& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Pre-block} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Post-block} & Paired \textit{t}-test \\
\cline{2-3} \cline{4-5} \cline{6-6}
& Mean & Standard error & Mean
& Standard error & \textit{t}-stats \\ \hline
Panel A. Contributions from all contributors& & & & & \\
Addition & 1105.53& 225.67& 538.01& 117.00& 2.89\\
Deletion & 528.96& 167.25& 174.57& 38.21& 2.32\\
Total & 1634.49& 389.77& 712.58& 153.13& 2.69\\
Panel B. Contributions from nonblocked contributors& & & & & \\
Addition & 3592.67& 787.90& 1887.40& 408.73& 2.48\\
Deletion & 1798.83& 585.61& 612.42& 133.49& 2.22\\
Total & 5391.50& 1362.84& 2499.82& 534.91& 2.41\\
用于“面板 A...”和“面板 B...”文本booktabs
在相邻 s 之间添加小水平空白的命令\cmidrule
\begin{tabular}{l*{3}{S[table-format=4.2]} S[table-format=3.2] S[table-format=1.2]}
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Pre-block} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Post-block} & {Paired \textit{t}-test} \\
\cmidrule(r){2-3} \cmidrule(lr){4-5} \cmidrule(l){6-6}
& {Mean} & {Std Err } & {Mean} & {Std Err} & {\textit{t}-stats} \\ \midrule
\multicolumn{6}{@{}l}{Panel A. Contributions from all contributors} \\
Addition & 1105.53& 225.67& 538.01& 117.00& 2.89\\
Deletion & 528.96& 167.25& 174.57& 38.21& 2.32\\
Total & 1634.49& 389.77& 712.58& 153.13& 2.69\\
\multicolumn{6}{@{}l}{Panel B. Contributions from nonblocked contributors} \\
Addition & 3592.67& 787.90& 1887.40& 408.73& 2.48\\
Deletion & 1798.83& 585.61& 612.42& 133.49& 2.22\\
Total & 5391.50& 1362.84& 2499.82& 534.91& 2.41\\
\begin{tabular}{l*{3}{S[table-format=4.2]} S[table-format=3.2] S[table-format=1.2]}
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Pre-block} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Post-block} & {Paired \textit{t}-test} \\
\cmidrule(r){2-3} \cmidrule(lr){4-5} \cmidrule(l){6-6}
& {Mean} & {\makecell{Standard\\ error}} & {Mean} & {\makecell{Standard\\ error}} & {\textit{t}-stats} \\ \midrule
\multicolumn{6}{@{}l}{Panel A. Contributions from all contributors} \\
Addition & 1105.53& 225.67& 538.01& 117.00& 2.89\\
Deletion & 528.96& 167.25& 174.57& 38.21& 2.32\\
Total & 1634.49& 389.77& 712.58& 153.13& 2.69\\
\multicolumn{6}{@{}l}{Panel B. Contributions from nonblocked contributors} \\
Addition & 3592.67& 787.90& 1887.40& 408.73& 2.48\\
Deletion & 1798.83& 585.61& 612.42& 133.49& 2.22\\
Total & 5391.50& 1362.84& 2499.82& 534.91& 2.41\\
通过包装器让“面板 A...”和“面板 B...”突出到其他列中,\multicolumn{6}{l}{...}
可以实现大部分功能 - 比较下面表 1 和表 2 的外观。但是,仅凭这一更改并不能保证表格实际上完全适合文本块。
环境,让 LaTeX 找出允许的列间空白量。更一致地使用包的命令
Standard error
为Std. error
这些想法在下面表 3 中实现。
\usepackage{siunitx} % for 'S' column type
\usepacakge{showframe} % denote edges of textblock
\caption{OP's original form}
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Pre-block} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Post-block} & Paired \textit{t}-test \\
\cline{2-3} \cline{4-5} \cline{6-6}
& Mean & Standard error & Mean
& Standard error & \textit{t}-stats \\ \hline
Panel A. Contributions from all contributors& & & & & \\
Addition & 1105.53& 225.67& 538.01& 117.00& 2.89\\
Deletion & 528.96& 167.25& 174.57& 38.21& 2.32\\
Total & 1634.49& 389.77& 712.58& 153.13& 2.69\\
Panel B. Contributions from nonblocked contributors& & & & & \\
Addition & 3592.67& 787.90& 1887.40& 408.73& 2.48\\
Deletion & 1798.83& 585.61& 612.42& 133.49& 2.22\\
Total & 5391.50& 1362.84& 2499.82& 534.91& 2.41\\
\caption{Let header lines protrude out of column 1}
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Pre-block} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Post-block} & Paired \textit{t}-test \\
\cline{2-3} \cline{4-5} \cline{6-6}
& Mean & Standard error & Mean
& Standard error & \textit{t}-stats \\ \hline
\multicolumn{6}{l}{Panel A. Contributions from all contributors} \\
Addition & 1105.53& 225.67& 538.01& 117.00& 2.89\\
Deletion & 528.96& 167.25& 174.57& 38.21& 2.32\\
Total & 1634.49& 389.77& 712.58& 153.13& 2.69\\
\multicolumn{6}{l}{Panel B. Contributions from nonblocked contributors} \\
Addition & 3592.67& 787.90& 1887.40& 408.73& 2.48\\
Deletion & 1798.83& 585.61& 612.42& 133.49& 2.22\\
Total & 5391.50& 1362.84& 2499.82& 534.91& 2.41\\
\caption{Further improvements}
l *{3}{S[table-format=4.2]}
S[table-format=1.2] }
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Pre-block}
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Post-block}
& {Paired $t$-test} \\
\cmidrule{2-3} \cmidrule{4-5} \cmidrule{6-6}
& {Mean} & {Std.\ error} & {Mean} & {Std.\ error} & {$t$-stats} \\
\multicolumn{6}{l}{Panel A\@. Contributions from all contributors} \\
Addition & 1105.53& 225.67& 538.01& 117.00& 2.89\\
Deletion & 528.96& 167.25& 174.57& 38.21& 2.32\\
Total & 1634.49& 389.77& 712.58& 153.13& 2.69\\
\multicolumn{6}{l}{Panel B\@. Contributions from nonblocked contributors} \\
Addition & 3592.67& 787.90& 1887.40& 408.73& 2.48\\
Deletion & 1798.83& 585.61& 612.42& 133.49& 2.22\\
Total & 5391.50& 1362.84& 2499.82& 534.91& 2.41\\