LatexDiff 在处理 Tabu 标签时出现错误

LatexDiff 在处理 Tabu 标签时出现错误

我正在使用 latexdiff 生成两个文件之间的差异。执行以下代码后,我创建了新的 main.tex 文件。

latexdiff --exclude-textcmd="section,subsection" mainold.tex mainnew.tex > main.tex

现在,我在编译 main.tex 文件时遇到与 table 标签相关的错误。错误是:

\bottomrule ->\noalign 
                       {\ifnum 0=`}\fi \@aboverulesep =\aboverulesep \global...
l.1751 \end{tabu}```

I am wondering is there any way to solve this? or any way to ignore drawing the difference of the table? Instead just keep the old table, mark that as red. and add the new table in the difference file.

Any suggestion or help is welcome.
