page. Use \multicolumn if you want. %%
%% Header for the first page. %%
% \multicolumn{3}{c}{The First Header} \\ \hline
% \multicolumn{1}{c}{colTag} %Column 1
% &\multicolumn{1}{c}{colTag} %Column 2
% &\multicolumn{1}{c}{colTag} \\ \hline %Last column
% \endfirsthead
%% The running header definition. %%
% \hline
% \multicolumn{3}{l}{\ldots\small\slshape continued} \\ \hline
% \multicolumn{1}{c}{colTag} %Column 1
% &\multicolumn{1}{c}{colTag} %Column 2
% &\multicolumn{1}{c}{colTag} \\ \hline %Last column
% \endhead
%% The running footer definition. %%
% \hline
% \multicolumn{3}{r}{\small\slshape continued\ldots} \\
% \endfoot
%% The ending footer definition. %%
% \multicolumn{3}{c}{That's all folks} \\ \hline
% \endlastfoot
&\multicolumn{2}{p{ \gnumericColB+%
Missing number, treated as zero. ...{218pt*\gnumericScale}@{}}x\end{tabular}}