当我想使用 \usepackage{tkz-euclide} 时出现错误

当我想使用 \usepackage{tkz-euclide} 时出现错误

我正在撰写一篇稿件,考虑在《组合学、概率和计算》期刊上发表。我使用的是期刊模板,可通过以下方式获取https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/combinatorics-probability-and-computing/information/instructions-contributors#我需要使用 tkz-euclide 包,但是每次添加该包时都会出现如下错误:



%\title[Book reviews]{Book reviews}
\title[A novel grid-based proving technique for generated graph of FTTM pseudo degree]{A novel grid-based proving technique for generated graph of FTTM pseudo degree}
\author[Amirul Aizad Ahmad Fuad and Tahir Ahmad]{Amirul Aizad Ahmad Fuad and Tahir Ahmad\thanks{Corresponding author}\\
\affilskip Department of Mathematical Sciences \\
\affilskip Faculty of Science \\
\affilskip Universiti Teknologi Malaysia \\
\affilskip 81310 Johor Bahru, Malaysia \\}

\recdate{2 October 2003}

\def\eg{{\it e.g.\ }}
\def\etc{{\it etc}}



\newcommand{\midarrow}{\tikz \draw[-triangle 90] (0,0) -- +(.1,0);}




Fuzzy topological topographic mapping $(FTTM)$ is a mathematical model that consists of a set of homeomorphic topological spaces designed to solve the neuromagnetic inverse problem. The special characteristic of $FTTM$, namely the homeomorphisms between its components, allows the generation of new $FTTM$. These generated $FTTM$s can be represented as pseudo graphs. A graph of pseudo degree zero is a special type of pseudo graph where each of the $FTTM$'s components differs from its adjacent. Previous researchers have investigated and conjectured the number of generated $FTTM$ pseudo degree zero with respect to $n$ number of components and $k$ number of versions.  In this paper, the conjecture is proven analytically.  The grid-based method of proving is new, whereby some definitions and properties are introduced and developed along the way, respectively.  It offers an edge in proving, in particular, the capability of visualizing the problem in a $2$-dimensional space.

2020 \textit{Mathematics subject classification:}&{Primary 05C62} \\&{Secondary 05C50}




问题并不完全是tkz-euclidenumprint。不幸的是tkz-euclide加载tkz-base了 使用numprint。有几种可能性,但其中一些需要时间。


2) 修改tkz-base为允许使用siunits。我对后者了解不够,无法快速完成这项工作。



\author{Alain Matthes}


Latex Error: ./cam.tex:8 Missing # inserted in alignment preamble.


\author{Alain Matthes}


% \it removed and \footnotesize added 
\leavevmode \hbox \bgroup $\let\@acol\@tabacol
 \let\@classz\@tabclassz \let\@classiv\@tabclassiv
 \let\\\author@tabularcr \@tabarray

    {\LARGE\strut \bf \@title \par}%
    \setbox0=\vbox{\let\thanks\relax \LARGE\strut \bf \@title \par}%
    \vskip 75\p@
    % \begin{author@tabular}[t]{@{}c@{}}
    % \end{author@tabular}
       \vskip 3\p@
       {\hfil\small\strut\it Received \@recdate\hfil}%
     \else \par
  \vskip -11\p@% remove the last \par
  \vskip 39\p@
  }% two line space


我认为问题出在author@tabular'. Either you modifymaketitle to complete the title, or you ask another question aboutnumprint' 和 'author@tabular'。

