LATEX 自定义部分名称 Mod

LATEX 自定义部分名称 Mod

I specified how I wish for the section titles to appear. However I wish to be able to specify not to use all capitals for some. Here I wish the section title to just be 'Test'

* Z This is a good section title but I am wondering how can I get the text line to return after to line up to 'Z' instead of '*'



我的第二个问题是关于 \section*{testing} 的,我想知道如何让第二行和所有其他行排列在“Z”下而不是“*”下


有一种可能性:对于第一点,我用etoolbox一个新的布尔值定义nosc(默认为 false),并使用该\iftoggle命令进行部分格式化。





I specified how I wish for the section titles to appear. However I wish to be able to specify not to use all capitals for some. Here I wish the section title to just be 'Test'

\section*{Testing again}
\begin{itemize}[wide=0pt, leftmargin=*, nosep]
\item[*] Z This is a good section title but I am wondering how can I get the text line to return after to line up to 'Z' instead of '*'




使用高级界面时,使用此代码进行 \titleformat

\titleformat{\section} {\HUGE\iftoggle{nosc}{}{\scshape}\filright} {}{0em} {} [\titlerule\togglefalse{nosc}]

