删除 /cvitem 上的自动对齐

删除 /cvitem 上的自动对齐

在文档开头的“我的关于我”部分,我希望有几个 \cvitem 元素,但没有第一个“日期”参数,如下图所示。现在,第一行没有正确对齐,因为单词之间有几个空格,而我希望只有正常的间距:

\cvitem{}{Long experience in eating Pizza and sweety donuts, matress tester ,\underline{ \href{https://example.org//}{Best Dad of the alcoholic anonymous circle}}. Never Hungry. Never foolish.}







  1. 忘记下划线!然后你的链接是可断开的,你会得到一个正确的布局:

    \cvitem{}{Long experience in eating Pizza and sweety donuts, matress tester, 
      \href{https://example.org//}{Best Dad of the alcoholic anonymous circle}. 
      Never Hungry. Never foolish.}
  2. 忘记下划线,改用其他颜色。这样你的链接就可以断开,并且布局也正确:

    \cvitem{}{Long experience in eating Pizza and sweety donuts, matress tester, 
      \textcolor{red}{\href{https://example.org//}{Best Dad of the alcoholic anonymous circle}}. 
      Never Hungry. Never foolish.}
  3. 如果你坚持要加下划线(这会使你的链接成为牢不可破!) 例如,您可以使用包ragged2e来使用\RaggedRight带有连字符的命令,例如:

    \usepackage{ragged2e} % <===============================================
    \cvitem{}{\RaggedRight Long experience in eating Pizza and sweety donuts, matress tester, 
      \underline{\href{https://example.org//}{Best Dad of the alcoholic anonymous circle}}. 
      Never Hungry. Never foolish.}

在以下 MWE 中查看所有这些可能性:


% moderncv themes
\moderncvstyle{classic} % casual, classic, banking, oldstyle and fancy


\usepackage{ragged2e} % <===============================================

% personal data
\title{Resumé title}
\address{street and number}{postcode city}{country}
\email{[email protected]}
\extrainfo{additional information}
\quote{Some quote}




\cventry{year--year}{Degree}{Institution--3}{City--4}{\textit{Grade}--5}{Description--6}  % arguments 3 to 6 can be left empty

\section{Master thesis}
\cvitem{description}{Short thesis abstract}
\cvitem{}{Long experience in eating Pizza and sweety donuts, matress tester, 
  \href{https://example.org//}{Best Dad of the alcoholic anonymous circle}. 
  Never Hungry. Never foolish.}
\cvitem{}{Long experience in eating Pizza and sweety donuts, matress tester, 
  \textcolor{red}{\href{https://example.org//}{Best Dad of the alcoholic anonymous circle}}. 
  Never Hungry. Never foolish.}
\cvitem{}{\RaggedRight Long experience in eating Pizza and sweety donuts, matress tester, 
  \underline{\href{https://example.org//}{Best Dad of the alcoholic anonymous circle}}. 
  Never Hungry. Never foolish.}


生成的 pdf

在我看来,最好看的可能性是 2。您可以看到链接,因为它是彩色的,并且您得到了适当的布局。

