
我正在使用这个序言作为模板 PomonaLgcsFormatting.tex:
%%% This file is the preamble for the Pomona Linguistics LaTeX Paper Template, which is also used for the Quick Reference Guide. If you are brand new to writing with LaTeX, we suggest NOT messing with it, and just writing your paper using the Paper Template. If you are getting more comfortable in LaTeX and want to add packages and commands, this is where you do it (when using this template).
%For stacking text, used here in autosegmental diagrams
%To combine rows in tables
%geometry helps manage margins, among other things.
%Gives some extra formatting options, e.g. underlining/strikeout
%For putting links into papers, also helps make cross-references in the paper smart references
\usepackage[colorlinks = true,
linkcolor = blue,
urlcolor = blue,
citecolor = blue,
anchorcolor = blue]{hyperref} %smarter cross-references, these options turn links blue
%Use package/command below to create a double-spaced document, if you want one. Uncomment BOTH the package and the command (\doublespacing) to create a doublespaced document, or leave them as is to have a single-spaced document.
%paragraph formatting
\setlength{\parskip}{5pt} %plus 1 minus 1}
%use for special OT tableaux symbols like bomb and sad face. must be loaded early on because it doesn't play well with some other packages
%Basic math symbols
%%%Gives shortcuts for glossing. The use of this package is NOT explained in the Quick Reference Guide, but the documentation is on CTAN for those that are interested. MJKD finds it handy for glossing. (https://ctan.org/pkg/leipzig?lang=en)
\usepackage{caption} %For table captions
\usepackage{booktabs} %helps format tables
%For citations and bibliography - as of 9.1.2019 we don't explain citations in this Quick Reference Guide, but Pedro Martin's tutorial does (see links in the Guide).
%For OT-style tableaux
\usepackage[no-math]{fontspec} %This allows you to enter (via an IPA kayboard) IPA fonts and other symbols directly into LaTeX. Requires a particular setyp, see below.
\usepackage{libertine} %A font that actually contains many IPA symbols. This is the font you see in the preview to the right.
%to use these fonts, be sure that your typesetting engine is set to "XeLaTeX." In Overleaf, go to the Menu link on the top left (by the Overleaf icon), and under Settings be sure that the Compiler is set to "XeLaTeX." If you accessed this document via the Overleaf Pomona Linguistics template, all of this was already done for you.
%The Pomona Linguistics Paper Template in Overleaf is already set up for this, but you may run into this problem if you start building your own documents.
%highlights text with \hl{text}
\usepackage{color, soul}
%Drawing Syntax Trees
%This specifies some formatting for the forest trees to make them nicer to look at
nice nodes/.style={
for tree={
inner sep=0pt,
default preamble=nice nodes,
%% For numbered and glossed examples %%
%Changes the \maketitle command to be smaller and take up less space on a page.
\def\@maketitle{ % custom maketitle
\noindent {\Large \bfseries \color{black} \@title} \\ \hrule \noindent \@author \\ \@date
%The code below will draw a circle around a piece of text. This is very useful for drawing attention to a word in a data example. use the command \circled{text} where the argument (`text' here) is what you want to be circled. This is illustrated in the Quick Reference Guide and the Paper Template.
\node[draw, rounded corners, text height=8pt, text depth=2pt, inner sep=2pt, outer sep=0pt, use as bounding box] (word) {#1};
% Useful Ling Shortcuts
%\RequirePackage{mathtools} % for \mathrlap
% % % Shortcuts (borrowed from JZ, I'm still unsure exactly what xspace requires)
%This makes the \emptyset command be a nicer one
%Not all of these are explained in the Quick Reference Guide, but they are here bc they are relevant to some of our students.
\newcommand{\Lb}[1]{$\text{[}_{\text{#1}}$ } %A more convenient left bracket
\newcommand{\Rb}[1]{$\text{]}_{\text{#1}}$ } %A more convenient left bracket
\newcommand{\Abar}{A$'$-} %A more convenient A-bar notation
\newcommand{\ph}{$\varphi$\xspace} %A more convenient phi
\newcommand{\subs}[1]{\textsubscript{#1}} %A more convenient subscript
%\newcommand{\hd}{$^{\circ}$\xspace} %Symbol for printing head / degree symbol
\newcommand{\spells}{$\Longleftrightarrow$} %spellout arrow for morph spellout rules
\newcommand{\tr}[1]{\textit{t}\textsubscript{\textit{#1}}} %easy traces with subscript
% Abbreviations for glossing, based on Leipzig
\newleipzig{sm}{sm}{subject marker}
\newleipzig{om}{om}{object marker}
\newleipzig{ascl}{ascl}{assertive subject clitic}
\newleipzig{nascl}{nascl}{non-assertive subject clitic}
\newleipzig{ta}{ta}{tense and/or aspect}
\newleipzig{assoc}{assoc}{associative marker}
%\newleipzig{whprt}{wh}{\wh particle}
\newleipzig{sa}{sa}{subject agreement}
\newleipzig{rcm}{rcm}{reciprocal marker}
%\newleipzig{}{}{} %this is just to copy for when I want to add more
%A couple of packages that seemed to prefer being called toward the end of the preamble
%This package provides macros for typesetting SPE-style phonological rules.
%For using Greek letters outside of math mode.
%Random, lets us use the XeLaTeX logo. Not important to the template at all.
%% This is the end of the PREAMBLE
{ \input{figures/test.pdf_tex} }
并且“test.pdf_tex”由Inkscape(版本Inkscape 0.92.5(2060ec1f9f,2020-04-08))生成:
%% Creator: Inkscape inkscape 0.92.5, www.inkscape.org
%% PDF/EPS/PS + LaTeX output extension by Johan Engelen, 2010
%% Accompanies image file 'algebraic-vof-problems.pdf' (pdf, eps, ps)
%% To include the image in your LaTeX document, write
%% \input{<filename>.pdf_tex}
%% instead of
%% \includegraphics{<filename>.pdf}
%% To scale the image, write
%% \def\svgwidth{<desired width>}
%% \input{<filename>.pdf_tex}
%% instead of
%% \includegraphics[width=<desired width>]{<filename>.pdf}
%% Images with a different path to the parent latex file can
%% be accessed with the `import' package (which may need to be
%% installed) using
%% \usepackage{import}
%% in the preamble, and then including the image with
%% \import{<path to file>}{<filename>.pdf_tex}
%% Alternatively, one can specify
%% \graphicspath{{<path to file>/}}
%% For more information, please see info/svg-inkscape on CTAN:
%% http://tug.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/svg-inkscape
\errmessage{(Inkscape) Color is used for the text in Inkscape, but the package 'color.sty' is not loaded}%
\errmessage{(Inkscape) Transparency is used (non-zero) for the text in Inkscape, but the package 'transparent.sty' is not loaded}%
\newcommand*\fsize{\dimexpr\f@size pt\relax}%
\setlength{\unitlength}{\unitlength * \real{\svgscale}}%
\put(0.13680795,0.93333427){\color[rgb]{0,0,0}\makebox(0,0)[lt]{\lineheight{1.25}\smash{\begin{tabular}[t]{l}$\alpha = 1$\end{tabular}}}}%
\put(0.60803537,0.93485421){\color[rgb]{0,0,0}\makebox(0,0)[lt]{\lineheight{1.25}\smash{\begin{tabular}[t]{l}$\alpha = 0$\end{tabular}}}}%
当我使用“lualatex main.tex”编译“main.tex”时生成此错误:
! Missing \endcsname inserted.
<to be read again>
l.26 ...nput{figures/test.pdf_tex}
第 8 页的文档提供了可以解决您的问题的解决方案:
在加载 gb4e 软件包后立即在前言中添加命令来禁用它。您也可以稍后使用命令重新启用它\automath
。[添加于 2009/12/28]