缺失数字,视为零。\begin{tabularx}{| @{}X | @{}X | @{}X |}

缺失数字,视为零。\begin{tabularx}{| @{}X | @{}X | @{}X |}

这是我的练习表,是我在看了一些 YouTube 视频和阅读后写的wikibooks 表格教程。 这不会生成 pdf


%round-mode = places,
%round-precision = 2, 

\begin{tabularx}{| @{}X | @{}X | @{}X |}
\textbf{Value 1} & \textbf{Value 2} & \textbf{Value 3}\\
$\alpha$ & $\beta$ & $\gamma$ \\
1 & 1110.1 & a \\
2 & 10.1  & b \\
3 & 23.113231 & c \\
\caption{Your first label}
Second table
\begin{table} [h!]
\begin{tabular}{|r | l |}
    7C0 & hexadecimal \\
    3700 & octal \\
    \cline{2-2} 11111000000 & binary \\
\caption{Your second label}

    boring cell content & \parbox[t]{5cm}{rather long par\\new par}

\begin{tabular}{c c}
    & description
    \\ \hline


line 15: Missing number, treated as zero. \begin{tabularx}{| @{}X | @{}X | @{}X |}
line 15: Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted). \begin{tabularx}{| @{}X | @{}X | @{}X |}
line 24: Package array Error: Illegal pream-token (\hline): `c' used. \end{tabularx}
line 24: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. \end{tabularx}
line 24: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. \end{tabularx}
line 24: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. \end{tabularx}
line 24: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. \end{tabularx}
line 24: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. \end{tabularx}
line 24: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. \end{tabularx}
line 24: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. \end{tabularx}
line 24: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. \end{tabularx}
line 24: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. \end{tabularx}
line 24: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. \end{tabularx}
line 24: Package array Error: Illegal pream-token (\hline): `c' used. \end{tabularx}
line 24: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. \end{tabularx}
line 24: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. \end{tabularx}
line 24: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. \end{tabularx}
line 24: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. \end{tabularx}
line 24: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. \end{tabularx}
line 24: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. \end{tabularx}
line 24: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. \end{tabularx}
line 24: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. \end{tabularx}
line 24: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. \end{tabularx}
line 24: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. \end{tabularx}
line 51: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \item. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \endgroup inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \endgroup inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing } inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing } inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Missing \cr inserted. \begin{verbatim}
line 51: Misplaced \cr. \begin{verbatim}
line 24: X Columns too narrow (table too wide)(tabularx)
line 24: Overfull \hbox (54.77792pt too wide) in alignment




正确的语法是\begin{tabularx}{>table width here<}{>column specifiers here<}。例如:\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{XXX}





%round-mode = places,
%round-precision = 2, 


\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{| @{}X | @{}X | @{}X |} % added missing width argument \textwidth here
\textbf{Value 1} & \textbf{Value 2} & \textbf{Value 3}\\
$\alpha$ & $\beta$ & $\gamma$ \\
1 & 1110.1 & a \\
2 & 10.1  & b \\
3 & 23.113231 & c \\
\caption{syntax corrected}

\centering % removed center environment and used centering command instead. The former adds vertical white space that might be undesired
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{| X | X | X |} % Also removed @{} to prevent overlap of the text with the vertical lines
\textbf{Value 1} & \textbf{Value 2} & \textbf{Value 3}\\
$\alpha$ & $\beta$ & $\gamma$ \\
1 & 1110.1 & a \\
2 & 10.1  & b \\
3 & 23.113231 & c \\
\caption{removed overlap with vertical lines}

\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X X X} % Entirely removed vertical lines 
\toprule % replaced \hline with booktabs line
\textbf{Value 1} & \textbf{Value 2} & \textbf{Value 3}\\
$\alpha$ & $\beta$ & $\gamma$ \\
\midrule  % replaced \hline with booktabs line
1 & 1110.1 & a \\
2 & 10.1  & b \\
3 & 23.113231 & c \\
\bottomrule  % replaced \hline with booktabs line
\caption{removed vertical lines and used horizontal lines from booktabs}

\begin{tabular}{ccc} % replaced tabularx with a regular tabular. There is no need to artificially make the table wider
\textbf{Value 1} & \textbf{Value 2} & \textbf{Value 3}\\
$\alpha$ & $\beta$ & $\gamma$ \\
1 & 1110.1 & a \\
2 & 10.1  & b \\
3 & 23.113231 & c \\
\caption{replaced tabularx with tabular. no need to make the table wider}

\begin{tabular}{cS[table-format=4.6] c} % rreplacesd second column with S type column from siunits to improve alignment of numbers
\textbf{Value 1} & \textbf{Value 2} & \textbf{Value 3}\\
$\alpha$ & {$\beta$} & $\gamma$ \\ % adde {} around {$\beta$} because of non-number in S type column  
1 & 1110.1 & a \\
2 & 10.1  & b \\
3 & 23.113231 & c \\
\caption{used siunitx for second column}


Second table
\begin{table} [h!]
\centering % see table 2
\begin{tabular}{|r | l |}
    7C0 & hexadecimal \\
    3700 & octal \\
    \cline{2-2} 11111000000 & binary \\
\caption{Your second label}

    boring cell content & \parbox[t]{5cm}{rather long par\\new par}

\bigskip % just for some vertical space in the output. Do not use in actual document!

\begin{tabular}{cp{5cm}} % use a p type column here
    boring cell content & rather long par new par \\ % no need for parbox in every cell (automatic linebreak here)
        boring cell content & rather \newline long text   par new par % no need for parbox in every cell (manual linebreak)

\bigskip % just for some vertical space in the output. Do not use in actual document!

\begin{tabular}{p{3cm} c} % verbatim only works in a p type column. Adjust the width to your needs
    & description
    \\ \hline
     \verb|code| % for shorter code, use verb. For more improvement give more information about the nature of the code. More advanced packages are listings and minted. Which to use depends on the requirements and the desired output.
    & description
    \\ \hline

