\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, ltablex, threeparttablex}
\textbf{Type} & \textbf{Quantity} & \textbf{Name/Model/Brand} \\
\textbf{Type} & \textbf{Quantity} & \textbf{Name/Model/Brand}\\
\thead{S/T} & \thead{Temperature \\ and Humidity} & \thead{Phidgets Humidity \\ and Temperature Sensor} \\
S/T&Temperature&D600 \\
S/T&\thead{Temperature \\ and Humidity}&AM2315 \\
S/T&\thead{Temperature \\ and Humidity}&SHT11 \\
S/T&\thead{Temperature \\ and Humidity}&AM2321 \\
S/T&\thead{Temperature \\ and Humidity}&Testo 175H1 \\
S/T&Temperature&\thead{Type-K Stainless \\ Steel Thermocouple} \\
A&Temperature&\thead{Thermostatic PTC \\ heating element} \\
A&Temperature&\thead{KippKitts \\ cooling unit} \\
A&\thead{Temperature, air flow, \\ and humidity}&Sunon KD1208PTS1 \\
A&Soil moisture&\thead{Control servo \\ ES08AII} \\
A&Soil moisture&\thead{Homecube peristaltic \\ liquid pumps} \\
S/T&Water level and soil moisture&VG400-LV \\
S/T&Water level&LLE102000 \\
A&Air humidity&\thead{Phtronics portable \\ bottle cap air \\humidifier with \\bottle} \\
A&Luminosity&GE light modules \\
A&Luminosity&\thead{Full spectrum Compact \\Fluorescent Light \\grow light} \\
A&pH&\thead{General Hydroponics \\liquid bottles and \\FloraDuo fertilizers} \\
S/T&Air humidity&HIH-4010 \\
S/T&Luminosity&\thead{Phidgets Light \\Sensor 70000 lux} \\
S/T&Luminosity&ADPS-9002 \\
S/T&Luminosity&Adafruit TSL2561 \\
S/T&Luminosity&NJL7502L \\
S/T&pH&Atlas pH sensor \\
S/T&pH&Phidgets pH/ORP Adapter \\
S/T&Soil moisture&FC-28 \\
S/T&Soil moisture&ECH2O EC-5 \\
S/T&Air flow&\thead{Testo 435-4 hot \\wire anemometer \\ + 0635 1535 thermal \\ velocity probe} \\
S/T&Pressure&NPP-301 \\
S/T&Electric conductivity&Atlas EC \\
S/T&Water level&DS18B29\\
S/T&Image&\thead{ELP 5 Megapixel\\ USB camera}\\
S/T&Irradiation&\thead{International Light \\Technologies \\Spectroradiometer\\ ILT950 I}\\
S/T&$CO_{2}$ concentration&MHZ16\\
A&Soil moisture&Water pump (generic)\\
A&\thead{Temperature, air flow, \\ and humidity}&Fan (generic)\\
A&\thead{Temperature and \\luminosity}&Light bulb (generic)\\
A&Humidity&Humidifier (generic)\\
A&\thead{Luminosity and \\ air flow}&DC motor (generic)\\
A&Luminosity&UV LED lamp (generic)\\
A&Air flow&DC blower (generic)\\
A&Oxygenation&Air pump (generic)\\
\tablecaption{Caption for a long table}
\textbf{Type} & \textbf{Quantity} & \textbf{Name\slash Model\slash Brand}\\
\setlength\extrarowheight{1pt} % for a more open "look"
S/T & Temperature and Humidity & Phidgets Humidity and Temperature Sensor \\
S/T & Temperature & D600 \\
S/T & Temperature and Humidity & AM2315 \\
S/T & Temperature and Humidity & SHT11 \\
S/T & Temperature and Humidity & AM2321 \\
S/T & Temperature and Humidity & Testo 175H1 \\
S/T & Temperature & Type-K Stainless Steel Thermocouple \\
A & Temperature & Thermostatic PTC heating element \\
A & Temperature & KippKitts cooling unit \\
A & Temperature, air flow, and humidity & Sunon KD1208PTS1 \\
A & Soil moisture & Control servo ES08AII \\
A & Soil moisture & Homecube peristaltic liquid pumps \\
S/T & Water level and soil moisture & VG400-LV \\
S/T & Water level & LLE102000 \\
A & Air humidity & Phtronics portable bottle cap air humidifier with bottle \\
A & Luminosity & GE light modules \\
A & Luminosity & Full spectrum Compact Fluorescent Light grow light \\
A & pH & General Hydroponics liquid bottles and FloraDuo fertilizers \\
S/T & Air humidity & HIH-4010 \\
S/T & Luminosity & Phidgets Light Sensor 70000 lux \\
S/T & Luminosity & ADPS-9002 \\
S/T & Luminosity & Adafruit TSL2561 \\
S/T & Luminosity & NJL7502L \\
S/T & pH & Atlas pH sensor \\
S/T & pH & Phidgets pH/ORP Adapter \\
S/T & Soil moisture & FC-28 \\
S/T & Soil moisture & ECH2O EC-5 \\
S/T & Air flow & Testo 435-4 hot wire anemometer + 0635 1535 thermal velocity probe \\
S/T & Pressure & NPP-301 \\
S/T & Electric conductivity & Atlas EC \\
S/T & Water level & DS18B29\\
S/T & Image & ELP 5 Megapixel USB camera\\
S/T & Irradiation & International Light Technologies Spectroradiometer ILT950~I \\
S/T & \ce{CO2} concentration & MHZ16\\
A & Soil moisture & Water pump (generic)\\
A & Temperature, air flow, and humidity & Fan (generic)\\
A & Temperature and luminosity & Light bulb (generic)\\
A & Humidity & Humidifier (generic)\\
A & Luminosity and air flow & DC motor (generic) \\
A & Luminosity & UV LED lamp (generic)\\
A & Air flow & DC blower (generic)\\
A & Oxygenation & Air pump (generic)\\