\tikzset{arrow marks/.style={postaction=decorate,decoration={markings,
mark=between positions #1 and 1 step #1 with {\arrow{>}}}},
arrow marks/.default=10pt}
[declare function={a=0.5;lambda=5;}]
%xtick distance = {1},
%ytick distance = {1},
height = 7in,width=1.2\textwidth,
axis lines=center,
axis line style=->, xlabel = {$x_1$}, ylabel={$x_2$},
%axis equal,
legend cell align = {left},
every axis x label/.style={at={(ticklabel* cs:1.05)}, anchor=west,},
every axis y label/.style={at={(ticklabel* cs:1.05)}, anchor=south,},
title= {Bang-off-bang Control Trajectories}, title style={xshift=0, yshift=2em},
domain=-15:15,samples=300,legend pos=outer north east]
%Final Switch Curve x_2 < 0
\addplot[->,>=latex,arrow marks=1cm,color = blue, thick, domain = -8:0,tips=proper]({-ln(1-a*x)/a^2 - x/a}, {x}) node[below left, pos = 0.3, font = \small] {\(u^* = 1\)};
%Final Switch Curve x_2 > 0
\addplot[->,>=latex,arrow marks=1cm,color = red, thick, domain = 8:0,tips=proper]({ln(1+a*x)/a^2 - x/a}, {x}) node[above right, pos = 0.3, font = \small] {\(u^* = -1\)};
%Off Curve x_2 > 0
\addplot[dotted, color = black, thick, domain = 8:0,tips=proper]({ln(1+(lambda*a*x)/(lambda + 2*a*x))/a^2 - x/a}, {x}) node[below left, pos = 0.25, font = \small] {\(u^* = 0\)};
%Off curve x_2 < 0
\addplot[dotted, color = black, thick, domain = -8:0,tips=proper]({-ln(1-(lambda*a*x)/(lambda - 2*a*x))/a^2 - x/a}, {x}) node[above right, pos = 0.25, font = \small] {\(u^* = 0\)};
\addplot[name path =FinSwCurveX2Neg,draw=none,domain = -8:0]({-ln(1-a*x)/a^2 - x/a}, {x});
\addplot[name path =FinSwCurveX2Pos,draw=none, domain = 8:0]({ln(1+a*x)/a^2 - x/a}, {x});
\addplot[name path=ZeroSwCurveX2Pos,dotted, color = black, thick, domain = 8:0,tips=proper]({ln(1+(lambda*a*x)/(lambda + 2*a*x))/a^2 - x/a}, {x});
\addplot[name path = ZeroSwCurveX2Neg,dotted, color = black, thick, domain = -8:0,tips=proper]({-ln(1-(lambda*a*x)/(lambda - 2*a*x))/a^2 - x/a}, {x});
\addplot[color = orange,fill opacity=0.2]fill between[of= FinSwCurveX2Neg and ZeroSwCurveX2Neg];
\addplot[color = orange,fill opacity=0.2]fill between[of= FinSwCurveX2Pos and ZeroSwCurveX2Pos];
\addplot[name path = xAxisNeg, draw = none, domain = -12:0]{0};
\addplot[name path = xAxisPos, draw = none, domain = 0:12]{0};
\addplot[name path = yAxisNeg1, draw = none] coordinates{(0, -8) (0, 0)};
\addplot[name path = yAxisNeg2, draw = none] coordinates{(-12, -8) (-12, 0)};
\addplot[name path = yAxisPos1, draw = none] coordinates{(0, 0) (0, 8)};
\addplot[name path = yAxisPos2, draw = none] coordinates{(12, 0) (12, 8)};
\addplot[name path= yMax,thick, draw = none, domain=ln(1+(lambda*a*8)/(lambda + 2*a*8))/a^2 - 8/a:0] {8};
\addplot[name path= yMin,thick, draw = none, domain= 0:-ln(1-(lambda*a*8)/(lambda - 2*a*8))/a^2 - 8/a] {-8};
%yMax and yMin are used so that the second quadrant above s1 and the fourth quadrant below s2 are respectively properly colored
\addplot[color = blue,fill opacity=0.2]fill between[of= ZeroSwCurveX2Pos and xAxisNeg];
\addplot[color = blue,fill opacity=0.2]fill between[of= yAxisNeg1 and yAxisNeg2]; %colors the third quadrant
\addplot[color = blue, fill opacity = 0.2] fill between[
of = yMin and FinSwCurveX2Neg]; %For some reason, the blue color doesn't clip off at the y-axis, but rather goes past it
\addplot[color = red,fill opacity=0.2]fill between[of= ZeroSwCurveX2Neg and xAxisPos]; %colors entire third quadrant blue
\addplot[color = red,fill opacity=0.2]fill between[of= yAxisPos1 and yAxisPos2]; %colors entire first quadrant red
\addplot[color = red,fill opacity=0.2]fill between[of= yMax and FinSwCurveX2Pos];
您不必局限于这种fill between
可能性。一个可能更强大的选项是在交叉线段之间填充。我为负 y 轴添加了一条路径,并填充
\path [name path=BC,%draw=cyan,thick,->,
fill = blue, fill opacity = 0.2,
intersection segments={of=FinSwCurveX2Neg and negative y axis,
sequence={A0 -- B1}, },] -- cycle;
\tikzset{arrow marks/.style={postaction=decorate,decoration={markings,
mark=between positions #1 and 1 step #1 with {\arrow{>}}}},
arrow marks/.default=10pt}
[declare function={a=0.5;lambda=5;}]
%xtick distance = {1},
%ytick distance = {1},
height = 7in,width=1.2\textwidth,
axis lines=center,
axis line style=->, xlabel = {$x_1$}, ylabel={$x_2$},
%axis equal,
legend cell align = {left},
every axis x label/.style={at={(ticklabel* cs:1.05)}, anchor=west,},
every axis y label/.style={at={(ticklabel* cs:1.05)}, anchor=south,},
title= {Bang-off-bang Control Trajectories}, title style={xshift=0, yshift=2em},
domain=-15:15,samples=300,legend pos=outer north east]
%Final Switch Curve x_2 < 0
\addplot[->,>=latex,arrow marks=1cm,color = blue, thick, domain =
-8:0,tips=proper,name path=blue]({-ln(1-a*x)/a^2 - x/a}, {x}) node[below left, pos = 0.3, font
= \small] {\(u^* = 1\)};
%Final Switch Curve x_2 > 0
\addplot[->,>=latex,arrow marks=1cm,color = red, thick, domain = 8:0,tips=proper]({ln(1+a*x)/a^2 - x/a}, {x}) node[above right, pos = 0.3, font = \small] {\(u^* = -1\)};
%Off Curve x_2 > 0
\addplot[dotted, color = black, thick, domain = 8:0,tips=proper]({ln(1+(lambda*a*x)/(lambda + 2*a*x))/a^2 - x/a}, {x}) node[below left, pos = 0.25, font = \small] {\(u^* = 0\)};
%Off curve x_2 < 0
\addplot[dotted, color = black, thick, domain = -8:0,tips=proper]({-ln(1-(lambda*a*x)/(lambda - 2*a*x))/a^2 - x/a}, {x}) node[above right, pos = 0.25, font = \small] {\(u^* = 0\)};
\addplot[name path =FinSwCurveX2Neg,draw=none,domain =
-8:0,draw=none]({-ln(1-a*x)/a^2 - x/a}, {x});
\path[name path=negative y axis] (0,0) -- (0,-8);
\addplot[name path =FinSwCurveX2Pos,draw=none, domain = 8:0]({ln(1+a*x)/a^2 - x/a}, {x});
\addplot[name path=ZeroSwCurveX2Pos,dotted, color = black, thick, domain = 8:0,tips=proper]({ln(1+(lambda*a*x)/(lambda + 2*a*x))/a^2 - x/a}, {x});
\addplot[name path = ZeroSwCurveX2Neg,dotted, color = black, thick, domain = -8:0,tips=proper]({-ln(1-(lambda*a*x)/(lambda - 2*a*x))/a^2 - x/a}, {x});
\addplot[color = orange,fill opacity=0.2]fill between[of= FinSwCurveX2Neg and ZeroSwCurveX2Neg];
\addplot[color = orange,fill opacity=0.2]fill between[of= FinSwCurveX2Pos and ZeroSwCurveX2Pos];
\addplot[name path = xAxisNeg, draw = none, domain = -12:0]{0};
\addplot[name path = xAxisPos, draw = none, domain = 0:12]{0};
\addplot[name path = yAxisNeg1, draw = none] coordinates{(0, -8) (0, 0)};
\addplot[name path = yAxisNeg2, draw = none] coordinates{(-12, -8) (-12, 0)};
\addplot[name path = yAxisPos1, draw = none] coordinates{(0, 0) (0, 8)};
\addplot[name path = yAxisPos2, draw = none] coordinates{(12, 0) (12, 8)};
\addplot[name path= yMax,thick, draw = none, domain=ln(1+(lambda*a*8)/(lambda + 2*a*8))/a^2 - 8/a:0] {8};
\addplot[name path= yMin,thick, draw = none, domain= 0:-ln(1-(lambda*a*8)/(lambda - 2*a*8))/a^2 - 8/a] {-8};
%yMax and yMin are used so that the second quadrant above s1 and the fourth quadrant below s2 are respectively properly colored
\addplot[color = blue,fill opacity=0.2]fill between[of= ZeroSwCurveX2Pos and xAxisNeg];
\addplot[color = blue,fill opacity=0.2]fill between[of= yAxisNeg1 and yAxisNeg2]; %colors the third quadrant
% \addplot[color = blue, fill opacity = 0.2] fill between[
% of = yMin and FinSwCurveX2Neg]; %For some reason, the blue color doesn't clip off at the y-axis, but rather goes past it
\path [name path=BC,%draw=cyan,thick,->,
fill = blue, fill opacity = 0.2,
intersection segments={of=FinSwCurveX2Neg and negative y axis,
sequence={A0 -- B1}, },] -- cycle;
\addplot[color = red,fill opacity=0.2]fill between[of= ZeroSwCurveX2Neg and xAxisPos]; %colors entire third quadrant blue
\addplot[color = red,fill opacity=0.2]fill between[of= yAxisPos1 and yAxisPos2]; %colors entire first quadrant red
\addplot[color = red,fill opacity=0.2]fill between[of= yMax and FinSwCurveX2Pos];