我要将一篇有多位作者(超过 4 位)的论文放在两行中,他们的名字必须分开。他们也有多个隶属关系,这就是我想使用 authblk 包的原因。但是,我不知道如何将作者姓名放在多行中。这可能吗?谢谢
\vskip 2em%
\let \footnote \thanks
{\LARGE \@title \par}%
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{\large \@date}%
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\vspace{8 pt}
\author[1]{Author 1}
\author[2]{Author 2}
\author[3]{Author 3}
\author[4]{Author 4}
\author[5]{Author 5}
\author[1]{Author 6}
\author[1]{Author 7}
\author[1]{Author 8}
\author[1]{Author 9}
\author[1]{Author 10}
\author[1]{Author 11}
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\author[1]{Author 14}
\author[1]{Author 15}
\author[1]{Author 16}
\author[1]{Author 17}
\author[1]{Author 18}
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\author[1]{Author 31}
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\author[1]{Author 34}
\author[1]{Author 35}
\author[1]{Author 36}
\author[1]{Author 37}
\author[1]{Author 38}
\author[1]{Author 39}
\author[1]{Author 40}
\affil[1]{Affiliation 1}
\affil[2]{Affiliation 2}
\affil[3]{Affiliation 3}
\affil[4]{Affiliation 4}
\affil[5]{Affiliation 5}
\maketitle }
另一种选择如@AlanMunn 所定义——https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/381562/197451
%%%% Proceedings format for most of ACM conferences (with the exceptions listed below) and all ICPS volumes.
% Use this command to add an existing supplemental affiliation to an author
% \addauthornote{1} adds n-th additional affiliation mark.
\usepackage{booktabs} % For formal tables
\acmConference[THIS '17]{Some ACM Conference}{July 2017}{Anywhere, USA}
\title{My Title}
\author{Author One}
\institution{Author 1 Secondary Organization}
\institution{My Company}
\streetaddress{1234 Here Ave}
\email{[email protected]}
\author{Author Two}
\institution{Author 2 Secondary Organization}
\institution{My Company}
\streetaddress{1234 Here Ave}
\email{[email protected]}
\author{Author Three}
\institution{Other Company}
\streetaddress{5678 There St}
\email{[email protected]}
\author{Author Four}
\institution{Other Company}
\streetaddress{5678 There St}
\email{[email protected]}
Here is my abstract
\keywords{this, that, another}