标题中的 flushleft 可以编译,但会出现错误

标题中的 flushleft 可以编译,但会出现错误


\usepackage[justification=centering, labelfont=bf]{caption}

    \framebox{\parbox{0.7\linewidth}{\includegraphics[width= \linewidth]{Picture.jpg}}}

    \caption{\textbf{Title if you will but centred and bold}

    Fairly concise but slightly longer description of the figure but all text to be aligned to the left 
    margin as per the main body of text.






1) 引线后没有使用合适的胶水。

\hfill l.7 ...e {James2006}. \end {flushleft}\relax }}{5} % 您应该说 `\leaders '。我找到了 ,但没有合适的 ,所以我忽略了这些领导者。


2)LaTeX 错误:出现问题 - 也许缺少 \item。

我有很多数字,在对第一个数字执行此操作后,其余数字就无法正常工作。我将非常感激任何建议 :)




\usepackage[justification=centering, labelfont=bf, font=bf]{caption}

\usepackage{showframe} % remove in actual document
\renewcommand*\ShowFrameColor{\color{red}}  % remove in actual document

            \includegraphics[width= \linewidth]{Picture.jpg}
            \caption{Title if you will but centred and bold}
                Fairly concise but slightly longer description of the figure but all text to be aligned to the left 
                margin as per the main body of text.

        \includegraphics[width= \linewidth]{Picture.jpg}
            \caption{Title if you will but centred and bold}
                Fairly concise but slightly longer description of the figure but all text to be aligned to the left 
                margin as per the main body of text.

            \includegraphics[width= \linewidth]{Picture.jpg}
        \caption{Title if you will but centred and bold}
            Fairly concise but slightly longer description of the figure but all text to be aligned to the left 
            margin as per the main body of text.

    \framebox{\parbox{0.7\linewidth}{\includegraphics[width= \linewidth]{Picture.jpg}}}

    \caption{Title if you will but centred and bold}\label{mylabel4}

    Fairly concise but slightly longer description of the figure but all text to be aligned to the left 
    margin as per the main body of text.



\usepackage[justification=centering, font=bf]{caption}


    \caption{Title if you will but centred and bold}

     Fairly concise but slightly longer description of the figure but all text to be aligned to the left margin as per the main body of text.

