尽管 KersouMan 指出,已经提出了多种解决方案。我个人非常喜欢Max 提出的解决方案这与我的问题密切相关。所以如果你喜欢这个答案,请为他点赞。
作为图形文件(例如 pdf、png、jpg...)提供。
% Tikz style used to work in relative coordinates to the underlying picture
% From https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/445311/141947
use bounding box relative coordinates/.style={
shift={(current bounding box.south west)},
x={(current bounding box.south east)},
y={(current bounding box.north west)}
% Shortcut to avoid repeating stuff afterwards
% Import picture and select it as bounding box
\node[use as bounding box] {\includegraphics{example-image-a}};
% Activate relative positioning of points
\begin{scope}[use bounding box relative coordinates]
\node[label] at (0.8,0.8) {TE};
\node[label] at (0.8,0.2) {LE};
% Create an arrow between point at coordinates (0.2,0.4) and a point a 60° angle and 0.5 distance from the first one
\draw[stealth-] (0.2,0.4) --++ (60:0.5) node[pos=1,label,anchor=west]{Horseshoe vortex} ;
% Create a label, then draw arrrows linked to it
\node[label] (IndVortLabel) at (0.3,0.3) {Induced vortices};
\draw[] (IndVortLabel.west) edge[-stealth] (0.1,0.35)
(IndVortLabel.west) edge[-stealth] (0.1,0.25);