我想为 URL 添加换行符,因为它超出了页边距。我已在 StackExhange 上引用了几篇文章,但仍然没有成功。以下代码的错误显示 !LaTeX 错误:包 hyperref 的选项冲突。
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%%%%%%%%%%%% LISTING %%%
\usepackage{verbatim} % used to display code
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morekeywords={__global__, __device__}, % CUDA specific keywords
{\Large \textsc{Modeling and Evaluation}}
Fall 2014
%\date{September 26, 2014}
\textbf{Instructor:} & Arman Shokrollahi & & & & \textbf{Time:} & F 14:00 -- 17:00 \\
\textbf{Email:} & \href{mailto:[email protected]}{[email protected]} & & & & \textbf{Place:} & 107 Engineering Bldg.
\noindent\textbf{Main References:}
\item Kenneth H. Rosen, \textit{Elementary Number Theory and Its Applications}, 6th Edition (2010), Pearson.
\item David Burton, \textit{Elementary Number Theory}, 7th Edition (2010), McGraw-Hill Education
\noindent\textbf{Office Hours:} After class, or by appointment, or post your questions in the forum provided for this purpose on AeLP.