当我放入包 glossarie 时 minitoc 不起作用

当我放入包 glossarie 时 minitoc 不起作用

我放置 \printglossary 后 minitoc 不工作,为什么?

\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{report} %We are creating a report

\usepackage[nopostdot,nogroupskip,style=super,nonumberlist,toc,automake,toc]{glossaries} %Load glossaries package


%Here we define a set of example acronyms
\newglossaryentry{Aaa}{name={AAA},description={First abbreviation}}
\newglossaryentry{Bbb}{name={BBB},description={Second abbreviation}}
\newglossaryentry{Ccc}{name={CCC},description={Third abbreviation}}



\printglossary[title={List of Abbreviations}] %Generate List of Abbreviations

\chapter{Sample Chapter}
Here we are using the first abbreviation \gls{Aaa}. This is our second abbreviation \gls{Bbb}. The last one is \gls{Ccc}


请帮我 !!
