

我制作了以下图表: 在此处输入图片描述


在这种情况下,将 May 更改为 Mei(Mar = Mac、Aug = Ogos、Oct = Okt、Dec = Dis 也都需要更改,但我们仅使用一个作为示例)。






\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{
date, vix
2019-05-05, 13.66
2019-05-12, 17.86
2019-05-19, 17.26
2019-05-26, 15.76
2019-06-02, 17.85
2019-06-09, 16.83
2019-06-16, 15.79
2019-06-23, 15.00
2019-06-30, 15.73
2019-07-07, 13.21
2019-07-14, 13.28
2019-07-21, 13.50
2019-07-28, 12.62
2019-08-04, 15.67
2019-08-11, 19.83
2019-08-18, 20.07
2019-08-25, 17.35
2019-09-01, 19.17
2019-09-08, 17.07
2019-09-15, 14.61
2019-09-22, 14.49
2019-09-29, 16.24
2019-10-06, 18.30
2019-10-13, 17.99
2019-10-20, 13.97
2019-10-27, 13.77
2019-11-03, 12.83
2019-11-10, 12.67
2019-11-17, 12.69
2019-11-24, 12.71
2019-12-01, 11.95
2019-12-08, 14.76
2019-12-15, 14.62
2019-12-22, 12.40
2019-12-29, 12.84
2020-01-05, 13.77
2020-01-12, 13.24
2020-01-19, 12.31
2020-01-26, 13.33
2020-02-02, 17.05
2020-02-09, 15.92
2020-02-16, 14.36
2020-02-23, 15.46
2020-03-01, 31.94
2020-03-08, 36.76
2020-03-15, 57.79
2020-03-22, 74.62
2020-03-29, 62.75
2020-04-05, 53.08
2020-04-12, 44.24
2020-04-19, 39.97
2020-04-26, 35.93
2020-05-03, 37.19
2020-05-08, 31.44

 % nicer legend
\pgfplotsset{/pgfplots/ybar legend/.style={
        /pgfplots/legend image code/.code={%
            \draw[ ##1,/tikz/.cd,yshift=-0.25em]
            (0cm,0cm) rectangle (0.6em,0.6em);},},
} % 

\pgfplotsset{ytick style={draw=none}, xtick style={draw = none}}
\pgfplotsset{every non boxed x axis/.append style={x axis line style=-},}


width = 9cm,
height = 7cm,
axis lines=left,
enlarge x limits={0.02,upper},
enlarge y limits={0.1, upper},
stack plots = y,
% y ticks style and label
ylabel shift = 5pt,
ytick distance = 10,
y tick label style={/pgf/number format/.cd, fixed, fixed zerofill, precision=0, /tikz/.cd},
% x axis ticks and style
xmin = 2019-05-08,
date coordinates in=x,
xtick distance = 31,
xticklabels from table={\chartthree}{date}, 
x tick label style = {rotate=90}]
axis x line shift={\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}},       
xticklabel shift={-\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/axis x line shift}},
% done with the axis, now the plots
\addplot [black, fill]
table [x=date,y=vix] from \chartthree \closedcycle;




\or Jan \or Feb \or Mac \or Apr \or Mei \or Jun  \or Jul \or Ogos
\or Sep \or Okt \or Nov \or Dis \fi}

我已将May其改为Mei,并且也完成了您提到的其他操作。:) 您还可以根据自己的选择重新定义任何其他英文名称。







\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{
    date, vix
    2019-05-05, 13.66
    2019-05-12, 17.86
    2019-05-19, 17.26
    2019-05-26, 15.76
    2019-06-02, 17.85
    2019-06-09, 16.83
    2019-06-16, 15.79
    2019-06-23, 15.00
    2019-06-30, 15.73
    2019-07-07, 13.21
    2019-07-14, 13.28
    2019-07-21, 13.50
    2019-07-28, 12.62
    2019-08-04, 15.67
    2019-08-11, 19.83
    2019-08-18, 20.07
    2019-08-25, 17.35
    2019-09-01, 19.17
    2019-09-08, 17.07
    2019-09-15, 14.61
    2019-09-22, 14.49
    2019-09-29, 16.24
    2019-10-06, 18.30
    2019-10-13, 17.99
    2019-10-20, 13.97
    2019-10-27, 13.77
    2019-11-03, 12.83
    2019-11-10, 12.67
    2019-11-17, 12.69
    2019-11-24, 12.71
    2019-12-01, 11.95
    2019-12-08, 14.76
    2019-12-15, 14.62
    2019-12-22, 12.40
    2019-12-29, 12.84
    2020-01-05, 13.77
    2020-01-12, 13.24
    2020-01-19, 12.31
    2020-01-26, 13.33
    2020-02-02, 17.05
    2020-02-09, 15.92
    2020-02-16, 14.36
    2020-02-23, 15.46
    2020-03-01, 31.94
    2020-03-08, 36.76
    2020-03-15, 57.79
    2020-03-22, 74.62
    2020-03-29, 62.75
    2020-04-05, 53.08
    2020-04-12, 44.24
    2020-04-19, 39.97
    2020-04-26, 35.93
    2020-05-03, 37.19
    2020-05-08, 31.44

% nicer legend
\pgfplotsset{/pgfplots/ybar legend/.style={
        /pgfplots/legend image code/.code={%
            \draw[ ##1,/tikz/.cd,yshift=-0.25em]
            (0cm,0cm) rectangle (0.6em,0.6em);},},
} % 

\pgfplotsset{ytick style={draw=none}, xtick style={draw = none}}
\pgfplotsset{every non boxed x axis/.append style={x axis line style=-},}

    \edef\mymonth{#5}} % new definition

% this is the code which redefines the months
    \or Jan \or Feb \or Mar \or Apr \or Mei \or Jun  \or Jul \or Ogos
    \or Sep \or Okt \or Nov \or Dis \fi}

width = 9cm,
height = 7cm,
axis lines=left,
enlarge x limits={0.02,upper},
enlarge y limits={0.1, upper},
stack plots = y,
% y ticks style and label
ylabel shift = 5pt,
ytick distance = 10,
y tick label style={/pgf/number format/.cd, fixed, fixed zerofill, precision=0, /tikz/.cd},
% x axis ticks and style
xmin = 2019-05-08,
date coordinates in=x,
xtick distance = 31,
xticklabels from table={\chartthree}{date}, 
    \CustomMonthName{\mymonth}--\myshortyear}, % redefined command for xticks
x tick label style = {rotate=90}]
axis x line shift={\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}},       
xticklabel shift={-\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/axis x line shift}},
% done with the axis, now the plots
\addplot [black, fill]
table [x=date,y=vix] from \chartthree \closedcycle;





% make sure dateplot lib is loaded first

% redefine pgfcalendar internals
% defined in file pgfcalendar.code.tex
  \pgfutil@translate{\ifcase#1\or Jan\or Feb\or Mar\or Apr\or
    % here I have changed "May" to "Mei" as an example
    Mei\or Jun\or Jul\or Aug\or Sep\or Oct\or
    Nov\or Dec\fi}%


dateplot包的库利用pgfplots了包pgfcalendar的库提供的内部宏tikz。由于这些内部宏已经\translatetranslator包中使用,因此您只需提供更多翻译即可。这适用于库的每种用途 pgfcalendar,因此我个人推荐它。


\languagepath{Indonesian} % here I guess OP uses Indonesian
% more \deftranslation lines to translate other months into Indonesian


要将此翻译用于多个文件,您可以根据以下内容.tex定义一个新的词典文件translator-months-dictionary-Indonesian.dicttranslator-months-dictionary-English.dict. 请参阅用户手册translator包裹。
