我也想使用 subfigure 包来堆叠两个图形。它有点管用,只是结果分散在各处:
\subfigure[Travertines pH measurements]{\label{fig:ph_trav}\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{graph_travertine/pH_Paper_trav.eps}}
\subfigure[Indiana limestones pH measurements]{\label{fig:ph_IL} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{graph_IL/pH_Paper_IL}}
\caption{pH measurements for the Tavertines and Indiana limestone experiments. All measures have been done on sub-samples of the fluid before ICP-MS analysis. The hydrolysis of the carbonate ion generates alkalinity which increases the acid-buffering capacity of the reactant solution. Therefore, carbonate dissolution via increased \ce{CaCO3} solubility leads to the generation of carbonate ions and elevates the pH.}