在 Longtable 中添加段落间距

在 Longtable 中添加段落间距


    \begin{longtable}{|p{51 pt}|p{370 pt}|}
        \textsc{Aug 2017}&\Large{{Sample Project Title}}\\
        \textsc{\hfill -Present}&Shortly before my start at Somewhere Industries, a catastrophic failure of one of the system conveyor occurred.

        I also drove the inventory management, document management and SAP system re-implementation to ensure all site-specific technical aspects were adequately addressed and integrated with asset management system and strategic initiatives.

(顺便说一句:我不想使用列。 longtable 格式最适合我的需要。我也不想学习新的环境。我喜欢 longtable :) )

我发现的一个解决方法是在单元格内部使用 parskip,就像在这个 MWE 中一样:

    \begin{longtable}{|p{51 pt}|p{370 pt}|}
        \textsc{Aug 2017}&\Large{{Sample Project Title}}\\
        \textsc{\hfill -Present}&{\setlength{\parskip}{6pt}Shortly before my start at Somewhere Industries, a catastrophic failure of one of the system conveyor occurred.

        I also drove the inventory management, document management and SAP system re-implementation to ensure all site-specific technical aspects were adequately addressed and integrated with asset management system and strategic initiatives.






    \begin{longtable}{|p{51 pt}|>{\setlength\parskip{1ex}}p{370 pt}|}
        \textsc{Aug 2017}&\Large Sample Project Title \\
        \textsc{\hfill -Present}&Shortly before my start at Somewhere Industries, a catastrophic failure of one of the system conveyor occurred.

        I also drove the inventory management, document management and SAP system re-implementation to ensure all site-specific technical aspects were adequately addressed and integrated with asset management system and strategic initiatives.

