
我正在尝试重现类似四边形球体的 3D 图(取自这里)使用TikZ:
重要的是,我使用特定的天体坐标(纬度/经度可以毫无问题地替换),这样我就可以绘制单独的箱体并标记它们。更一般地说,问题是如何从提供的坐标绘制大圆弧(方案中的所有线都是大圆)。我的目标是在本地坐标中工作时执行此操作,例如“从 (0°,-45°) 到 (0°,45°) 到 (45°,45°) 再到 (45°,0°) 绘制一条弧”。
第一个链接在 Metapost 中,但包含数学知识,后两个链接会用到这些知识。但是,后两种方法完全不同,我无法概括解决方案。一种用于\tdplotsetmaincoords
我们先来讨论一下如何构造解决方案。当然,这是用 LaTeX 完成的,因为需要几个方程式。
\item[\currentoverlaynumber.] #1
\frametitle{How to construct a great circle arc}
\begin{tikzpicture}[declare function={R=3;},bullet/.style={circle,inner
\shade[ball color = black!80,transform canvas={rotate=-35},
visible on=<1-2>] (0,0,0) coordinate (O) circle[radius=R];
\path[blue,visible on=<2>]
({R*cos(-130)},{R*sin(-130)},0) node[bullet,label=above:$\vec A$](A){}
({R*cos(-30)},{R*sin(-30)},0) node[bullet,label=above:$\vec B$](B){};
\begin{scope}[visible on=<3->,thick]
\clip plot[variable=\t,domain=-180:170,smooth cycle,samples=36]
\shade[tdplot_screen_coords,ball color = gray!50,
transform canvas={rotate=-215}] (0,0,0) circle[radius=R];
\clip plot[variable=\t,domain=-180:00,smooth,samples=19] ({R*cos(\t)},{R*sin(\t)},0)
-- plot[variable=\t,domain=00:-180,smooth,samples=19] ({R*cos(\t)},{0},{R*sin(\t)})
\shade[tdplot_screen_coords,ball color = black!80,
transform canvas={rotate=-35}] (0,0,0) circle[radius=R];
\draw[blue,->] (O) -- (A);
\draw[blue,->] (O) -- (B);
\path[red] (O) node[bullet,label=above left:$\vec O$]{};
\draw[red,->,visible on=<4->] (O) -- (0,0,2) node[above left]{$\vec n$};
({R*cos(-130)},{R*sin(-130)},0) node[bullet,label=above:$\vec A$]{}
({R*cos(-30)},{R*sin(-30)},0) node[bullet,label=above:$\vec B$]{};
\draw[orange,visible on=<5->]
plot[variable=\t,domain=-130:-30,smooth,samples=19] ({cos(\t)},{sin(\t)},0)
({cos(-80)},{sin(-80)},0) node[below] {$\alpha$};
\draw[magenta,visible on=<5->,->] (O) -- ({R*cos(-130+90)},{R*sin(-130+90)},0) coordinate[label=below:$\vec y$]
\draw[magenta,visible on=<5->,->] (O) -- (A) coordinate[label=below:$\vec x$]
\Explain{Consider a sphere of radius $R$.}\pause
\Explain{Consider two points on the sphere, $\vec A$ and $\vec B$.}\pause
\Explain{We know of course the center of the sphere, $\vec O$.}\pause
\Explain{The normal of the plane in which the great circle lies is
$\vec n=\vec A\times\vec B$.}\pause
\Explain{The angle $\alpha$ between $\vec A$ and $\vec B$ is
$\displaystyle\sphericalangle(\vec A,\vec B)=\arccos\left(\frac{\vec A\cdot\vec
\Explain{So all we need to do is to draw an arc of angle $\alpha$ in a plane
spanned by $\vec x:=\vec A$ and and a normalized version of $\vec y=\vec n\times
\vec A$.}\pause
\Explain{What remains to do is to check whether a given point is on the fore or
back side of the sphere.}
\frametitle{Visibility check and sceen depth}
\item Orthographic projections are obtained by truncating the column vectors of
a 3d rotatinon matrix,
\begin{equation} O=\begin{pmatrix}
O_{11} & O_{12} & O_{13} \\
O_{21} & O_{22} & O_{23} \\
O_{31} & O_{32} & O_{33} \\
so that
\vec e_x&=\begin{pmatrix}O_{11}\\ O_{21}\end{pmatrix}
=\begin{pmatrix}\texttt{\textbackslash pgf@xx}\\
\texttt{\textbackslash pgf@xy}\end{pmatrix}\;,\\
\vec e_y&=\begin{pmatrix}O_{21}\\ O_{22}\end{pmatrix}
=\begin{pmatrix}\texttt{\textbackslash pgf@yx}\\
\texttt{\textbackslash pgf@yy}\end{pmatrix}\;,\\
\vec e_z&=\begin{pmatrix}O_{13}\\ O_{23}\end{pmatrix}
=\begin{pmatrix}\texttt{\textbackslash pgf@zx}\\
\texttt{\textbackslash pgf@zy}\end{pmatrix}\;,
where we indicate the internal pgf dimensions these components get stored in.
\item The third row of $O$ can be (almost trivially) reconstructed via
\vec n=\begin{pmatrix}
O_{31} \\ O_{32} \\ O_{33}\\
O_{11} \\ O_{12} \\ O_{13}\\
O_{21} \\ O_{22} \\ O_{23}\\
\texttt{\textbackslash pgf@xx} \\
\texttt{\textbackslash pgf@yx} \\
\texttt{\textbackslash pgf@zx}\\
\texttt{\textbackslash pgf@xy} \\
\texttt{\textbackslash pgf@yy} \\
\texttt{\textbackslash pgf@zx}\\
\item The screen depth, i.e.\ the amount by which a point $\vec P=(x,y,z)$ is above or below the
screen zero plane, is thus given by
d_\mathsf{screen}=\vec P\cdot \vec n\;.
The zero of $d_\mathsf{screen}$ depends on conventions. However, the larger
$d_\mathsf{screen}$ is, the further ``above'' is $\vec P$ of the screen. This
means that points with larger $d_\mathsf{screen}$ are closer to the
``observer''. Proper 3d ordering ``only'' means drawing objects with larger
$d_\mathsf{screen}$ later. As is evident from \eqref{eq:d_screen}, one can
compute $d_\mathsf{screen}$ in a package--independent way, i.e.\ without
knowing whether the 3d view got installed with \texttt{tikz-3dplot},
the official \texttt{perspective} library or the inofficial
\texttt{3dtools} library.
\item With regards to the visbility on a sphere, since by convention the center
of the sphere is at the origin, only points with nonnegative
$d_\mathsf{screen}$ are on the foreside of the sphere, i.e.\ visible. As
explained before, establishing the visibility can thus be done in a package- or
convention--independent way. Of course, if the user does not use an
orthographic projection, none of this applies in full generality.
\pgfkeys{/pgf/fpu,/pgf/fpu/output format=fixed}%
\tikzset{great circle arc/.cd,
r/.initial=R,fore/.style={draw=white,semithick},back/.style={draw=gray,very thin}}
\tikzset{great circle arc/.cd,#2}%
\def\pv##1{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/great circle arc/##1}}%
% Cartesian coordinates of the first point (A)
% Cartesian coordinates of the second point (B)
% cross product C=AxB
% normalize C to have length r
% angle between A and B
% cross product D=AxC
\draw[great circle arc/back] plot coordinates {\tikz@td@lsthidcoords};%
\draw[great circle arc/fore] plot coordinates {\tikz@td@lstviscoords};%
\begin{tikzpicture}[declare function={R=3;},bullet/.style={circle,fill,inner
\shade[ball color = black!80,transform canvas={rotate=-35}] (0,0,0) circle[radius=R];
\pgfkeys{/pgf/fpu,/pgf/fpu/output format=fixed}%
\tikzset{great circle arc/.cd,
r/.initial=R,fore/.style={draw=white,semithick},back/.style={draw=gray,very thin}}
\tikzset{great circle arc/.cd,#2}%
\def\pv##1{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/great circle arc/##1}}%
% Cartesian coordinates of the first point (A)
% Cartesian coordinates of the second point (B)
% cross product C=AxB
% normalize C to have length r
% angle between A and B
% cross product D=AxC
\draw[great circle arc/back] plot coordinates {\tikz@td@lsthidcoords};%
\draw[great circle arc/fore] plot coordinates {\tikz@td@lstviscoords};%
\foreach \Angle in {5,15,...,355}
\begin{tikzpicture}[declare function={R=3;},bullet/.style={circle,fill,inner
\shade[ball color = black!80,transform canvas={rotate=-35}] (0,0,0) circle[radius=R];