![tikzposter:如何水平移动 tikz 图形?](https://linux22.com/image/413042/tikzposter%EF%BC%9A%E5%A6%82%E4%BD%95%E6%B0%B4%E5%B9%B3%E7%A7%BB%E5%8A%A8%20tikz%20%E5%9B%BE%E5%BD%A2%EF%BC%9F.png)
以下 tikzposter 中的图形出现在一个块的右侧。如何将图形向左或向中间移动?
\documentclass[25pt, a0paper, landscape, margin=0mm, innermargin=15mm,
blockverticalspace=15mm, colspace=15mm, subcolspace=8mm]
{tikzposter} %Default values for poster format options.
\tikzposterlatexaffectionproofon %shows small comment on how the poster was made at bottom of poster
treenode/.style = {align=center, inner sep=0pt, text centered, font=\sffamily},
arn_n/.style = {treenode, circle, white, font=\sffamily\bfseries, draw=black, fill=black, text width=1.5em},
arn_r/.style = {treenode, circle, red, draw=red, text width=1.5em, very thick},
arn_x/.style = {treenode, rectangle, draw=black, minimum width=2.5cm, minimum height=1.5cm},
arn_t/.style = {draw, black, regular polygon, regular polygon sides = 3, inner sep = 1pt},
repository/.style = {draw=black, cylinder,thick,aspect=0.1, minimum height=1cm, minimum width=1.5cm, shape border rotate=90, cylinder uses custom fill, cylinder body fill=red!30, cylinder end fill=red!10}
% Commands
\newcommand{\bs}{\textbackslash} % backslash
\newcommand{\cmd}[1]{{\bf \color{red}#1}} % highlights command
% Title, Author, Institute
\title {Title}
\author {Authors}
\institute {Institute}
\begin{columns} %blocks will be placed into columns
% \texttt{Attribute Authorities (AA): Issuers, Subscribers}//
\begin{tikzpicture} [ ->,
% baseline=-25ex,
baseline={ ( [yshift={0ex}, xshift={-25ex}] current bounding box.north)},
level/.style={sibling distance = 10cm/#1},
level 1/.append style={sibling distance = 15cm, level distance = 4.0cm},
level 2/.append style={level distance = 7.0cm},
\node [arn_r] [label={[label distance=0cm]90:$\mathtt{R}$}] (r) {$\wedge$}
child { node [arn_r] [label={[label distance=0cm]0:${\mathtt{R_S}}$}] (rl) {$\wedge$}
child{ node [arn_t] (rll){$\mathtt{A_{R1}}$}
child{ node [arn_t] (rlr) {$\mathtt{A_{Rn}}$}
child{ node [arn_r] [label={[label distance=0cm]0:${\mathtt{R_I}}$}] (rr) {$\wedge$}
child{ node [arn_t] (rrl) {$\mathtt{A_{R1}}$}
child{ node [arn_t] (rrr) {$\mathtt{A_{Rn}}$}
\node [draw, dashed, rounded corners=15pt, inner xsep=15mm, inner ysep=5mm, fit=(rll)(rlr)(rl), thick] (r1) {};
\node [ rounded rectangle, rounded corners=15pt, below=0.2cm of r1, minimum width=11cm, minimum height=0.5cm, align=center] (ct1)
${\mathtt{CTtok_{S_{iv}}} =} \begin{cases}
\quad {\mathcal{T}_{S_{iv}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C1_S} = \mathtt{e(g, g)}^{\upalpha \mathtt{r_s}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C2_S} = \mathtt{g}^{\upbeta \mathtt{r_s}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C3_{S_y} = g^{q_y(0)}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C4_{S_y} = H(\mathtt{attr(y)})^{q_y(0)}}}\\
\end{rcases} {\!\scriptscriptstyle\mathtt{\forall\ y \in Y_S}}\\
} ;
\node [draw, dashed, rounded corners=15pt, inner xsep=15mm, inner ysep=3mm, fit=(rrl)(rrr)(rr), thick] (r2) {};
\node [rounded rectangle, rounded corners=15pt, below=0.2cm of r2, minimum width=11cm, minimum height=0.5cm, align=center] (ct2)
${\mathtt{CTtok_{I_{iv}}} =} \begin{cases}
\quad {\mathcal{T}_{\mathtt{{I_{iv}}}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C1_I} = \mathtt{e(g, g)}^{\upalpha \mathtt{r_i}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C2_I} = \mathtt{g}^{\upbeta \mathtt{r_i}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C3_{I_y} = g^{q_y(0)}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C4_{I_y} = H(\mathtt{attr(y)})^{q_y(0)}}}\\
\end{rcases} {\!\scriptstyle{\mathtt{\forall\ y \in Y_I}}}\\
} ;
\node [ dashed, rounded corners=15pt, inner xsep=-2.5cm, inner ysep=12mm, fit=(rrr)(r)(rll)(ct1)(ct2), thick] (r3) {};
\node [rounded rectangle, rounded corners=15pt, below=0.2cm of r3, minimum width=23cm, minimum height=0.5cm, align=center] (ct3)
${\mathtt{CTtok_{iv}}\ =\ } \begin{cases}
\quad {\mathcal{T}_{iv}\ =\ \mathcal{T}_{S_{iv}} \cup \mathcal{T}_{I_{iv}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C1}\ =\ \mathtt{C1_S}\ .\ \mathtt{C1_I}\ \ \ \ =\ \mathtt{e(g, g)}^{\upalpha \mathtt{r_s}}\mathtt{e(g, g)}^{\upalpha \mathtt{r_i}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C2}\ =\ \mathtt{C2_S}\ .\ \mathtt{C2_I}\ \ \ \ =\ \mathtt{g}^{\upbeta \mathtt{r_s}}\mathtt{g}^{\upbeta \mathtt{r_i}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C3\ =\ C3_{S_y} \cup C3_{I_y}}\ =\ \mathtt{g^{q_y(0)}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C4\ =\ C4_{S_y} \cup C4_{I_y}}\ =\ \mathtt{H(\mathtt{attr(y)})^{q_y(0)}}}\\
\end{rcases} {\!\scriptscriptstyle\forall\ y \in Y_S \cup Y_I}\\
} ;
\node [above, inner sep=4cm] at (r1.south) {\large ${\mathcal{T}_S}_{iv}$};
\node [above, inner sep=4cm] at (r2.south) {\large ${\mathcal{T}_I}_{iv}$};
\node [below, inner sep=1cm] at (r.south) {\large ${\mathcal{T}_{iv}}$};
%% End of file `tikzposter-example.tex'.
比块更宽,导致它在右侧突出。左侧的空白来自您rounded rectangle,rounded corners=15pt
( ct1
rounded corners
\documentclass[25pt, a0paper, landscape, margin=0mm, innermargin=15mm,
blockverticalspace=15mm, colspace=15mm, subcolspace=8mm]
{tikzposter} %Default values for poster format options.
\tikzposterlatexaffectionproofon %shows small comment on how the poster was made at bottom of poster
treenode/.style = {align=center, inner sep=0pt, text centered, font=\sffamily},
arn_n/.style = {treenode, circle, white, font=\sffamily\bfseries, draw=black, fill=black, text width=1.5em},
arn_r/.style = {treenode, circle, red, draw=red, text width=1.5em, very thick},
arn_x/.style = {treenode, rectangle, draw=black, minimum width=2.5cm, minimum height=1.5cm},
arn_t/.style = {draw, black, regular polygon, regular polygon sides = 3, inner sep = 1pt},
repository/.style = {draw=black, cylinder,thick,aspect=0.1, minimum height=1cm, minimum width=1.5cm, shape border rotate=90, cylinder uses custom fill, cylinder body fill=red!30, cylinder end fill=red!10}
% Commands
\newcommand{\bs}{\textbackslash} % backslash
\newcommand{\cmd}[1]{{\bf \color{red}#1}} % highlights command
% Title, Author, Institute
\title {Title}
\author {Authors}
\institute {Institute}
\begin{columns} %blocks will be placed into columns
% \texttt{Attribute Authorities (AA): Issuers, Subscribers}//
\begin{tikzpicture} [ ->,%every node/.append style={draw},
% baseline=-25ex,
baseline={ ( [yshift={0ex}, xshift={-25ex}] current bounding box.north)},
level/.style={sibling distance = 10cm/#1},
level 1/.append style={sibling distance = 15cm, level distance = 4.0cm},
level 2/.append style={level distance = 7.0cm},
\node [arn_r] [label={[label distance=0cm]90:$\mathtt{R}$}] (r) {$\wedge$}
child { node [arn_r] [label={[label distance=0cm]0:${\mathtt{R_S}}$}] (rl) {$\wedge$}
child{ node [arn_t] (rll){$\mathtt{A_{R1}}$}
child{ node [arn_t] (rlr) {$\mathtt{A_{Rn}}$}
child{ node [arn_r] [label={[label distance=0cm]0:${\mathtt{R_I}}$}] (rr) {$\wedge$}
child{ node [arn_t] (rrl) {$\mathtt{A_{R1}}$}
child{ node [arn_t] (rrr) {$\mathtt{A_{Rn}}$}
\node [draw, dashed, rounded corners=15pt, inner xsep=15mm, inner ysep=5mm, fit=(rll)(rlr)(rl), thick] (r1) {};
% replaced the rounded corners stuff with font=\normalsize
\node [ below=0.2cm of r1, font=\normalsize,minimum width=11cm, minimum height=0.5cm, align=center] (ct1)
${\mathtt{CTtok_{S_{iv}}} =} \begin{cases}
\quad {\mathcal{T}_{S_{iv}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C1_S} = \mathtt{e(g, g)}^{\upalpha \mathtt{r_s}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C2_S} = \mathtt{g}^{\upbeta \mathtt{r_s}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C3_{S_y} = g^{q_y(0)}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C4_{S_y} = H(\mathtt{attr(y)})^{q_y(0)}}}\\
\end{rcases} {\!\scriptscriptstyle\mathtt{\forall\ y \in Y_S}}\\
} ;
\node [draw, dashed, rounded corners=15pt, inner xsep=15mm, inner ysep=3mm, fit=(rrl)(rrr)(rr), thick] (r2) {};
% replaced the rounded corners stuff with font=\normalsize
\node [below=0.2cm of r2,font=\normalsize, minimum width=11cm, minimum height=0.5cm, align=center] (ct2)
${\mathtt{CTtok_{I_{iv}}} =} \begin{cases}
\quad {\mathcal{T}_{\mathtt{{I_{iv}}}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C1_I} = \mathtt{e(g, g)}^{\upalpha \mathtt{r_i}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C2_I} = \mathtt{g}^{\upbeta \mathtt{r_i}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C3_{I_y} = g^{q_y(0)}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C4_{I_y} = H(\mathtt{attr(y)})^{q_y(0)}}}\\
\end{rcases} {\!\scriptstyle{\mathtt{\forall\ y \in Y_I}}}\\
} ;
\node [ dashed, rounded corners=15pt, inner xsep=-2.5cm, inner ysep=12mm, fit=(rrr)(r)(rll)(ct1)(ct2), thick] (r3) {};
\node [rounded rectangle, rounded corners=15pt, below=0.2cm of r3, minimum width=23cm, minimum height=0.5cm, align=center] (ct3)
${\mathtt{CTtok_{iv}}\ =\ } \begin{cases}
\quad {\mathcal{T}_{iv}\ =\ \mathcal{T}_{S_{iv}} \cup \mathcal{T}_{I_{iv}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C1}\ =\ \mathtt{C1_S}\ .\ \mathtt{C1_I}\ \ \ \ =\ \mathtt{e(g, g)}^{\upalpha \mathtt{r_s}}\mathtt{e(g, g)}^{\upalpha \mathtt{r_i}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C2}\ =\ \mathtt{C2_S}\ .\ \mathtt{C2_I}\ \ \ \ =\ \mathtt{g}^{\upbeta \mathtt{r_s}}\mathtt{g}^{\upbeta \mathtt{r_i}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C3\ =\ C3_{S_y} \cup C3_{I_y}}\ =\ \mathtt{g^{q_y(0)}}}\\
\quad {\mathtt{C4\ =\ C4_{S_y} \cup C4_{I_y}}\ =\ \mathtt{H(\mathtt{attr(y)})^{q_y(0)}}}\\
\end{rcases} {\!\scriptscriptstyle\forall\ y \in Y_S \cup Y_I}\\
} ;
\node [above, inner sep=4cm] at (r1.south) {\large ${\mathcal{T}_S}_{iv}$};
\node [above, inner sep=4cm] at (r2.south) {\large ${\mathcal{T}_I}_{iv}$};
\node [below, inner sep=1cm] at (r.south) {\large ${\mathcal{T}_{iv}}$};