\begin{tabular}{l l}
\textbf{VM} & Virtual Machine\\
\textbf{AWS} & Amazon Web Services\\
\textbf{GCP} & Google Cloud Platform \\
\textbf{IaaS} & Infrastructure as a Service \\
\textbf{PaaS} & Platform as a Service \\
\textbf{SaaS} & Software as a Service \\
\textbf{AaaS} & Authentication as a Service \\
\textbf{CaaS} & Communication as a Service \\
\textbf{EC2} & Proprietary Technology of Amazon,Stands for Elastic Compute Cloud \\
\textbf{DaaS} & Desktop as a Service \\
\textbf{Multi Tenant} & Multi tenant is a phrase used to describe multiple customers using same cloud \\
\textbf{Private Cloud} & Used to describe cloud implemented within corporate firewall.\\
\textbf{Public Cloud} & Refers to cloud services provided to users over internet to any one who\\ purchases the service.\\
\textbf{Public Cloud} & Refers to cloud services provided to users over internet to any one who\\ purchases the service.\\
purchases the service.
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\usepackage{tabularx} % for 'tabularx' env. and 'X' col. type
\section*{List of Abbreviations}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} l X @{}}
VM & Virtual Machine\\
AWS & Amazon Web Services\\
GCP & Google Cloud Platform \\
IaaS & Infrastructure as a Service \\
PaaS & Platform as a Service \\
SaaS & Software as a Service \\
AaaS & Authentication as a Service \\
CaaS & Communication as a Service \\
EC2 & Proprietary Technology of Amazon, Stands for Elastic Compute Cloud \\
DaaS & Desktop as a Service \\
Multi Tenant & Multi tenant is a phrase used to describe multiple customers using same cloud \\
Private Cloud & Used to describe cloud implemented within corporate firewall\\
Public Cloud & Refers to cloud services provided to users over internet to any one who purchases the service\\