如何在逐字转录环境中增加 catcode defs 来转录手写文档?

如何在逐字转录环境中增加 catcode defs 来转录手写文档?

使用 verbatim(不是 Verbatim)来转录手写文件。


我已经想出了办法(使用了这个网站上的许多有用提示,谢谢!)来解决逐字记录的限制,以允许使用上标、划线词和脚注等作为参考,正如我将在下面的最小工作示例(MWE)中演示的那样,但我遇到了一个限制,即每个逐字记录环境组一次只能合并两个 catcode。


由于其他原因,我无法在我的工作中使用 Verbatim。

    \usepackage[normalem]{ulem} %used to enable the use of strike out text via \sout{striked out text}
    % Footnote treatment, This keeps footnotes flush and aligned to the left.
    \setlength{\footmarkwidth}{1.7em} % if your footnotes go into the hundreds, you need at least 1.7em 
    \footmarkstyle{#1.\hfill} % this will give you plain numbers for your notes 
    \noindent First Example: 
    \noindent Escaped Footnote and Superscript within a verbatim environment:
    This is an example of a +!superscript! with subsequent escaped footnotes in a verbatim 
    environment?!See the First Example!
    Second Example: 
    Escaped Footnote and sout from the ulem package to line through a word within a 
    verbatim environment:
    This is an example of a +!line of text! group of words being crossed out with 
    subsequent escaped footnotes in a verbatim environment?!See the Second Example!

这产生以下结果(注意:在上面的消息正文中插入代码块需要我稍微修改一些行的位置,但影响不大) 在此处输入图片描述



需要 verbatim完全没有?




  \str_case:nn { #1 }
    {!}{ \gentexuser_footnote:w }
    {+}{ \gentexuser_sout:w }
    {@}{ \gentexuser_textsuperscript:w }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \gentexuser_footnote:w #1 ! { \footnote{#1} }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \gentexuser_sout:w #1 + { \sout{#1} }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \gentexuser_textsuperscript:w #1 @ { \textsuperscript{#1} }


\setlength{\textheight}{3cm} % just to make a smaller picture


This is an example of a \?@superscript@ with subsequent escaped footnotes in a verbatim 
environment\?!See the First Example!

This is an example of a \?+line of text+ group of words being crossed out with 
subsequent escaped footnotes in a verbatim environment\?!See the Second Example!




这里我直接改编了原作者的verbatim做法,我将其设为+一个双参数活动宏,第一个参数定义操作,第二个参数表示参数,因此,+s!superscript!带有 的s是上标,+x!subsequent!带有 的x是删除线,+f!See the First Example!带有 的f是脚注。

    \usepackage[normalem]{ulem} %used to enable the use of strike out text via \sout{striked out text}
    % Footnote treatment, This keeps footnotes flush and aligned to the left.
    \setlength{\footmarkwidth}{1.7em} % if your footnotes go into the hundreds, you need at least 1.7em 
    \footmarkstyle{#1.\hfill} % this will give you plain numbers for your notes 
    \textheight 2in
    \noindent Example: 
    \noindent Escaped Footnote, Superscript AND strikeout
      within a verbatim environment:
    \def+#1!#2!{\ifx s#1\textsuperscript{#2}\else
                \ifx x#1\sout{#2}\else
                \ifx f#1\footnote{#2}\fi\fi\fi}
    This is an example of a +s!superscript! with +x!subsequent! escaped footnotes in a verbatim 
    environment+f!See the First Example!


如果需要一种方法将 a 转义+到文档中,那么 active+可以定义为

\def+#1!#2!{\ifx s#1\textsuperscript{#2}\else
            \ifx x#1\sout{#2}\else
            \ifx f#1\footnote{#2}\else
            \ifx +#1\char`+\fi\fi\fi\fi}



有趣的是,使用@egreg 的解决方案,允许使用多字符宏分隔符。


    {spp}{ \gentexuser_spelling:w }


\cs_new_protected:Npn \gentexuser_spelling:w #1 spp { #1\textsuperscript{[spelling?]} }








qwertu 与 spp

这种技术可能有用例(例如,无需更改 catcode 的简写?)。





\NewDocumentEnvironment{hand}{ +b}
%  \trivlist\ttfamily\footnotesize\raggedright\item

\NewDocumentCommand{ \? } { m }
  \str_case:nn { #1 }
    {!}{ \gentexuser_footnote:w }
    {+}{ \gentexuser_sout:w }
    {@}{ \gentexuser_textsuperscript:w }
    {;}{ \gentexuser_emphfd:w }
    {-}{ \gentexuser_arrows:w }
    {zy}{ \gentexuser_testxx:w }
    {z}{ \gentexuser_testz:w }
    {rq}{ \gentexuser_testrq:w }
    {spp}{ \gentexuser_spelling:w }

\RenewDocumentCommand{ \. } { m }
  \str_case:nn { #1 }
    {*}{ \gentexuser_hash:w }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \gentexuser_footnote:w #1 ! { \footnote{#1} }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \gentexuser_sout:w #1 + { \sout{#1} }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \gentexuser_textsuperscript:w #1 @ { \textsuperscript{#1} }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \gentexuser_emphfd:w #1 ; { {\large\textbf{#1}} }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \gentexuser_arrows:w #1 - { $\rightarrow$#1$\leftarrow$ }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \gentexuser_testxx:w #1 zy { ~ABC#1XYZ~ }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \gentexuser_testz:w #1 z { \textit{~zzz#1ZZZ~} }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \gentexuser_testrq:w #1 rq { {\color{blue}rq-Start: [{\bfseries#1}] :rq-End} }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \gentexuser_hash:w #1 * { +++#1+++ }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \gentexuser_spelling:w #1 spp { #1\textsuperscript{[spelling?]} }


%\setlength{\textheight}{3cm} % just to make a smaller picture


This is an example of a \?@superscript@ with subsequent escaped footnotes in a verbatim 
environment\?!See the First Example!

This is an example of a \?+line of text+ group of words being crossed out with 
subsequent escaped footnotes in a verbatim environment\?!See the Second Example! And some \?;Emphfd text; as well.

And a \?+y{\?@x{\?;combo;}x@}y+.
And a \?+ycomboy+. Some \?-arrows and {-} text-

And \?{zy}xxx qwerty qwerty non-zy \?zUIOPz non-z

This is rq test: some \?{rq}text more textrq and outside rq.



Format is \verb|\?{rq}text more textrq|.

\olddot a \.*b*

To obtain \?{spp}Qwertuspp, type \verb|\?{spp}Qwertuspp|.

And \verb|\?{spp}Qwertu{spp}xyzspp| produces: \?{spp}Qwertu{spp}xyzspp

